By Michael Mirdad
中譯:Kiki Lee
這是一篇獨立評論,乃是去年八月葛瑞的告別娑婆(暢銷全美的心靈書籍)系列2_斷輪迴(暫譯)出版之後(斷輪迴一書將由奇蹟資訊中心於2008年推出中譯本),書中點名許多美國資深教師的不法,大概刺激了許多美國奇蹟圈的人。其中有三個資深教師公開攻擊葛瑞,葛瑞行使了不保持沉默的權利,與之辯護。其中Jon Mundy,此人本是葛瑞的好友,(在中文版告別娑婆封面底大力推薦此書的那位仁兄),在攻擊不久後,2006年11月29日公開向葛瑞道歉,兩人相約共吃感恩節大餐,握手言和(咦,今天不也剛好是2007年感恩節?),並發表一篇道歉聲明於他自己的網站上,標題為:「我本來可以看見平安,而不是這樣的。」
Kiki Lee
An Independent Assessment of the recent Course "Controversy" 2007, Feb.9.
An Independent Assessment of the recent Course "Controversy"2007, Feb.9.
An Independent Assessment of the recent Course "Controversy"2007, Feb.9.
Hi Friends, I've uploaded to the files section an attachment of an article by Dr. Michael Mirdad titled, "A Course in Mega-Fools" which is about the so called "controversy" that recently took place in the Course community. For the sake of history I think it's good to have an independent source that analyzes three attack articles that were written about me and my work. Dr. Mirdad's article is not always complimentary to me, and I don't always agree with what it says. However, I believe it represents a fair analysis of the articles by Robert Perry, Greg Mackie and Jon Mundy, as well as my response.
嗨,朋友們,我已經在檔案資料庫上傳了一份文件,是Dr. Michael Mirdad 博士寫的一篇標題是「一部在超多笨蛋中的《課程》」,是有關最近發生在《課程》團體裡所謂的「爭論」。為了將來歷史的檢驗,我想能有一份獨立的資料來分析三篇攻擊我和我的作品的文章也是不錯的。Mirdad博士的文章並非對我恭維有加,而我也並不完全同意他的看法,然而,我相信這篇評論提供了包括Robert Perry, Greg Mackie 和Jon Mundy還有我的回應,總共四篇文章的一個公正的分析。
I did not solicit this article. It was sent to me independently by Dr. Mirdad, who I have only met once (at a Conference where Jon Mundy was also speaking) and I never corresponded with Dr. Mirdad until after he sent the article to me.
我並沒有去求來這篇文章。這是Mirdad博士自己寄給我的,而我只見過他一次面(在一個Jon Mundy 也發表演說的會議裡),而直到他寄這篇文章給我之前,我並沒有與他有所聯繫過。
I am helping him to circulate the article because 10 or 15 years from now, when scholars look back at the situation, they will have another source to consider, aside from my own response. Information about Dr. Mirdad is included at the end of the article. For your convenience, I'm also including a copy of the article in this posting below. If you're not interested then simply disregard it. Once again, this is just for history, i.e. the illusory record. I'll have nothing more to say about it. Be well. Gary
By Michael Mirdad
(Kiki註: 《奇蹟課程》英文叫做A COURSE IN MIRACLE )
The following is a much-needed article addressing A Course in Miracles students and all students of spirituality concerning the recent disputes between various Course-related authors and “teachers” of A Course in Miracles (also referred to as ACIM or the Course). It’s probably more appropriate to refer to most of these folks as merely “authors” (and not “teachers”) of A Course in Miracles due to their lack of application of its most important principles and because they have indeed written Course-related books.
