Q: I'd like to know what I'm supposed to be doing here on this island.
KIRAEL: What you're supposed to be doing here on this island probably is to attend the session this evening so that you can remember that you are one of the key carriers of the forces of light. You want to hear something very third dimensional, but you will hear what you need to hear—that you came into this incarnation not being birthed through your parent's channel. You have come into this incarnation by bringing another part of your higher self. You are not a walk-in, unless you want to consider that you have been walked-in by yourself. You were brought in to experience the unfolding of the greater part of the Lemurian healing consciousness. The Lemurian healing consciousness is not just about physical touch healing. It is also about the awakening of the soul energy within each of the hibernating energy forces of the extreme wizard core. So, you have brought with you a key that will unfasten much of that, and I would say you're probably less than six months away from releasing that energy. That's what's drawing you to Lemuria.
For more information on “walk-ins,” please see Guide to the Unseen Self, by Fred Sterling
Q: At what point do the thought, the spoken word, and the written word get recorded in the annals of time or the Alexandrian Library, or wherever they may be recorded?
KIRAEL: If I answer it the way you've asked it, nobody will understand. The oral word, thought, and the written word are a key trinity from which you can decipher. That’s the connection between that trinity and the Alexandrian Library.
There are many of you on this planet right now who have been trained in another world, not an airy-fairy world like another planet, but a whole different world where you were trained to bring this energy forth. The buffer society of Guidance reality put all of this in perspective until the Earth was ready to go through the Shift. At the same time, we are teaching your energy how this will all become a reality.
Q: Is the Alexandrian Library, or any other libraries, recorded in crystals?
KIRAEL: Much of the information in the library in Athens was encoded in crystal. When the Guidance world deciphered this energy and moved it into different segments, certain simple things existed that we could turn over to the crystal world. The crystals were brought from other worlds. There are a few crystals here, the origin of which no one knows. Well, no crystal originated here. Many of the crystals—even those brought in long before Lemurian times—were brought in for significant reasons of encoding them with energy. That’s why so many people are attracted to the crystal world. The crystals are part of their world. The crystals are part of a great magnetic force that keeps information.
Q: When the Alexandrian Library existed on the physical planet, was it available to all people or was it available to only a select group?
KIRAEL: The library was burned because it was available to the populous. Most of the males of society were murdering and pillaging, having a grand time. So, they said to their female counterparts, “Look, I'm going off to war now. Would you run around to the library and see what you can find out for me, and when you come home, fill me in?” Off the women went to the library. That's where all the other females were, and everybody had access to the library’s contents simultaneously. The women realized, from reading the documents and records, that they were limitless beings. So, one read one book and the other read the other book, and then they melded their minds so that one could receive the information from the book the other was reading. They discovered that by holding hands they could form a trinity, within which each could read a book, then let all the information read from the scrolls be absorbed and fed back to them all simultaneously, as one. Meanwhile, the male energy, hacking away with his sword, didn't have a chance of understanding what was going on. The library was most likely burned down because the counterparts in the female experience were getting way too wise for humanity.
Hear this question and answer and other “gems” with Master Guide Kirael on the new audio CD, Treasures From the Vault, available in the online store at www.Kirael.com.
Q: Is there an equivalent of the Alexandrian Library on the Earth plane today and is it available to all?
KIRAEL:K種類的鯨魚和阿卡莎紀錄--不是太多的地球阿卡莎,而是宇宙阿卡莎--維持等同於亞歷山大圖書館。宇宙阿卡莎現在比鯨魚更輕易取得。他們擁有任何曾經在亞歷山大圖書館的訊息資源,因為緩衝指導靈將它們全部拉出,並且送出它們到多樣的方向。我們不是要干涉一個社群的人,並且採取機會,我們選擇了錯誤的社群給予一切,相信我,他們在所有的地方; 我們看到它。
KIRAEL: The K class whales and the Akashic Records—not so much the Earth Akashics, but the Cosmic Akashics—hold the equivalent of the Alexandrian Library. The Cosmic Akashics are more accessible than the whales right now. They have everything that was ever in the Alexandrian wealth of information, because the buffer guides pulled it all out and sent it in multiple directions. We weren't about to interfere with a society of people and take the chance that we picked the wrong group to give everything to. Trust me, they're all over the place; we saw to it.
Q: Are the crystals that line the bottom of the ocean also records of information, and if so, must we go through the energy of love to bring through the information in those records? How can we channel that information to help guide and teach others as well as ourselves?
KIRAEL: First of all, when you went out through the portal in the meditation I did, you got a finite glance of the fifth light, or fifth dimension, or whatever you feel comfortable calling it. As you asked this question, I looked into your brain as closely as I could, and you were speaking of the fifth light. What you saw were the crystal extractors, and, because you have no frame of reference for such things, your mind translated it into third-dimensional terminology.
