Secrets of the Alexandrian Library
Master Guide Kirael through the mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling
大師指導靈齊瑞爾透過Kahu Fred Sterling導靈
KIRAEL: We will speak about the secrets of the Alexandrian Library. I have no desire to bore you with details such as how many times the Alexandrian library was burned down, how much was lost, and so on and so forth. Yet I will enlighten you about what was saved and what you can look forward to finding from that library.
It is a testament, if you will, to the Creator's Light that the Alexandrian Library existed. You will come to see that there are untold histories of this particular time, which is why many of us in the Guidance world have arrived here on your Earth plane at this time. Understand that the Creator, in its experience of Light, would never let the whole of anything be lost. Whatever it is may be put away for thousands of years, in some cases, but it is never lost.
For instance, the unwritten histories of such great worlds as Lemuria, Atlantis , Egypt , and the time of Christ and the Now and the so-called future can only be brought forth by the Guidance reality. You say, "Oh, Master Kirael, we don't think that would work, because how would we find out about these unwritten histories if all the mediums decide to quit work tomorrow?" Don't let them quit, I guess is the best I can tell you. You see, the knowledge that you've lost is the knowledge that you feel you've lost, and you really need to have that knowledge in the Now.
Why now, of all times, and why the Alexandrian Library? The contents of the Alexandrian Library were burned years before Master Jesus even walked upon the Earth plane, and more were burned after he walked on the Earth plane. Even if we could find that material, what would it tell us? Well, my friends, the answers to how to make your life what you want it to be exist within what was written those thousands of years ago. So, listen closely, my friends, as I bring forth the energy of the destroyed scrolls and books of the Alexandrian Library.
這訊息會對你的生活產生影響,你活在無限的社會。偉大的心智在你之前到來,而許多會在你之後來到。你來自光的源頭,我們提到的創造者,你們在這裡編造的字以顯示創造勢能。在你之前從創造者的光來了許多的光,在你之後也會有許多的光到來。前些日子,有人問我”齊瑞爾大師,有著無限的光體存在嗎?亦或,創造者自身的擴展時也有著有限的數目呢? 我的朋友們,來自亞歷山大圖書館的答案,看看柏拉圖研讀些什麼,並且他如何教導及傳授給Aristotle(亞里斯多德),他最偉大的弟子之一。而且可以看到無限的潛力,沒有結束。”噢”你說,”齊瑞爾大師,你正在說的是,我們那些來自創造者之光的”當然,是所有的你們 – “來自沒有範圍、沒有盡頭、沒有限制的一個源頭”,那正是我要告訴你的,為何他被稱為造物者,也是為何你會與所擁有美好的信念分離,全根基於一個限制性質的社會。
The information will have a defined effect on your life. You live in a limitless society. Great minds have come before you and many will come after you. You come from a source of light that we refer to as the Creator, a word you made up over here to exemplify the potential of creation. From that Creator Light came many lights before you, as will come many lights after you. Just in the previous day or so someone asked me, “Master Kirael, are there an infinite number of light beings, or is there a strict number by which the Creator expands?" The answer, my friends, from the Alexandrian Library, is this: Look at what Plato studied and how he taught it and handed it off to one of his great pupils called Aristotle and you can see that the potential is limitless. There is no end to it. “Oh,” you say, “Then what you're saying, Master Kirael, is that those of us who came from the Creator’s Light”—which, of course, is all of you—“came from a source that has no extent, no end, no limit.” That's exactly what I am telling you. That's why it's called the Creator, and that's why all the beliefs you have held onto so wonderfully are coming apart. They’re all based on a limiting society.
Scholars over the last two or three hundred years have, for the most part, tried to limit whatever they've studied. They tried to reach the absolute limit of their potential, only to find that that limit opened up into an area that was so broad that what they had just discovered was actually miniscule. Most of them walked around wondering why they had spent all that time just to discover a minute part of the whole.
然而,亞歷山大圖書館,朋友們,坐落於海港旁,如果你願意,在某些意義上,你可以隨著這一條廣闊的河流經它。在那裡容納著龐大的巨大能量的圖騰,遠離大眾能得到它的地方。他們隱藏訊息,為了他們可以感覺到某人控制被稱為生活的巨大混亂。生活有著磨擦,卻沒有混亂。你們稱之為生活的,是一個被設計成隨著磁力的”in-lightening” 模版,一致的振動,即所有生命必須擁有的浩瀚經驗。這浩瀚包含了所有領域的訊息及生命經驗的權力。
Why do we want to know about the Alexandrian Library? After all, that was not the only library of its time. There were libraries throughout the world in those times. There was a library in Rome . There was even a huge library in Athens . However, the Alexandrian Library, my friends, was situated on a seaport, if you will, and a vast river ran past it and through it, in some sense of the word. All of the great energy patterns stored information there in vast quantities, away from where the masses could get it. They hid the information so that they could feel that someone was in control of this mass chaos called life. There’s the rub. There is no chaos in life. Life, as you call it, is a designed pattern of "in-lightening" energy with a magnetic force, a vibration that is consistent with the understanding that all life must have the vastness of experience. That vastness includes an entitlement to all arenas of information and the whole of life experience.