Although this article may be of more interest to ACIM students, there are a few lessons behind these incidents that may have an affect on everyone in the spirituality movement in the following ways. (1) This situation challenges us to let some authors and self-proclaimed “teachers” of Course related materials know that it is not okay to attack others and justify it as “loving” behavior, especially since some authors have been launching such attacks for years. (2) We can see from this experience that it is possible to study even the most advanced form of spirituality and yet still fall prey to one’s ego. In other words, the ego is alive and well—even in the ACIM world. (3) It’s time for serious students of A Course in Miracles to recognize that there are some “teachers” and “scholars” of ACIM who choose to analyze and preach the material, rather than understand and experience it. They are similar to the religious fanatics that ended up crucifying one who came to demonstrate how to live these principles—Jesus. In other words, they are unconsciously attempting to make a religion of ACIM. So beware of such “Blind Guides!” (4) Despite these seemingly unfortunate developments, such events allow students of these various authors to see the humanness of their “teachers”—especially when they fail to apply the most fundamental Course principles. This awareness encourages these same students to seek out their own ways of discovering and living the principles of A Course in Miracles, thus teaching their teachers.
雖然許多《課程》的學員對此篇文章未必感到興趣,但是仍有幾個在這些事件背後的教訓,可能對每一個人的靈修進展產生如下的影響。(1)此事件促使我們反省,讓一些作家或自稱是《課程》「教師」的人知道,去攻擊別人,並將之合理化為是岀自「愛」的行為是不可以的,特別是有些作家已經如此行之有年了。(2)我們可以從此經驗看出,雖研讀了最先進形式的靈修思想,卻仍不免淪為自己小我的獵物是件可能的事。換句話說,小我依舊活生生的,安然無恙地置身於《奇蹟課程》的世界裡。(3)該是認真的《奇蹟課程》學員認清:《奇蹟課程》裡的一些所謂的「老師」和「學者」,他們選擇只是分析並講述道理,卻不去領會並體驗《課程》。他們就有如那些後來把示範體證如何去活出這些信條的人— 耶穌,送上十字架上一樣的宗教狂熱之徒。也就是說,他們下意識地企圖將《奇蹟課程》搞成一種宗教。所以大家要小心這種「盲師」!(4)除了這些狀似不幸的發展外,這些事件能讓學員們看出他們「教師」的人性面,特別是當這些老師沒有去實踐《課程》的基本原則時。這種認知能促使學員們去尋求他們自己的修道之路,並且活出《奇蹟課程》的信條,於是,這也會教育了他們的老師。
In case you haven’t heard, a book was written a few years ago (The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard) that brought a great deal of insight into the meaning and application of A Course in Miracles—one of the most influential (but sometimes complicated) spiritual books of our time. After The Disappearance of the Universe (also referred to here as DU) became such a huge success, some of the “interpreters” and/or authors on the Course seemed to develop an urge to publicly attack the material in DU and its author, Gary Renard. They now are saying that his claim to have been visited by two ascended masters, who gave him deeper insights into ACIM, is complete fiction—a lie. They also claim that although their own behavior of attacking Renard may look unloving, they feel compelled to act on behalf of the Holy Spirit to prevent students of ACIM from being led astray.
The three primary authors who are on the attack are Jon Mundy, Robert Perry, and Greg Mackie. Jon is a wonderful Course teacher (speaker and author) who publishes an ACIM related magazine called “Miracles.” He’s also been studying ACIM longer than almost anyone. Jon Mundy is a well-respected teacher of ACIM with a wealth of knowledge stretching beyond the Course. He certainly grasps the primary concepts in ACIM, possibly second only to Kenneth Wapnick himself. The latter two authors, Robert Perry and Greg Mackie, are mostly known for running a center and newsletter that analyzes the Course and for their intellectual breakdowns of the Course material. They are also known for having openly challenged the beliefs and teachings of other ACIM authors (namely Ken Wapnick) considered to be more respected and knowledgeable on the Course than they are.
