Q: It has been said that some of the documents from the Alexandrian Library are in the basement of the Vatican . Do the people working at the Vatican understand or know of the value of these documents? Will they be able to heal into the Love of the Creator to share the information with We the People?
KIRAEL: The answer is not one that will make everyone happy. There are over 200 vaults of archives within the Vatican , and within one archive could be over 200,000 documents. I'm only talking about the main vaults. I'm not even talking about those that branch off from them. There are so many documents.
No one within the confines of the Vatican at this point, and that includes the Pope, has the knowledge of what's in those vaults. There is too much to know. You must understand that everything that wasn't burned was copied and put into those particular archives. There's a section of the archives in the United States of America that has a number of documents as well.
一團意識控制梵諦岡,我並不是說那裡有一個陰謀,或者任何其它的,但是有一個能量波在梵諦崗運作,它壓縮它自身在基督意識之下。現在,並不是說他們是壞人,就只是他們壓縮他們的能量。他們的信念系統,由代代的教宗所 教授,而有著相同的光的人們,認為資料庫裡的訊息會破壞人們。
A mass consciousness rules the Vatican . I’m not saying that there’s a conspiracy or anything like that, but a wave of energy runs the Vatican and it has compressed itself below Christ Consciousness. Now, that doesn't mean they're bad people, just that they have compressed their energies. Their belief systems, taught to them by generations of Popes and people of the same light, suggest that the information in those archives would devastate the human population.
They are wrong, a thousand percent wrong. They were right, up until about two years ago, when you came into this particular part of your journey where the Shift is the priority of your light. You are now capable of hearing and using this information.
Those who discover the information and are willing to bring it out would not be able to move one foot in front of the other in the particular vibration of the Vatican Archives at this point. There are places in the Vatican Archives where human beings cannot walk. The energy that prevents a human from entering those places is a combination of a protective energy and a consciousness that lives in the framework of fear. Those two combined make for a powerful force. Imagine trying to walk through something in your life that was created in unknowing as well as in fear of the unknown. You wouldn't attempt to walk through it, either.
There are parts of the Vatican library that haven't been entered in over 50 years, maybe a 100 years, in some cases. The doors haven’t even been opened. Is there anyone alive today who knows everything that's in there? No. Will the archives be discovered? Yes, my friend, magically, they will.
At the time of the Shift, the doors to every archive in existence will be opened and information will flow out of there so fast and furious, and so beautiful and enlightening, that the world will absorb the energy processes of everything that's been held back. No one will learn it in one lifetime. Even if your whole brain were working, you couldn't conceptually understand what is held in the archives of the Earth plane. Remember, the Earth plane is one of the storage vaults of the Creator's source. It is where not only your histories, but also the histories of other civilizations outside of your Earth plane have been kept. That's why you are not allowed to know what's in those vaults. These other civilizations don't even vibrate on the Earth plane, and their histories are locked away in a beautiful archive here.
Somewhere in Washington , D.C. , there are 184 boxes that are about four feet in length, about two feet in depth, and packed with the information of a star system very close to the star system you're on. That star system was studied and recorded in writings, which were put in these boxes. The information is there today in Washington , D.C. Imagine what might be in the Vatican .
Hear this question and answer with Master Guide Kirael on the new audio CD, Treasures From the Vault, available in the online store at www.Kirael.com.
Q: I believe that some of the scrolls that survived the fires in the Alexandrian Library are also in the Rosicrucian archives and some are secreted in caves in Tibet . You also mentioned that some of these documents were rescued by the Guidance realm for the purpose of reintroducing them when humanity is ready for them. Where else is this information held and are the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating part of the lost scrolls?
KIRAEL: Some of this information was also held by a whole segment just like your galactic energies that were considered “raw data-type energy forces” that had only one thing in mind—conquering other societies and learning from them. More interesting perhaps is the fact that at one time there was a percentage of the Guidance reality that got lost in its own vision, in its own journey, and turned against enlightening the worlds as you know them today. Many millions of years ago, a segment of the Guidance reality participated in trying to hold back from societies the energy that I'm bringing forth today. A society in the Guidance reality took information from the Alexandrian Library and focused it on this huge business conglomerate veiled as a church. It was that group of Guidance that held the church in the highest and put it out among the world plane so that it could get the foothold that it has. I'm not making myself out to be some sort of savior, because I'm not, but the Guidance world that is now coming into your arena—and I'll even throw my own energy in among them just for the moment—has come to reverse the trend of many forces that have held things back from the human world.
