



這個解讀是凱西的第一本傳記 "有一條河"(There is a River) 的哲學一章的基礎。那一章有系統地概述了靈魂的自然特性和其在宇宙中的歷程。作者湯瑪斯‧蘇格儒的這本書在過去的六十多年裡,將凱西的工作介紹給了無數尋求的人們。最後的一章“哲學” 總結出了包含在解讀中的要點。沒有這個解讀,作者大概無法寫出“哲學”一章。

當你開始認真研究凱西解讀時,閱讀(再讀) “哲學” 是必需的。你會在書裡發現與來自于這個解讀的觀點,在其它章節中也可以找到,作者理解了這一解讀后的文字。因為作者必需從解讀中汲取訊息,以讀者明白的語言描述出來。



1、 創世和生命之目的;

2、 自由意志的重要性;

3、 靈魂歷程的宇宙觀;

4、 轉世的過程和對生活的影響;

5、 耶穌基督

當然湯瑪斯‧蘇格儒還參考了許多其它關於創世的解讀。但這個解讀直接地敘述了人類的墮落。凱西很認真地對待“邪惡” 這個問題。但在回答這個古老的問題的起因時,他集中在靈魂對自由意志的誤用上。要注意的是,解讀使用靈魂一詞來講述我們與生俱來的自然特性,而用人類一詞描述發生在后來的物質界的創造。

靈魂該來到地球嗎?回答有點隱晦“並不專門是為有人類形體的靈魂寄居的” 。當靈魂一旦建立起墮落的狀態時,地球就成為一個有意義的經歷場所。


1、 墮落的緣由;

2、 是幫助和阻滯靈魂發展的最大要素(超越環境和遺傳);

3、 出生時供靈魂發展的機會的決定要素;

4、 刻錄在每一個靈魂潛意識中的基督意識(道) 的喚醒角色

這個基督的另一個部分是關於耶穌基督的。凱西的其它基督說過,“耶穌是格局” ,而“基督是能量” 。耶穌這一靈魂的任務明確化了。但凱西對耶穌前世的描述讓我們疑惑了︰“作為Enoch, Melchizedek(已經)達到圓滿” ,為什麼還要“作為Joseph, Joshua, Jeshua, Jesus” 重新來過?









這個靈異解讀由凱西在ARE辦公室Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., 給出。時間是1941年5月14日,由在場凱西自己和ARE成員湯瑪斯‧蘇格儒提出解讀要求。

This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 14th day of May, 1941, in accordance with request made by the self - Mr. Thomas Sugrue, Active Member of the Ass''n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.


Edgar Cayce; Hugh Lynn Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Thomas Sugrue and Gertrude Cayce.



Time of Reading 4:10 to 4:35 P. M. Eastern Standard Time.

1. HLC: You will have before you the enquiring mind of the entity, Thomas Sugrue, present in this room, and certain of the problems which confront him in composing the manuscript of THERE IS A RIVER.


The entity is now ready to describe the philosophical concepts which have been given through this source, and wishes to parallel and align them with known religious tenets, especially those of Christian theology.


The entity does not wish to set forth a system of thought, nor imply that all questions of a philosophical nature can be answered through this source - the limitations of the finite mind prevent this.


But the entity wishes to answer those questions which will naturally arise in the mind of the reader, and many of the questions which are being asked by all people in the world today.


Therefore the entity presents certain problems and questions, which you will answer as befits the entity's understanding and the task of interpretation before him.


2. EC: Yes, we have the enquiring mind, Thomas Sugrue, and those problems, those questions that arise in the mind of the entity at this period. Ready for questions.


3. (Q) The first problem concerns the reason for creation. Should this be given as God's desire to experience Himself, God's desire for companionship, God's desire for expression, or in some other way?

(A) God's desire for companionship and expression.


答︰上帝的渴望是為了同伴和表達(companionship and expression)。

4. (Q) The second problem concerns that which is variously called evil, darkness, negation, sin. Should it be said that this condition existed as a necessary element of creation, and the soul, given free will, found itself with the power to indulge in it, or lose itself in it?

Or should it be said that this is a condition created by the activity of the soul itself? Should it be described, in either case, as a state of consciousness, a gradual lack of awareness of self and self's relation to God?