Understand that you're unlimited. Go beyond your limits. Open your mind beyond all that you have read in your books. Someone made statements recently that Master Kirael speaks only about things that can be verified. Well, I'll go beyond that this evening. I'll give you an example of things that can't be verified that I've spoken of many times.
更多關於抹大拉瑪麗亞,請聽Kahu& kirael實況錄日 CD,抹大拉瑪麗亞:達文西密碼沒告訴你的。
I spoke to you about Mary Magdalene. That wasn't even her true name. She just happened to come from the Magdalenian family. Well, Magdalenian and Magdalene somehow got confused. Have you heard the hypothetical stories, if you will, that Mary Magdalene was a whole number of people gathered together in different forms? I tell you, my friends, that hypothesis may not have been so far off. On your Earth plane today Mary Magdalene would be considered a schizophrenic, or perhaps bi-polar, or certifiably incapacitated. You see, Mary Magdalene spoke in a number of voices that she carried with her at all times, as Master Jesus would verify for you. There were times when in conversation with Master Jesus, Mary Magdalene would stop momentarily, and when she spoke again, her voice came out in a deep baritone. The baritone would go on to tell Master Jesus of this great work that was being done. Some of you have already guessed it. Mary Magdalene was a medium. Isn't that amazing? I bet you won't find that piece of information in the books anywhere.
For more information on Mary Magdalene, please listen to the Kahu & Kirael LIVE audio CD recording, “Mary Magdalene: What the DaVinci Code Did Not Tell You”
齊瑞爾:自覺創造的十項原則,10張有聲CD組,或書藉,可在www.Kirael.com上的online store線上商站取得。
In the truth of what you are today, you live in a limitless society. I wish I could say it a thousand times and make it a mantra—you live in a limitless society of beings of light. There is no extent to what the Creator can create. The only limits that the Creator ever suffers are what you choose not to move to. So, how do you connect into this Creator energy? Many tools or techniques in the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating can take you beyond your limitation or your perceived limitations. Many say my medium walks between the worlds. In truth, he walks within the worlds and studies there in the “etheric” fabric, so to speak. Out there, as you call it, is where the unwritten information is.
Kirael: The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating is available as a 10-audio CD set or book at www.Kirael.com in our online store.
Remember, Plato came from the same spectrum of light as you. When you return home, you don't give up all of this knowledge. You bring it home with you and you implant it into your higher self's energy, and your higher self's energy implants it into its soul family and its soul family implants it into the oversoul, and on into the Creator and all in between. So, what Plato said so many thousands of years ago is available to each of you.
You have access to all of this information, including the burned books, manuscripts, parchments, and the rolls upon rolls of information that was housed in the Alexandrian Library. After all, this information came from We the People, and that means it came from you. So, yes, you have access to it all.
I'd like to take each of you on a journey. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Focus deeper than you've ever focused before. Remember the will and the word. Will yourself to go with me. Do it through your words. Very gently, I will spread my energies a little away from the medium. I will hover over top of each of you. Will yourselves to relax deeper and deeper into the light.
Feel the presence that surrounds you touching the skin on your face and your arms and your hands. Use your will to see yourself in the beautiful energy of ebony light, the shiniest of black core light. In the center of that core light is a tiny dot. Focus on that dot for just a moment. Use your will. Don't let your mind wander from my words. Focus on that dot.
Gently, from your third eye, run a stream of your light—the color doesn’t matter—and attach it to that dot. See a laser beam of light coming out from your forehead and attaching to that dot. Don't worry; it's not connected to anything yet. Will yourselves there with me. Just attach yourselves to that spark of light.
In a moment I will take you through that spark of light through a portal. Hold yourself back. Don't go through that portal yet. First, I’ll explain what you will see when you come out of the other side of that portal. Attach yourself to that spark and, gently, from your third eye, let your energy force go down that stream of light that's connected to that dot. When you get to the end of that stream of light, stop for a moment until everybody catches up. Will yourself to go with me, my friends. This will be one of the most beautiful journeys you've ever taken.