We’re not trying to reverse things because we’re concerned that the conglomerate became a church. Church is a beautiful thing. The church was guided to keep information from We the People. The emphasis is on the word guided, and suggests that a group from the Guidance reality had this information and saw or felt that it was too much for a civilization to comprehend. Therefore, they learned how to hold it back.
So, yes, Guidance, as I have told you in the past, got a hold of many of those written ethereal light portions and absorbed their energies into the patterns of experience that were laid out in meditative form similar to what I showed you tonight. See, I showed you through your meditation how to go beyond Guidance. I took you to the portal and released you; I didn't go with you.
So, the answer to your question is multifaceted. Hopefully, my answer will bring a conceptual understanding to your mind and to the minds of those who wish to go there with me. There are archives not only in the Vatican , but in the Americas , in France , and in the pyramids under the sand dunes of Baghdad . There are archives beyond your wildest accounts. They are filled with energies that can release things such as overmasterminds. There is a key in these philosophical writings that can destroy the overmastermind overnight.
Now, that's not going to make my medium popular, but that's all right because I and a number of other energies are protecting him. The Guidance world held a scroll at one time that is no longer being held by it. That scroll has been brought to your Earth plane and is waiting to be discovered. That key will unlock and destroy the consciousness of the overmastermind.
To understand the overmastermind is to understand certain projections that result from willing and using words that are not usually comprehendible by the human reality. For instance, in our meditation, some of you willed yourselves and scared yourselves half to death because you felt the motion. What I told you tonight was basically the key of that scroll. It is accessible by every human being in existence. We have the Billion Person Peace Meditation because it assists you in unlocking the mind.
The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating are a segment of principles worked out by Aristotle. Aristotle was not a human being as you know him to be. Aristotle lived in all worlds simultaneously. He drew knowledge from all other beings, and he was taught this by his greater teacher, Plato. When Aristotle realized what Plato had taught him, it scared him so much that he decided to become human. In becoming human, he went through all the traditions of being human. Did you know he was married four times? Your histories won't even tell you about it. They might tell you about one or two marriages, but they won't tell you about all four, or the fact that he was married four times in the same amount of years. I'm not saying he's a bad man or a bigamist or anything else. It means he became human, and when he became human, he lost his stride until he came across a 13-year-old young man, who was sent to him by one of his predecessors. This young man was Alexander.
The 13-year-old Alexander came to Aristotle and said, "Aristotle, I have dreamt that you live in another world.” At that moment, Aristotle became Aristotle again and he emptied everything he had at that given point into Alexander, who became Alexander the Great and built a library filled with the information. In accepting this download of information, Alexander opened himself up to a whole new spectrum, and he let all his energies move out into the other experiences. As he did this, Alexander brought forth something that contained the ten principles of Aristotle.
The Ten Principles that I brought to the Earth plane are only one segment of one of Aristotle's principles. The integrity of those that I brought through is to help you understand that in the words on the recordings of those Principles is the same key that Alexander saw in his dream when he said to Aristotle, “Open your mind and let the world begin.” That is when Aristotle came back to life, and that is where you'll see the truth of Alexander's work. That's also where you'll see the truth of Aristotle's light unfold in every segment.
I have spoken words tonight that will cause some of you to say, “How the heck did I already know that? I never studied Aristotle. I didn't even know he had ten principles.” You know it because you are tied into a universal flow of energy, off of which the guardians of light have taken all restraints. Here now is this magical flow of energy that anybody can tap into—ten simple principles, not of Aristotle, but of the work that Aristotle brought forth after young Alexander said I had a dream. There's your beginning, my friend.
So, yes, the loss of this information can be rectified. Those same guides who were so aligned to protect a little society called Earth are willing to come here and open up. What we can't find are mediums to get the information through. The mediums of this Earth plane are few and far between. You say, "Oh, no, Master Kirael, there's one coming up every day." There are not enough, my friend. There is a tremendous amount of information to share and we want our words to be devoid of interpretation.
Q: Is there a sequel to the Ten Principles, and is it something you can talk about?