The crystal extractors from that dimension cross through all dimensions. To your mind, it looks like an ocean, but they are dimensions. While crossing through these dimensions, the crystals absorb the knowledge of each dimension through the crystal extractors. That knowledge is stored in the fifth dimension, which is beyond all the archives and everything you're speaking of.
You can have experiences like you’ve just described by willing yourself through that portal. It wasn't a dream. It wasn't your imagination. It was a reality. You saw the extractors of light forces, which are what the crystals go through when they go through a dimensional process such as they're going through in your third dimension right now. They're gathering everything there is to know about the evolution of this journey in the Creator force. They are not testing the Creator. They are willing their light to show the Creator what the Creator has evolved itself to. That way, the Creator can carry on into the Shift and allow the new dynamics to unfold.
你看到轉換會發生的證據,你看到已經在這世界上的提取器,而且看到轉換的可能。 我要非常仔細的在這裡稱讚你,因為我祈求你們的自我可以保持檢視。你是那些女孩的其中之一,站在亞歷山大圖書館的頂端,而且握著手的,繼續保持這樣,讓事情這樣進行,試著使其它人了解他們領先的地方。讓你們自身了解整個地球朝向何處。你們可以到那些提取器並且提取。
You saw proof of why a Shift will occur. You saw the extractors that have seen this world and seen that it is capable of shifting. I praise you very carefully here because I'm praying that your ego can be held in check. You are one of those ladies who stood at the head of the Alexandrian Library and held hands. Be willing to keep going. Let go of trying to make other people see where they’re headed. Let yourself see where the whole of Earth is headed. You can go to those extractors and extract.
Q: How much of the information that was burned in the Alexandrian Library is actually stored in the consciousness of incarnate beings here on the planet right now, and do we have access to that information within our 90 percent brain?
KIRAEL: Only 100 percent of the information is stored in the consciousness of incarnate beings here on the planet. Every incarnate being has access to the information. Each of you can tap into the universal flow of source. The universal flow of source is where the whales communicate with the Creator, and where the Creator, without its own communication skills, is left to incarnate its energy into source lights. Every human being is a product of source light, which means you can incarnate into matter that is vibrationally aware of itself.
Hence, everything that has a brain—including a little frog—has access to these records. The trees on your planet at one time in the civilization of your world were the only beings that absorbed this light. If you understood that, you'd never cut down another forest as long as you live. You'd build your houses among the trees. That's a whole other story.
Q: What is the connection between the energies of Atlantis and the burning of the Alexandrian Library?
KIRAEL: Atlantis was a society that thrived on very heady energy, conceptual energy. Everything had a concept. So, a lot of those beings were sent into the Plato energy. Much of Plato's work came from the Atlantean energy. When Alexander woke up, society had gone so far from Lemuria that you couldn't get back. That is when the whole of society reshaped itself. Much of the Guidance reality was forced to restructure its Earth vibrational patterns at that time.
To learn more about the ancient land of Lemuria , please see Kirael: Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift by Fred Sterling.
Q: What type of information was found when the tombs of the first Emperor of China were discovered?
KIRAEL: Likely, when this information was taken out, what was found scared the excavators so badly that they decided to cover up the rest of it. The Shift is all about shifting that vibration of fear and uncovering this information. That's why you do Billion Person Peace Meditations—not just to have peace on the Earth, but to have a vibrational awakening.
When you do a Billion Person Peace Meditation, you in-lighten the vibration of Earth and its circumference and all of the energy surrounding it. Anything within a few thousand miles of anything that was affected by the meditation is awakened. So, there are people now in China who have been willing to just be Chinese and do what Chinese do, and so on and so forth. Now they're suddenly saying, “Wait a minute. We have one of the oldest parts of society. We have more energy forces than almost any other society on the Earth plane.” Are you aware that when the Chinese explorers returned from their expeditions, they told the Emperor that there was nothing out there that they didn't have and that they weren’t going back? That's the truth. When the rest of the Earth plane discovers something, China says, “We knew that.” What they don't know is that they can't remember it until somebody else discovers it. Do you see the sadness in all that? They can’t remember because, very early on, they chose not to share what they had. You’ve got so many in the world of China who are not willing to share because they’re not willing to listen to the rest of the world.
If the Chinese hear one, two, three from the rest of the world, they get four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen through twenty, but they don't know what to do with four to twenty because it doesn't fit with what they’ve just heard. There is probably so much knowledge in this tomb you are speaking about that one sheet of parchment or one block of carved stone probably sent the excavators into almost total unconsciousness. China was right. It sent out its people, who discovered there was nothing that they didn't already know, and they confined themselves. Hence, that is where they are this very day, as we speak. They've already got the knowledge. They’ve just got to remember it.
Q:Is the Atlantean library under water, and is the library in Lake Tahoe Atlantean?
