Q #697: I read your answers about the sex drive and special relationships. Although I understand the metaphysics of A Course in Miracles, I sometimes find the sex impulse is overwhelming and therefore I might in those vulnerable moments go to the extent of soliciting call girls despite my being married with kids. I try not to make things a big deal and that's how I have repeatedly committed the same mistake over again. I know what is right from wrong and in those dark moments I ask the Holy Spirit for help but I guess that I choose not to listen and do what I will. How do I wean myself out of this when I enjoy what I do -- the rush of adrenaline and the secret guilt The girls I treat with respect and dignity -- an oxymoron -- while they are being used as objects of pleasure in the last analysis. How do I apply the Course to this practical problem?
Answer: The world makes distinctions between socially acceptable and socially unacceptable forms of using others, classifying the latter as wrong, sinful or even criminal. And it allows us to think that guilt is only associated with some forms of using others, but not other forms.
The Course's purpose is to help us see that all ego-based decisions to meet our needs at the expense of others cause us pain and reinforce our guilt. If we could really get the connection between the thought of separation implicit in self-interest and the pain that follows, we would soon learn to choose against the ego. But we still believe that some of our ego choices bring us more pleasure than pain.
The ego wants us to think of our actions and behavior in such moralistic terms as right or wrong, good or bad, with guilt always accompanying our wrong, bad actions. Jesus is encouraging us instead to think of our thoughts and decisions as either helpful or hurtful, wise or foolish, with unnecessary pain rather than guilt as the consequence of foolish, hurtful choices (see Question #637 for an in-depth discussion of the Course's focus on thought rather than behavior).
So rather than thinking that you know what is right and what is wrong in the situation you describe, and that you keep doing the wrong thing, it would be more helpful to consider that you are simply making the more foolish, hurtful decision. But not just when you choose to solicit call girls, but whenever you decide to put your own needs above others, whether it be your family or anyone else.
Now of course some actions run the risk of having greater negative consequences in the world's terms than others, which nicely plays into the ego's insistence that there is a hierarchy among illusions (T.23.II.2:3; T.26.VII.6:5).
不可諱言的,以這個世界的觀點來看,有些行為很可能比其他行為帶來的負面影響較大,如此正好落入小我執迷不悟的圈套中:幻覺是有大小輕重之別的。(請另外參閱 T.23.II.2:3; T.26.VII.6:5)
But all guilt is the same and it does not come from what we do with our bodies but only from what we think with our minds.
So seeking sexual satisfaction outside your marriage is not the cause of the guilt in your mind but an effect.And its purpose, which you keep hidden from yourself, is to distract you from recognizing where the real problem lies -- the choice to see yourself as separate from love.
Yet this is the decision that leads all of us to believe that we need to seek for satisfaction outside ourselves, in stolen moments of pleasure which the ego seduces us into seeing as more pleasurable simply because they are stolen. And that foolish reasoning lies at the foundation of the ego's thought system, predicated as it is on the belief that the scraps of "love" we could steal from God are better that the complete and total Love He offers us freely (T.1.V.3:3).
You mention trying not to make your infidelities into a big deal, but the problem is, in your own mind, they already are. And the goal is not to be able to continue to engage in hurtful activities without making a big deal of them, but rather to come to a recognition that they are not really the problem and that to continue to feel guilty about the external actions guarantees that you'll never address the underlying, inner problem and see it differently.
It is true that, as egos, we are all selfish and concerned about meeting our own needs at everyone else's expense. This is simply the nature of the ego thought system. But despite the selfishness that is at its roots, what Jesus is asking us to recognize is that it's not a sin, it's not evil. It may be foolish and hurtful and unkind, both to ourselves and to others in our life. But it is not a sin. It is our belief that it is sin rather than merely a mistake that keeps us caught in the repetition of any self-destructive pattern.
Without the guilt we impose on our decisions, but rather with a thoughtful, nonjudgmental examination of what we've been choosing, seeing it only as error and not as sin, we will find it easier to make the choice for a different Teacher within our mind (T.19.III.1,2,3). And the most helpful and kind behavior will naturally follow.
You may find the discussion of compulsive sexual behavior in Question #598 and sexual fidelity in Question #417 of help as well.