KIRAEL: There is a sequel, but you're far from it. We're having a difficult time getting people to even attempt the Ten Principles. If you look within the Ten Principles, you will find a lifetime of knowledge to be unfolded from within your own mind consciousness. The Principles are the key that unlocks the universal flow of light. So, is there a sequel? Oh, yes. Every Principle has ten principles within it. Will you get all of them in this lifetime? Sit back and hold your breath just a minute. You most assuredly can get them all this lifetime, but you will have to work at it, my friends, like you've never worked at anything before. You may toil at your job, but this is where your real work is.
Q: A lot of documents from the Alexandrian Library were seized or smuggled out. If the whales hold every bit of information since creation, would they still have the information that was present at Alexandria prior to the burning? Are we able to access that information right now?
KIRAEL: Absolutely. There was a certain classification of Guidance called the failsafe energy guides. I'm using your common everyday words. Failsafe energy guides were sent in, in the fashion of the Creator's source and the Christ Consciousness. They were not Jesus, but the Christ Consciousness. At the time, they saw that this library would be lost—believe me; we know what's going to happen on your world prior to its happening—so a segment of Guidance was sent in to buffer the old and the new guardians. The old guardians were retiring their force of light to the new guardians, also known as Guardians of Developing Societies. The new guardians were being brought into alignment on the Earth plane. Much of the energy in the Alexandrian Library had nothing to do with your Earth plane. Much of that energy was from outside light forces and was about things that you can only imagine. Anyway, a gathering of Guidance was brought together in the Creator force to intercede and buffer these two guardian worlds and balance them so they could free this information for the populace of not just this world, but all of your sister and brother worlds in the other planet systems—your galactic brothers and sisters.
There was a huge disagreement among the forces of guides. The old guard tried to protect you by keeping you not too bright, and the new guard wanted to expose everything to everyone all at once and get it over with. The buffer group was sent into the center of these two groups. They saw that the Alexandrian Library was going to be burned. So, this buffer group from Guidance came in to gather everything that had been put in writing, not only in the Alexandrian Library, but all library systems. There were libraries in Athens , Africa, Polynesia, Asia , all over the world.
The job of this Guidance world was to bring all the information out and give it to some energy that could hold it on the Earth plane and that the Guidance world would have no problem understanding—the whales. Now, remember, I'm talking about something that has not been discussed here on your Earth plane. This buffer group looked into this information. The only allies they had at the time were the sea world mammals, which today are your whales and dolphins. They took a certain class of the whales and asked them to absorb the energies of the old guard going out and the new guard coming in. The whales had the biggest brain capacitors, even bigger then than they are now. Now we've learned how to compact the information.
The energy was taken from the old and the new guard and given to this buffering group of guides, and then downloaded into the animals of the sea, if you will. That particular segment of guides was then sent back to the Creator force and retired, because they were not to work on a plane such as Earth again. They were sent back into the Guidance of all God Creation, or of your Creator Force, and they stayed there until some of us were called out of retirement to come back and announce the Great Shift of the Earth plane.
For more information, please see Kirael: The Great Shift Revised Edition by Fred Sterling.
So, if you want to know a whale, find out its name. If its name starts with a K, he is of the class of energy that is the keeper of the knowledge. So, if you look into the eye of any energy out there in the whale population whose name has a K on the front of it, it’s a class K whale. It’s a record keeper. The information was stored in that whale so that it would be available to you at this time. That's also why they called us back out of retirement.
Q: How is the Hall of Records by the Sphinx connected to the Alexandrian Library?
KIRAEL: The Hall of Records is an index coder. When they pull these records out, all the different languages that were used, whether it was Hebrew or whatever they were using to write then, can be deciphered via codes. Everything back to and including Lemurian hand script can be deciphered. The Sphinx scrolls are the code decipherers of these energies. They are vitally important, which is why they've been put where they are, and that's why you can't find them. We can't let them free right now because you wouldn't be able to decipher them.
Q: So, is there dimensional protection on that Hall of Records?
KIRAEL: There definitely is dimensional protection, but in my world it’s called dimensional semblance, which means that there are codes over top of the codes that can only be unlocked when the human consciousness reaches a level to understand that the lock is there. That understanding alone will unlock it.
Q: Is the Arc of the Covenant one of the keys and is it associated with the Alexandrian Library?
KIRAEL: It is not one of the keys. It is associated with the Alexandrian Library from the standpoint that the Arc of the Covenant has the description of all forces of disciple light, not to be confused with the disciples of Jesus. The disciple light I speak of is the Creator's experience that actually incarnated onto the Earth, much like Jesus did.