(A) It is the free will and its losing itself in its relationship to God.

問︰第二個問題是關於所謂的邪惡、黑暗、負面或罪惡。這些條件的存在是創世的必要原素,所以被賦有自由意志和各種能力的靈魂沈溺其中,並遺失了自我?還是應該被描述成是靈魂自己所造成的?還是在上述任何一種狀態下, 一個自我遺失及與上帝關係意識的遺失?


5. (Q) The third problem has to do with the fall of man. Should this be described as something which was inevitable in the destiny of souls, or something which God did not desire, but which He did not prevent once He had given free will? The problem here is to reconcile the omniscience of God and His knowledge of all things with the free will of the soul and the soul's fall from grace.

(A) He did not prevent, once having given free will. For, He made the individual entities or souls in the beginning. For, the beginnings of sin, of course, were in seeking expression of themselves outside of the plan or the way in which God had expressed same. Thus it was the individual, see?

Having given free will, then, - though having the foreknowledge, though being omnipotent and omnipresent, - it is only when the soul that is a portion of God CHOOSES that God knows the end thereof.

問︰第三個問題是關於人類的墮落(fall of man)。這是應該被描述成靈魂的不可避免的宿命,還是儘管不是上帝的渴望,但他既然賦予了自由意志,他就沒有阻止其發生?... ...



6. (Q) The fourth problem concerns man's tenancy on earth. Was it originally intended that souls remain out of earthly forms, and were the races originated as a necessity resulting from error?

(A) The earth and its manifestations were only the expression of God and not necessarily as a place of tenancy for the souls of men, until man was created - to meet the needs of existing conditions.



7. (Q) The fifth problem concerns an explanation of the Life Readings. From a study of these it seems that there is a trend downward, from early incarnations, toward greater earthliness and less mentality. Then there is a swing upward, accompanied by suffering, patience, and understanding. Is this the normal pattern, which results in virtue and oneness with God obtained by free will and mind?

(A) This is correct. It is the pattern as it is set in Him.



8. (Q) The sixth problem concerns interplanetary and inter-system dwelling, between earthly lives. It was given through this source that the entity Edgar Cayce, after the experience as Uhjltd, went to the system of Arcturus, and then returned to earth. Does this indicate a usual or an unusual step in soul evolution?

問︰第六個問題是關於兩個轉世之間的星際遊歷和不同系統之間的停留。此訊息管道曾經講過凱西這個個體在Uhjltd那一世后去了牧夫座的大角星系統(system of Arcturus) ,然后又反回地球。這是靈魂發展的一個正常步驟嗎?

(A) As indicated, or as has been indicated in other sources besides this as respecting this very problem, - Arcturus is that which may be called the center of this universe, through which individuals pass and at which period there comes the choice of the individual as to whether it is to return to complete there - that is, in this planetary system, our sun, the earth sun and its planetary system - or to pass on to others. This was an unusual step, and yet a usual one.

答︰我們講過---其它一些管道也提及過這個問題,大角星可以被稱作這個宇宙的中心。個體透過那裡,在那個期間決定是否回到原來的系統以完成(全部課程)--- 決定是否回到這個有太陽和地球的行星系統,還是進入其它系統。這是一個不平常的步驟,但也不十分異常。

9. (Q) The seventh problem concerns implications from the sixth problem. Is it necessary to finish the solar system cycle before going to other systems?

(A) Necessary to finish the solar cycle.



10. (Q) Can oneness be attained - or the finish of evolution reached - on any system, or must it be in a particular one?

(A) Depending upon what system the entity has entered, to be sure. It may be completed in any of the many systems.



11. (Q) Must the solar cycle be finished on earth, or can it be completed on another planet, or does each planet have a cycle of its own which must be finished?

(A) If it is begun on the earth it must be finished on the earth. The solar system of which the earth is a part is only a portion of the whole. For, as indicated in the number of planets about the earth, they are of one and the same - and they are relative one to another. It is the cycle of the whole system that is finished, see?



12. (Q) The eighth problem concerns the pattern made by parents at conception. Should it be said that this pattern attracts a certain soul because it approximates conditions which that soul wishes to work with?

