不必替別人作決定,那會使你偏離了自己生活的焦點。讓別人去尋找他們自己的路,然後支持他們、鼓勵他們、為他們喝釆歡呼。不必認為只有你知道怎樣做才是對他們好,你其實什麼都不知道。 對別人負起不必要的責任時,你就是過度膨脹自己,反會削弱了自己,千萬別這樣做。你只需照料自己的生活,作自己的決定,把注意力放在你該注意的地方,聆聽你的內在導引,尊重它,依它而行,全力以赴, 那已經夠你忙一輩子了。
Don't make decisions for other people. That will just take the focus away from your life. Let others find their own way. Support them. Encourage them. Cheer them on. But don't think you know what's good for them. You don't know.
When you take inappropriate responsibility for others, you overextend and weaken yourself. Don't do that. Stay in your own life and make your own decisions. Put your attention where it belongs. Listen to your guidance, honor it, act on it, and be committed to it. That is a full time job.
- Jun 18 Wed 2008 11:51
摘要: 讓別人去尋找他們自己的路,你只需照料自己的生活
摘自Paul Ferrini, 周玲瑩譯 若水修訂
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