KIRAEL:是的,可能大部在水面下。沒人能找到亞特蘭提斯,因為它散布在全世界。當亞特蘭提斯潰散,部份飄浮遠離核心所在之處。那是為何你們可以在澳洲的海岸、格陵蘭島,和許多其它的地方,找到亞特蘭提斯的能量。那也是為何你們不能發現它的起源。大部份的它碎裂,而其餘的飄浮遠離。大部份亞特蘭提斯的圖書館,帶著原封不動的訊息飄浮遠離,並且長期被埋。在塔霍湖中圖書館是Alpha Centurion R.
KIRAEL: Yes, probably most of it is under water. The reason no one can find Atlantis is because it is spread out all over the world. When Atlantis broke up, parts of it floated away from the core of where it was. That's why you can find the Atlantean energy on the coast of Australia , in Greenland , and many other places. That’s also why you can't find it where it originated. Most of it disintegrated and the rest floated away. Most of the Atlantean library, with its information intact, floated away and was buried over time. The library in Lake Tahoe is Alpha Centurion R.
Q:地球的球面自轉,以及它的行星系統處在Kali yuga的不和譜衝突的黑暗時代。它是我的理解,我們剛才已經翻轉了地球的一個角落,並且是為何我們要進入教化的時期和轉換。它還需要在黑暗之中麼,像我們一直處於的狀態?我指的是,它就似乎像是地球繼續從光到黑暗到光到黑暗。
Q: The spherical rotation of the Earth and its planetary system is in Kali yuga[1]. It's my understanding that we've just turned a corner on Earth and that's why we are coming into this period of enlightening and the Shift. Was it necessary to be in the dark, like we’ve been? I mean, it just seems as if the Earth keeps going from light to dark and light to dark.
KIRAEL: The Earth plane was designed in its original form as a duality planet. Therefore, it could never experience light until fully understanding that darkness is a culmination of light. That darkness, as exemplified by the Dark Ages, was more about the amount of information personified or coagulated in one trickle of vibratory streaming. The Earth rotates because the world plane, during its shifts, came down to a point where the physical vibration, or at least the human—the upright mid-air breather—was going to be dissolved or returned into the light factors. It was necessary then to keep the spin of energy so that when the human returned, it could plug back into it. It took us a long time to get the spin right. Now the spin is right.
When you teach the people how to ground themselves and use their forces to connect between the light of Mother Earth and the etheric lights, you're actually teaching them how to plug into the system of vibration between Mother Earth and the etheric lights. The people aren't being grounded to the Earth. They are being taught to plug into the system of vibration that uses the rotating force of Earth. That is the source you can use to stay out of the coagulated light, or darkness, and, instead, stay in the vibrant light. The vibrant light is where everyone is headed anyway.
Q: What lies ahead for the duality of male-female as we go into the Shift?
KIRAEL: The balance. I'm always very courteous to the female energy because I happen to love the female energy. The female energy is struggling right now. I don't mean that as a negative. Actually it's a positive, because the females are awakened to what's happening. They can't put words to it, so frustration oftentimes takes over, to a point where females start doing things they normally wouldn’t do.
That is perfect. I'm fair warning the male world to get used to it, because you will eventually pick up the same energy. Adonis was one of those balanced energies in the male-female world. Being an Adonis is not about being a sissy, so to speak. Right now the male energy doesn’t like to be considered a sissy. It’s against the rules. A male can be considered so if he wants to be, but he doesn't have to be. See, all that the males have got to do is touch into that almost eternal experience of the female energy and tune it into their system. The male energy can be taught to do this, but that same energy isn't going to listen too closely right away. Eventually it will.
Closing Statement
I leave it to you to listen to or read what I've said more than once. You cannot hear or read it once and understand what I have said. I promise you I have never made a recording or written a book that you can listen to or read one time and fully understand it. You see, I'd be failing you completely if I didn't put packets of light into these energy forms so that you can listen to or read them over and over, always becoming more enlightened. Listen to and read my words, my friends, and go through that little dot in the portal. Until we have the opportunity, my friends, I vow to each of you that I do hold you, as I've done many times, in the Creator's Light. Good evening.
Thank you for reading this article from Master Guide Kirael through the mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling and sharing the information with your friends, readers of your publications and email lists. Please let us know that you are publishing or posting this article so that we may hold you in light and refer the viewers of The Great Shift with Fred Sterling Internet videocast to your website or publication.
For more information on Kahu Fred Sterling and Master Guide Kirael, more articles, books and audio recordings, as well as workshops and the weekly webcast, “The Great Shift with Fred Sterling”, please visit our website at www.Kirael.com.
[1] Kali Yuga, also known as The Age of Darkness, is one of the four stages of development that the world goes through as part of the cycle of Yugas, as described in Hindu scriptures. Most interpretations of Hindu scriptures believe that earth is currently in Kali Yuga. Hindus believe that human civilization degenerates spiritually throughout the Kali Yuga. It is mostly referred to as the Dark Age, mainly because people are the furthest possible from God. The "Kali" of Kali Yuga means "strife, discord, quarrel, or contention."