Now that you're at the end of that stream of light, I will spread my energy one more time. If you'll go with me now, in just a moment I will bring us through that stream of light. I'm taking you on the same journey that I used to take my medium on ten years ago. Move forth with me now, and when you go through, you're going to see a cloud of golden particles as big as the mind can possibly imagine.
Just let yourself float out there with me among all these golden dust-type particles. In some places they're thicker than others. It looks like a huge cloud bank of beautiful golden particles. Let yourself float there for just a minute. As you look around, you’ll realize that you can’t count the particles. How could you ever count that many?
Every particle you see is a book of knowledge. Look off into the distance and pick one particle, and will that particle towards you gently, slowly. As you see it come through all the other particles, it takes on a special vibration. Will yourself to stay with me because it's not easy. Bring that particle to you so that it floats about six inches before you. Now let that particle enter your third eye. Before you let the particle in, open your 90 percent brain for this information you are about to receive. Now let the particle in and feel it come through your third eye. Open your ten percent mind to your 90 percent mind and read, listen, and hear what you have just found out about another world, another place, and another time. You may think you've just read, listened to, or heard the biggest fiction in the world, but what you've just experienced is the journey between the worlds.
I want you to safely return to the room now. What you've just done will never be lost. You can absolutely go there. That is why we are learning about the Alexandrian Library. This process was taken from Volume 4662, written by a beautiful energy pattern known as Poliasis [phonetic], who was a student of the man who taught Plato.
So, my friends, you have something from the Alexandrian Library that you can use any time. Just remember what I've shown you. If all else fails, listen to a recording of this session, and when I'm about to take you through that portal, shut off the recording and go through the portal and take as many particles as you desire. Come back when you're ready.
Once you've learned how to get out there, you won't want to bring the particles back. You'll want to read every one of them out there, and every time you do, you'll find yourself in a new dimension, a new reality of life that has very little to do with your Earth plane. It will astound you to find out how limitless you are.
亞歷山大圖書館只是一個人類世界試著隱藏的一個例子,我的朋友,它並非意外燒燬,因為在圖書館裡的訊息,學者可以教授你們的是如何的無限,當亞歷山大圖書館被燒燬,學者們於是被限制了他們 能 教授你們的。那不會發生在你身上。簡單的練習這個我今晚帶領你們的冥想,你可以成功的超越人類罩紗的限制。
The Alexandrian Library is but one example of what the human world has tried to keep hidden. The burning of that library was not an accident, my friends. It occurred because, with the information contained in that library, the scholars could teach you how to be limitless. When the library was burned down, the scholars were limited in what they could teach. That won’t happen to you. With the simple meditation I showed you this night, you can go well beyond the restraints of the human veils.
Some of you are saying to yourselves, “Oh, God, I wish I could do this.” If you believe you can’t, then you can’t. As long as you say, “I can't do it, Master Kirael,” I guarantee you can't do it. However, when you use the will and the word, and you bring your thought consciousness into it, you can go beyond the veils. You exist by your thought consciousness. So, just stop giving up on yourself.
噢,有一個念頭,我剛好趕上了第十一個原則:別放棄, 停止放棄你自己,停止試著去賺一塊錢,讓錢成為你表現愛的副產品。停止去成為任何你不了解的某事,取而代之的是,成為任何事。用活躍歡愉的能量充滿你自己,帶你到以前未曾想過的階段。釋放你自己,對亞歷山大圖書館敞開。自己去發現它吧!我的朋友,他們也許燒了書,但知識並未被燒燬。仍有你可以與之生活的信念。
Oh, there's a thought. I just came up with the eleventh Principle: Stop giving up. Stop giving up on yourself. Stop trying to make a dollar. Let money become a byproduct of the love that you express. Stop trying to be something you don’t understand, and, instead, be everything. Fill yourself with the animated energy that will move you to levels that you've never even considered before. Free yourself to open up to the Alexandrian Library. Find it yourself. My friends, they may have burned the books, but they didn't burn the knowledge. There's a thought that you can live with.
Everything you want to talk about is yours to talk about this evening. You can reach to whatever levels you want to reach. As you prepare to ask your questions this evening, close your eyes nice and gently and say, “Master Kirael, here's my question.” This is what will happen: You will shut off your ten percent brain and let something flow out through your vocal cords from your 90 percent brain. Your question will come from the depths of your desire to draw from the well that has no bottom, for there is no answer that cannot be checked and rechecked. More importantly, there's no answer that cannot be perceived. As we begin the questions, We the People shall be in alignment with We Guidance.