
提交者: 奇蹟課程中文部 日期: 2008/6/14 14:41:10 閱讀: 60

摘要: 贏得這場幻象遊戲的唯一方法就是:根本就別玩!

作者:Rajpur/ 翻譯 林慧如 / 若水 修訂

Now, the meaning of the film, War Games, was crystallized in the line, "The only way to win the game, is not to play the game at all."  What do you suppose the first move of ego-hood was which constituted what has come to be called "The Fall"?  I will tell you.  It was the question, "Who am I?"


Why do you think you are having trouble with your identity?  It is because in the process of undoing the movement away from Home, you have been brought back to that initial act of separation—"Who am I?"  And if you don't refrain from asking that question right now, you will not get past that initial act of departure from Sanity into your Wholeness.  It is completely inevitable and natural that this issue would come up at this point, because it is the last part of the undoing.


You have, for the better part of your life, this lifetime—and, of course, any prior lifetimes—felt fairly confident that you knew who you were.  But now, as you have engaged for the past nine years in being the expression of something that you cannot identify as you, and now you are at a point of being asked to let there be nothing else present where you are but this that you cannot identify as you, this question of who you are becomes paramount to you, and confusing to you, because there seem to be two things going on—you, being who you think you are and have thought you always knew you were, and you, being the presence of something very meaningful, but which you cannot account for.  And literally, to get past this impasse, you must simply stop asking and trying to find out who you are.


Tell me, what must inevitably follow such a question as, "Who am I"?  It must necessarily be a cognitive process of thinking and reasoning and logic which brings you to a conclusion called a "definition."


I will point out something to you: Biblically speaking, in the Adam and Eve Allegory, what was the first answer that was the result of that question?  The first answer was, "I am ashamed."  The first answer was guilt!  The first answer was that which called for forgiveness.  That is always the result of the first move of the ego.  Then there was a sense of being a man and a woman.  And, of course, once those definitions were arrived at, the questions were, "Well, what is that?" and, "What is that?" and, "What is that?" and, "What is that?"  And more definitions came tumbling forth.  And the only way to win this game of illusion is not to play the game at all.


The only way not to play the game is not to make the first move.  And the first move is the question, "Who am I?"  And so, if you are going to undo the game, you are going to have to stop asking, "Who am I?"  You are going to have to stop energizing and validating that question.


You Are!  You are not a "who" or a "what."  You Are!  And the proof of your existence is the experience of Consciousness.  And the experience of Consciousness is the experience of Knowing.  But that is not a thing.  That is not an object.  That is not something that can be defined.  It is a fluid movement of being.  And so, understand why you are having this problem at this time, and that the confusion about who you are, and whether you are going to be giving up who you are, is totally illusory, and is an essential quest . . . ion that needs to be dropped from your awareness.  It needs to be released.


Now, that is what you do when these conversation occur.  That is what you are doing at this moment.  You are not asking who you are, and the experience of Knowing is occurring.  And you are very conscious of being.  But what it is you are is irrelevant, because it is full of the Meaning of Knowing.


The age-old question, "Who am I?" is a straw dog.  It is bait.  The suggestion is that if you can find out who you are, you will be fulfilled.  And it has been a lie!

So, now you are at a point of having the conscious opportunity to release that first move away from Home.  And that is why it seems so paramount.  I will leave you on that point for the time being.



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