目前分類:Deeksha.Oneness 合一祝福 (29)

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覺醒的人 行動,但不「做」任何事情,這是無法透過練習學得的;
覺醒的人 是空無的,因此擁有能力;

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每天21分鐘 Sadhana儀式~進入永久覺醒!

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7/25巴關視訊教導 及 八月份你可以如何更加的覺醒!

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Amma的生日祝福-- 「愛」宇宙的本質 愛要即時

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巴關60歲大壽 世界合一日!視訊內容翻譯及實況

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Message: It has been a wonderful journey with you all, students, givers, staff, volunteers and friends these last 4.5 years that the Oneness Center Taipei has been operating in the vision of oneness and global awakening. Our Center is undergoing a big change which is both sad and yet beautiful and inspiring. Amira who has begun this Center in February 2004, will be returning to Canada now end of November 2008. She is so happy and grateful and humbled to have had this warm welcome to Taiwan from the people here, and been blessed to do the work of Oneness here. There are so many Givers here now and the vision of Oneness is sown within each deeksha giver and in the hearts of so many touched by Oneness now. It is with immense gratitude, honor and amazement at this new crossroads, the next segment of Oneness Begins.

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「愛存在許多的面向,在不同時刻以不同的方式展現, 在親子關係中,愛以情感展現,允許孩子的恐懼、情結、 沒安全感與挫折影響你,並以智慧給予孩子幫助;在夫妻關係中, 愛是熱情與敬重,如朋友般共同渡過艱難的環境;對家庭而言, 愛是付出與給予,敏銳地覺察他人的需要;在工作中, 愛展現為承諾與追求卓越的熱情;對朋友而言, 愛是在困難的時刻給予正確忠告,在安逸的時刻一同嬉戲; 對國家而言,愛是透過整合創造財富;在生命中, 愛以勇氣與接受性來臨,拆除恐懼的圍牆,允許每個經驗流過你, 如同河水流過沙地。只有當你滋養愛的各種形式時, 生命才是完整的。所有對你的控訴,都是來自天堂的訊息, 提醒你攀上更高層次的愛。」~ Sri Amma

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