
提交者: 奇蹟課程中文部 日期: 2008/5/5 19:23:14 閱讀: 346

摘要: Paul向Raj抱怨:我難以將你所教的落實到日常生活中,它缺乏一種實用性…Raj回答:你思索這些問題之前,沒有「先」與我心靈共融合一…你是從小我的觀點…考量問題,那只是徒然消耗時間,讓你繼續無知下去…

作者:Rajpur/ 翻譯 林慧如 / 若水 修訂

傳述:Rajpur 作者:Paul/ 翻譯 林慧如 / 若水 修訂

Paul:  There are still many unanswered questions.  And when I consider them, it all becomes very confusing, and I even question whether the questions are valid, or whether they, themselves, constitute a distraction.


As you can see, I am confused.  Nevertheless, I obviously need to know more.  I will say that my confusion lies in the lack of being able to make a connection between what you are saying and the meeting of our daily needs, or the practical aspects of, let us say, putting out the Newsletter, or any publications, the distribution of the materials, et cetera.  Anyway, help me get my nose pointed in the right direction.


Raj:  Paul, the problem is that you start considering the questions before you have joined in Communion with me.  And thus, you are considering the questions from the standpoint of the ego, from the standpoint of thinking and reasoning and coming to conclusions—the time-worn process of remaining ignorant.  So, do not be surprised.  And also, do not take the distress associated with this process as valid.


The problem is that you only consciously align yourself with the Homing beacon when you are going to speak with me, or when a Conversation with someone else is going to occur—a Conversation someone else is going to have with me.  And, indeed, one of your considerations has been, what if you began your day as though it were the same as approaching a Conversation.  And, Paul, you stymie yourself by trying to imagine what that would be like, or how it would work.  As you have said jokingly, "How does Raj play Pictionary?"  Or how would one Who is totally Awake play games or engage in the daily events of life?


Well, you cannot arrive at an understanding of that through logic and reasoning and figuring things out.  You must do it to find out.  And I encourage you to do it with a sense of exploration, a sense of curiosity, as always.  The elements always remain the same, Paul—the practice of becoming Centered, and then engaging curiosity, and then Listening.  In other words, being out from the awareness that is experienced as a result of being Centered with a single-minded devotion to Listening, and then Hearing—or, more accurately, Knowing what is appropriate.


Treat every event of your day as a stepping-stone or trigger to Knowing.  I will promise you that once you begin to do this, the concern you have felt about sacrificing yourself by giving your attention entirely to Listening and Hearing will dissolve completely.


Now, whenever you or anyone else engages in a Conversation with me, you are engaging in Communion.  And if you approached your day and the apparent demands of it, and the dynamics and elements of it, as though they were in Communion with me, and therefore ultimately in Communion with You, your perception would become radically altered—not only your perception of yourself, but your perception of the day and its elements or dynamics.


Treat your involvement with the many aspects of your day as a holy opportunity for the experience of Communion.

I will counter that thought by pointing out that you did not know what to expect when you first opened up to inner guidance.  And you do not have to know what to expect in order to simply embellish the experience of Communion that you are already well familiar with by embracing every other aspect of your day and night in the same way that you embrace "formal Conversations with Raj," or "Workshops."



Now, we are going to stop for a moment.  I do not want you to think about what I have said.  I want you to abide with it for a short time, here, and then we will continue.

[Short pause.]

Now, I am not going to elaborate further on this point at this time.  But I am going to encourage you to dare to treat every life experience in your day with the same reverence, the same devotion that you treat the Conversations which others have with me.




You already know that everyone comes to me for the purpose of having his/her divinity recognized.  I want you to start treating every aspect of your day in the same way, whether it is a tree that you are looking at, or an automobile, or your wife, or your son, or any aspect of your day—the bills that come in, et cetera.  Treat them as that which comes for the purpose of having its divinity recognized, not your current definition of it.  This is very important, and I encourage you to do it with some pleasure.  Have a good time with it.


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