

提交者: 奇蹟課程中文部 日期: 2008/1/1 21:11:59 閱讀: 378 評分: 10.00/1

摘要: 如果《奇蹟課程》的學員都能學到了,像這樣的爭論都能夠因為實踐《課程》的信念而能治癒,是多麼大的一個迴響。這不也代表選擇療癒的奇蹟力量嗎?這不也是此刻所能做的最好的選擇嗎?

By Michael Mirdad  中譯:Kiki Lee

By Michael Mirdad

中譯:Kiki Lee

4. There has never been a verified instance of ascended masters or other advanced spiritual beings.


Are you kidding? If this were true, it would have to include Jesus. So why then is Greg bothering to study the Course?


5. DU follows other messages in the spirituality genre with extraordinary claims that do not hold up.


It’s always sad to witness the wounds that turn a skeptic into such a distrustful person. It really makes no sense to condemn Renard’s work on the grounds of previous authors turning out to be frauds. By the way, since Greg and company are calling for proof of Renard’s claims, how do we know their claim to be inspired by the Holy Spirit in their fight to save the world from Gary Renard, is vaild? What proof does he have that his inspiration does indeed come form such a Source?


6. The material in DU is similar to Ken Wapnick.

告別娑婆的內容類似於Ken Wapnick

So what?! Wapnick was good enough for Jesus to have chosen him to assist the Course’s development. That should be enough of an endorsement for others to side with Ken (and now Gary for that matter).


7. Renard’s dialog with the masters is far too cavalier and crude.


Yeah, yeah, I know…masters would never be so casual nor would they have a sense of humor…Yet I have dined with many masters, and they are usually casual and have a great sense of humor. If they didn’t, they would probably spend less time being masters and more time in serious attacks on teachers who promote love and laughter.


8. The ascended masters should be amazing beings of transcendent love and wisdom remarkably free of human foibles.


How would Greg know, especially since he says there is no proof that ascended masters exist?


9. The dialog sounds like a literary creation.


Good point, but it is coming through the author’s filters.


10. The book contains numerous factual errors, such as claiming that human beings are not related to apes.


You’ve got to be kidding. Only a narrow-minded academic would believe man has evolved from apes. Do you really believe Jesus would tell you that you came from an ape?


11. Gary ’s defenses are not convincing, nor are the defenses of others who have said that he is such a “nice guy.” But nice guys are capable of even committing murder…Besides, if a person perpetrates fraud, why should we trust him?


Wow! It’s great to know that we have an ACIM teacher/author who likens an important Course author to someone who is capable of murder. Again, you have to convict him first.

! 真是高興知道我們有這樣一個《奇蹟課程》教師也同時是作家的,將一位《課程》重要的作者比作成謀殺犯。不過,你必須先提出他的罪證才行。

12. Someone who has truly spoken to ascended masters would portray humility. But Renard is always boasting about the success of DU.


Why should Greg care what Renard says about his success?



In all fairness, a review of Gary Renard’s written defenses need to be included here.


For the most part, Gary recently offered his detractors, and all interested parties, a brilliant blow-by-blow defense that exposes many inconsistencies and un-truths. This defense has now been printed by Jon Mundy in Miracles Magazine. In a human court of law, Renard would win, hands down. But it’s worth mentioning here that he might have taken the high road (as did Ken Wapnick) and ignored those who would attack him. Nevertheless, his choice to respond may also bring about a greater good by exposing the hypocrisies that have infiltrated the Course in Miracles community (mainly some of its facilitators) and thereby turned away many from studying the Course. Alas, all is not lost. Many students of spirituality have chosen to find new ways of learning Course principles, namely by finding teachers and authors who offer fresh ways to interpret its message.

大致上來說,葛瑞最近提供給他的攻擊者,還有看熱鬧的人,精采的一對一辯護,內容揭露許多前後不一致與非事實。這篇辯護現在已刊登在Jon Mundy的奇蹟雜誌上。若在人類的法庭上,雷納贏了,就這樣。但這裡值得一提的是,他其實也可以像Ken所做的一樣,對這些對他的攻擊置之不理就好了。然而,他選擇回應,此舉,也許能因此揭露長久以來在《奇蹟課程》團體之間(主要是《課程》的傳佈者們)的一種偽善面,並因而使得許多人對《課程》裹足不前。唉呀,沒那麼無望的。許多靈修學員已經能選擇找到學習《課程》信條的新方式,即使只是從這些教師和作者他們所提供詮釋《課程》訊息的嶄新方法。

On the other hand, Gary ’s newer book, Your Immortal Reality, seems to contain less inspiring material and is more about the author’s personal and professional experiences since the success of his first book. Yes indeed, Gary ’s new book and his lengthy recent defenses seem to take every opportunity to promote himself and (as his detractors have stated) too often mentions how many books he’s sold. But we would all probably find ourselves a little tempted to do the same. Gary ’s behavior is not unlike a child who just surprised everyone and won a race that nobody even knew he had entered. He’s proud and he wants to tell everyone about it! Our job is to congratulate him and then encourage him to move on to maturing his approach. As for his detractors, they are simply mirroring the behaviors of the classic jealous siblings who want some credit of their own—a cry for love (and attention) that deserves nothing but love and forgiveness.