三位攻擊的主要作家分別是Jon Mundy, Robert Perry, 和 Greg Mackie. Jon是個很棒的《課程》教師(兼演說家和作家),他也出版一本與《課程》有關的雜誌叫 「奇蹟」。他研讀《課程》幾乎比其他人都還要久。Jon Mundy 是一個有著超出《課程》之外的豐富知見而備受景仰的《奇蹟課程》教師,他當然抓住了《奇蹟課程》的主要概念,也許堪稱除了Kenneth WapnicK 以外的第二人。其他的兩位作家,Robert Perry and Greg Mackie,以經營一個分析《課程》中心和通訊處,及他們對《課程》內涵的精闢見解而知名。他們也以公開質疑大家公認為受人尊敬以及非常具有見地的《課程》相關作者們(也就是Kenneth Wapnick)的信念與教法而廣為人知。
The following section of this article summarizes several of the attacks/claims that these three authors are making against Gary Renard. As a long-term facilitator of ACIM and one who has worked with individuals on both sides of this growing dispute, my purpose here is to share an objective viewpoint, while remaining rooted in spiritual principles. I have worked with both Jon Mundy and Gary Renard in conference settings; and although they are currently not seeing eye-to-eye, at the time we worked together, I felt we all seemed to agree on most of our individual interpretations of the principles of ACIM. It surprises me somewhat to see Jon participating in these recent attacks on Gary , but knowing him, I am certain that it’s only a matter of time before he will choose differently.
以下這篇文章的部份節錄了數點這三位作者對葛瑞雷納的攻擊或說是聲明。身為一個長期提倡《奇蹟課程》,並與之兩邊都有互動過的人,我的目的就是分享一個客觀的觀點,並同時堅持靈性的原則。我曾和Jon Mundy 與葛瑞雷納在一個會議裡共事過,雖然他們現今不再相見了,那時我們一起共事時,我想我們三個當時都是同意彼此對《奇蹟課程》的原則與個人見解的。當我看到Jon 參與最近對葛瑞的攻擊,使我感到有些驚訝就是了。不過知他如我,我很確定他早晚會做不同的選擇的。
Jon Mundy has contributed an immeasurable amount of light to understanding A Course in Miracles—particularly in his “Miracles” magazine. However, in a recent issue, he published articles written by himself as well as by Robert Perry and Greg Mackie. In these articles, each presented their “proof” that (1) the physical manifestation and teachings of Gary Renard’s two ascended masters (known as Arten and Pursah) are a fabrication of Gary’s and that (2) the material in the book offers no original or important insights into ACIM. The following are some of the primary pieces of “evidence” presented by these authors, followed by my own responses.
Jon Mundy 的雜誌在幫助了解《奇蹟課程》上貢獻卓越。然而,最近的事件,他刊登了他和Robert Perry and Greg Mackie所寫的文章,在這些文中,每一個都提供他們的 “證據”, (1)葛瑞雷納的兩位具體化身高靈上師的的教法(也就是阿頓和白莎)只是葛瑞的杜撰,(2)而書中的資料並非《奇蹟課程》重要或是什麼獨特的見解。以下是一些這些作者所提的主要的 “證據”片段,接著才是我的回應。
At the end of this article are a summary and conclusion, which offer ideas as to how we can all learn from this experience and grow from being self-proclaimed “experts” or “scholars” of A Course in Miracles into living examples of its principles. To be part of the latter group requires moving beyond merely memorizing and quoting the Course to actually applying its concepts, something to be learned by these disputing authors and all students of spirituality.
The following text in bold include points and actual quotes from Jon (and the other authors disputing Renard’s claims) that were recently printed in “Miracles” magazine. These quotes and points are followed by my responses.
以下的文章包含Jon的觀點與引言(還有其他作者對雷納的質疑)都是最近的 “奇蹟”雜誌刊載的。這些引言和觀點之後才是我的回應。
1. “According to Pursah, up to now, no other teacher of the Course, beside Gary Renard, has presented us with such a clear understanding of the Course.”
Although I understand how Jon sees this as boastful, the comment is in part true. That is to say, The Disappearance of the Universe simplified and clarified many of the Course’s concepts that, up until now, had been treated mostly with intellectual dissection. Some teachers and students of the Course like the previous academic approach and have even benefited from it, but others have been looking for an interpretation of the Course that, as with Gary’s, felt like a breath of fresh air.
