Manifesto of the Sovereign Integral (Sovereign Integral 宣言) * There is no space more sacred or powerful than another * 沒有一個空間比另一個更神聖或更強大 * There is no being more spiritual than another * 沒有一個存在體比另一個更崇高 * There is no thing more divine than another * 沒有一個事物比另一個更具神性 * There is no tool or technique that accelerates the unfoldment of consciousness * 沒有工具或技法可以加速意識的展露 * There is no truth that can be written , spoken , or thought unless it is conceived and expressed through the Language of Unity * 沒有真理可以被寫出、說出、或想出,除非它是透過整體性的 表達方式被構想與表達出來 * First Source transcends Wholeness * 〝最初源頭〞超越了整體 * All the fragment of philosophy , science , and religion , even when Unified , represent but a fractional picture of reality * 哲學、科學、和宗教的所有部份,即使是當它們全部被聯合起 來,也僅只描繪了實相之部份的畫面 * The mysteries of your world will never be understood through Inquiries that are based in the language of the mind * 你們世界的神秘如果透過以心智的語言為基礎之方式來探究,是 永遠無法被瞭解的 * Perfection is a concept of wholeness misunderstood l 完美 是一種被誤解的整體性之觀念 * The conditions of peace , beauty , love , and security are merely signposts to wholeness , as are their counterparts * 平靜、美、愛、與安全的情況,僅只是到達整體性的路標,而 它們的對應物也是 * To live in the Wholeness Perspective is to value all things as they are and to bear witness to the unity of their expression * 存在於整體性的視角裡,就是去以所有事物所是的情況來珍視 所有的事物,並且見證它們的表現之一體性 * No beings requires knowledge other than their unique Wholeness Perspective * 除了他們獨特的整體性視角以外,沒有存在體需要知識 * There is no hierarchy . There is only One That is All * 沒有階級制度,只有那 即是所有一切的〝一〞 * There is no model of existence outside of the model of self-creation * 沒有〝存在的模式〞是存在於〝自我創造的模式〞之外的 * True Freedom is access to First Source * 真正的自由是去接取到〝最初源頭〞 * A being cannot get closer to First Source then in the existence of a moment * 一個存在體無法比〝存在於當下〞更能接近〝最初源頭〞 * The sovereign being and First Source are reality * 〝主權存在體〞與〝最初源頭〞就是實相 * Having a physical body dose not limit you , anymore than having legs on an eagle prevents it from flying * 有一個物質性的肉體並不會比,一隻老鷹有腳而妨礙它的飛行, 更能限制你 * All conditions of existence are facets of the one condition of the reality of unlimited self-creation * 存在的所有狀況都是一個狀況的不同面向,那個狀況就是,不受 限制的自我創造之實相 * There is no pathway to First Source * 沒有途徑可以通達〝最初源頭〞 * Unfoldment , evolution , growth/decay cycles and transformation are all bound to the same premise of separation in linear time * 在線性時間裡,展露、進化、成長/衰退 的循環與轉化,全都受 限於〝分離〞之相同的前提 * The hidden harmony is found with joy , while the obvious brings indifference * 隱藏的和諧會被喜悅地找到,在明顯的事物只帶來漠不關心 的感覺時 * The farther you enter into the Truth the deeper your conviction for truth must be * 你進入真理越遠,你對真理的確信就必須越深 * There is understanding of the world precisely to the degree that there is understanding of the Self * 你對自我的了解有多少,你對世界的了解就有多少 |
台長 : psiage 轉載自Event Temples中譯資料 |