(A) It approximates conditions. It does not set. For, the individual entity or soul, given the opportunity, has its own free will to work in or out of those problems as presented by that very union. Yet the very union, of course, attracts or brings a channel or an opportunity for the expression of an individual entity.


答︰形成近似的情況,但並沒有完全確定。因為個體或靈魂在給出的機遇面前有自己的自由意志去決定是否踏入由於(父母的) 結合而呈現下面前的問題。當然這種結合吸引或為個體的表現帶來了機遇。

13. (Q) Does the incoming soul take on of necessity some of the parents' karma?

(A) Because of its relative relationship to same, yes. Otherwise, no.



14. (Q) Does the soul itself have an earthly pattern which fits back into the one created by the parents?

(A) Just as indicated, it is relative - as one related to another; and because of the union of activities they are brought in the pattern. For in such there is the explanation of universal or divine laws, which are ever one and the same; as indicated in the expression that God moved within Himself and then He didn't change, though did bring to Himself that of His own being made crucified even in the flesh.




15. (Q) Are there several patterns which a soul might take on, depending on what phase of development it wished to work upon - i.e., could a soul choose to be one of several personalities, any of which would fit its individuality?

(A) Correct.



16. (Q) Is the average fulfillment of the soul's expectation more or less than fifty percent?

(A) It's a continuous advancement, so it is more than fifty percent.



17. (Q) Are hereditary, environment and will equal factors in aiding or retarding the entity's development?

(A) Will is the greater factor, for it may overcome any or all of the others; provided that will is made one with the pattern, see? For, no influence of heredity, environment or what not, surpasses the will; else why would there have been that pattern shown in which the individual soul, no matter how far astray it may have gone, may enter with Him into the holy of holies?



18. (Q) The ninth problem concerns the proper symbols, or similes, for the Master, the Christ. Should Jesus be described as the soul who first went through the cycle of earthly lives to attain perfection, including perfection in the planetary lives also?

(A) He should be. This is as the man, see?



19. (Q) Should this be described as a voluntary mission One Who was already perfected and returned to God, having accomplished His Oneness in other planes and systems?

(A) Correct.



20. (Q) Should the Christ-Consciousness be described as the awareness within each soul, imprinted in pattern on the mind and waiting to be awakened by the will, of the soul's oneness with God?

(A) Correct. That's the idea exactly!



21. (Q) Please list the names of the incarnations of the Christ, and of Jesus, indicating where the development of the man Jesus began.

(A) First, in the beginning, of course; and then as Enoch, Melchizedek, in the perfection. Then in the earth of Joseph, Joshua, Jeshua, Jesus.


答︰首先,當然是太初;然后作為以諾, 默基瑟德 達到圓滿。然后在地球上作為約瑟夫, 約書亞, 耶書亞(?), 耶穌

22. (Q) The tenth problem concerns the factors of soul evolution. Should mind, the builder, be described as the last development because it should not unfold until it has a firm foundation of emotional virtues?

(A) This might be answered Yes and No, both. But if it is presented in that there is kept, willfully, see, that desire to be in the at-onement, then it is necessary for that attainment before it recognizes mind as the way.



23. (Q) The eleventh problem concerns a parallel with Christianity. Is Gnosticism the closest type of Christianity to that which is given through this source?

(A) This is a parallel, and was the commonly accepted one until there began to be set rules in which there were the attempts to take short cuts. And there are none in Christianity!


答︰他們有共同點。在設立規則企圖抄捷徑前,(諾斯底) 曾經為廣泛接受。但是基督教中沒有捷徑。

24. (Q) What action of the early church, or council, can be mentioned as that which ruled reincarnation from Christian theology?

(A) Just as indicated, - the attempts of individuals to accept or take advantage of, because of this knowledge, see?



25. (Q) Do souls become entangled in other systems as they did in this system?

(A) In other systems that represent the same as the earth does in this system, yes.



26. (Q) Is there any other advice which may be given to this entity at this time in the preparation of these chapters?

(A) Hold fast to that ideal, and using Him ever as the Ideal. And hold up that NECESSITY for each to meet the same problems. And DO NOT attempt to shed or to surpass or go around the Cross. THIS is that upon which each and every soul MUST look and know it is to be borne in self WITH Him.



27. We are through for the present.


Copy to Thomas Sugrue

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