There are a several lessons we might all learn from this controversy. A few are as follows:


1. First of all, it should be pointed out that, for the most part, the original team of scribe and editors of ACIM (which includes Ken Wapnick) were the best of friends and those still alive, remain such. The behavior of these later students of the Course does not reflect the original intent behind the material. It’s not unlike what the church eventually did to the teachings of Jesus—although the current group seems to be accomplishing this in record time. Yet it does bring up great opportunities to apply ACIM material, thus integrating its message to an even higher level.

首先,必須先指出的是,大體來說,《奇蹟課程》當初的記錄團隊和編撰人(包括Ken),從以前至今都是一群好朋友。這些後來的《課程》學生並不反映出《課程》原本的本意。這與教會後來把耶穌的教法扭曲作法並無不同--- 雖然近來的團體似乎在短時間內就快要把耶穌的教法也給毀了。然而這件事仍是能給大家一個機會去應用《奇蹟課程》的內容,並且在更高的層次上結合《課程》的訊息。

2. There are ACIM religious purists who study and analyze the “letter of the law” in the book and there are ACIM mystics who choose to experience and understand the Course. When selecting your teacher, choose wisely.


3. If Gary ’s ascended masters really do not exist, it means they are not Real. So then why bother debating their existence—especially if one is so certain about this? Hmmm…Let’s see…Having external, written debates with entities that aren’t real…Isn’t this behavior a little schizophrenic?


4. Jesus already warned us of such behaviors as these when he said, “I do not choose God’s channels wrongly.” Jesus also mentions in the Course, “…those who seek controversy will find it. Yet those who seek clarification will find it as well. But they must be willing to overlook controversy, recognizing that it is a defense against truth.”

耶穌早就已經警告過我們這種行為,當他說:「我不會誤選上主的發聲。」。耶穌也在《課程》裡提到過, 存心找碴的人,必會如願。而有意澄清觀念的人,也會如願。他們必須甘心漠視那些爭端,認清那只是一種抵制真理的措施、故意拖延的伎倆而已。」

5. You can’t really claim to understand ACIM without understanding that Jesus was the one who dictated it. Then, once you accept this, you would have to accept the possibility that Jesus and his other fellow masters have written other materials and shared other teachings, all of which would then assist us in our understanding of some of the concepts found in the Course. Therefore, unless students and teachers open their minds to studying other Course-related materials (such as DU), such persons will remain narrow-minded and their opinionated teachings will be of little value in the long run.


6. The most important questions for all who are attacking Gary are as follows: Are you forgiving him for what you perceive in him? Are you taking any time to practice the principles of A Course in Miracles? Are you looking within at what this is bringing up for you and then forgiving yourself for your fear-based behaviors against adversaries that are not really there?


7. It’s not too late for everyone involved to make peace and choose again. Just imagine what an impact it would have if the students of ACIM learned that a dispute such as this was healed by applying the principles of the material. Would this not speak of the power of choosing the miracle of healing? Would it not be the best choice that could possibly be made at this moment?



I rarely choose to get involved with disputes such as those found in this article. I have, however, chosen in this case to do so to point out that attack is never justified and that it is possible (and not too late) to bring sanity and peace to this situation and in a loving manner. To do so may bring about a greater good for all students of ACIM and spirituality in general. In my heart I know that hidden beneath the insane, fear-based behaviors of those involved is a true dedication to ACIM and its author, Jesus. Furthermore, the individuals engaged in this controversy do indeed make a valid point that there are some ACIM authors and facilitators who lack integrity and do not accurately represent the material. But perhaps in the future, rather than attacking those with whom they disagree, a choice could be made to just peaceably part ways from such individuals and let the Holy Spirit decide their future. Furthermore, if these detractors could just choose a miracle and make the transition from analyzing the Course to applying its concepts and principles, they might take themselves (and their students) to a whole new level of understanding and experiencing ACIM and the inner teachings of Jesus himself.


Dr. Michael Mirdad, a long-time and well-known Teacher/Author, has an extensive background in Psychology, Parapsychology, and Metaphysics and is the author of The Seven Initiations of the Spiritual Path. He has worked as a Healer and Counselor to individuals and couples and has been a student and facilitator of A Course in Miracles for over 25 years. Michael is featured as a Keynote Speaker in several International Conferences and has also conducted thousands of classes, lectures, and workshops throughout the world on Mastery, Spirituality, Relationships, and Healing. Dr. Mirdad is respected as one of the most influential spiritual teachers and healers of our time. Website:    Michael Mirdad 博士是國際知名的靈修老師與靈修道路的七種啟發的作者。他投身治療與個別諮商超過25年了。Michael麥克是每年數個國際型會議的主講人,並在全世界參與上千個班級、教授和研習會,討論靈修,人際關係,治癒與《奇蹟課程》的主題。




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