雖然我能瞭解Jon 看待這點一定感到葛瑞非常誇口,但這評論卻有部分的真實。因為,告別娑婆簡化並且澄清《課程》的許多概念,而這些概念,直到現在,原本都只是理性的剖析。有些之前只喜歡學術性探討《課程》的教師與學生都從它受益良多,而其他尋找《課程》詮釋方式的,也視告別娑婆為一股清新氣象。
2. Jon acknowledges that DU “Keeps to the basic metaphysics of ACIM.” Jon also observes that DU is also essentially “In line with Ken Wapnick’s insights regarding the Course.”
Jon 承認「告別娑婆保持了《奇蹟課程》的基本形而上概念」。Jon也觀察到告別娑婆也「與Ken對《課程》的見地一致。」
This is a high compliment, given that nobody on Earth seems to have quite the complete grasp on the Course as Wapnick. So why not spend more time complimenting Gary for this achievement?
3. Jon and the other detractors of Renard and DU maintain that “ACIM says nothing about ascended masters, past lives, future lives” as DU suggests.
I beg to differ. The concept and definition of ascended masters happens to fit quite well with ACIM’s description of the “Teachers of teachers,” who, despite being beyond human illusion (allowing them to ascend), have chosen to incarnate (or sometimes remain ascended and assist from the higher realms). As for ACIM saying that “Reincarnation cannot be true in a real sense…,” well neither are the articles written against Renard or the lives we are all living right now! In fact, reincarnation is at least as real as ACIM, its scribe, and this conversation. Let’s keep in mind that without Helen’s “past life” connection and “past” commitment to Jesus, we would not have ACIM.
我不同意這點。有關高靈上師的概念或是定義,剛好與《奇蹟課程》對於「眾師之師」的描述是相當符合的,這些人,《課程》說,超乎人類的幻相層次(他們提升了),可以選擇輪迴 (或是維持在更高層次上昇華的狀態)。至於《奇蹟課程》說的「輪迴非真」,那麼,這些反對雷納的文章,亦或是我們現在活著的人生,也不是真實的啊!事實上,輪迴至少就像《奇蹟課程》、像它的記錄人、像現在我在對你說話般的真實。我們可不要忘了,如果沒有海倫在「過去世」裡「承諾過」耶穌,我們就看不到《奇蹟課程》。
4. Currently Jon refers to his original liking of DU as, “Being taken in.”
如今Jon提到他以前會喜歡告別娑婆是因為 「上當了」。
Why use such a negative connotation? It makes Gary ’s work sound like a conscious plot to undermine its readers. Jon continues and states that something eventually stopped him from agreeing with the material in DU. In particular, it is that Arten and Pursah (the ascended masters Gary claims to be in conversation with) predict a nuclear bomb in a major city. Jon bases his point on the idea that “the Holy Spirit would never say anything that would upset or disturb us.” Once again, I beg to differ. Over the years, ACIM has proved disturbing to a lot of people. In fact, it’s been so disturbing to the world-renowned Unity Church that many of the branches withdrew support of ACIM and no longer have study groups in their churches.
為什麼使用如此負面的辭句呢?這樣讓葛瑞的書聽起來像是有什麼陰謀要危害讀者一般。Jon繼續説明並指出,後來某件事情終於讓他停止再同意告別娑婆的內容,也就是,阿頓和白莎 (葛瑞在書中與之對話的兩位高靈上師)預測在主要的城市會有核彈攻擊。Jon 以「聖靈決不可能會說任何沮喪或是擾亂我們的話」作為他觀點的立論。再一次的,我無法同意。數年來,《奇蹟課程》可是很會擾亂人的。事實上,《課程》還使世界知名的統一教會不安,導致很多教會的分部收回對《奇蹟課程》的支持,也不再讓他們的教會舉辦讀書會了。
5. Jon points out that Gary Renard spends far too much time, especially in his new book, promoting himself.
I agree that Gary spends way too much time in his new book defending, as well as promoting, himself. Also, I don’t agree with a few of his insights or statements. But that’s just my opinion! It doesn’t mean I need to stand on a podium and try to convince the whole world that he’s a fraud. Such personal views are all perceptions and opinions and are rarely worth expressing—albeit always worth forgiving.