
 銀河聯邦SaLuSa的通靈者 Mike Quinsey

ET-First Contact Radio, March 14, 2011


Maarten: Hello dear listeners, this is ET Contact Personal Radio with Maarten Horst, and I have a very special guest tonight. His name is Mike Quinsey, and he is a gentleman from Great Britain. Correct, Mike?

Maarten:親愛的聽眾大家好,這是與Maarten Horst談論與ET接觸的個人廣播,我今天請來了一位非常特別的客人。他的名字是 Mike Quinsey,他是一位來自大不列顛的紳士。對麼,麥克?

Mike: It is, yes, indeed. From England.


Maarten: Yes. And since 2003, if I am right, you have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation…


Mike: It was actually March, 2004, so it is 7 years this month.


Maarten: Exactly 7 years now?


Mike: Yes, it seems a long time.

Maarten: Beautiful! Yes, before we start, Mike, I would just like to have a little introduction that I edited on my computer. It’s kind of funny, it's about UFO’s and a bit of funny way they introduce themselves! In the beginning of the 90’s this was done by a DJ in Holland, and it's a very funny introduction, I just want to play it for the listeners. It's about two minutes, so just hold on. Here it comes! It’s great fun!


Mike: OK!

Maarten plays a recording, which sounds like a 'galactic' announcement of his own BBS Radio show.


Maarten: Well, that was fun Mike!
M :好的,這很有趣呢,對吧麥克!

Mike: Yes indeed! (laughs). It reminds me a little bit of the Carpenter’s song in which they're contacting an extraterrestrial craft, which I’m sure you are familiar with.


Maarten: Yes, I am.
M : 是的。沒錯。

Mike: With the sort of with a Dalek type Voice of the space people.


Maarten: Yes, yes. Anyway, in the last few years that you have been giving messages, you are mostly in contact with SaLuSa from Sirius.


Mike: Yes, telepathically. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call ‘packages’ of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer.


Maarten: Yes, I must tell you that since 2008 I started reading your updates, and I do that three times a week. Sometimes even more, because the day after I read your message again. Is it correct that the messages come through on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday?


Mike: That is correct, yes. Originally, I used to do them six times a week. After a few years, SaLuSa indicated that he wanted to be the energy for that group of people, and effectively, he is speaking for them all as the Galactic Federation.


Maarten: Yes, that is what I understand from your messages. I must tell you that since I read them, since 2008, I am really being educated in a very broad way, about ascension, and about the shift we are all going to make, and about disclosure and first contact, and about the wonderful future that lies ahead of us.


Mike: It’s wonderful, yes.


Maarten: Yes, and I must tell you, that Thursday night when I go to sleep, if I'm free on Friday - because I work with mentally disabled children, and youngsters, and I make music with them - I ask myself: What can I do tomorrow morning, Friday? And then I think: Oh! There will be a message from SaLuSa! So then around 8:30 Central European Time – I think that’s 7:30 Greenwich time, I open my e-mail and I read your wonderful message!

M :是的,而且我必須告訴你,在週四晚我準備睡覺的時候,如果我週五休息--因為我的工作是與精神上有障礙的孩子打交道,還有年輕人,我與他們分享音樂--我要求自己:我明天早上能做什麼呢,週五?然後我想:哦!明天不是會有來自SaLuSa資訊麼!所以然後圍繞歐洲中部時間的8點30分--我想格林尼治時間是7點30分,我打開我的郵箱並且開始閱讀您的奇妙資訊!

Mike: (laughs) Yes, that’s lovely. A lot of people e-mail me and tell me that they do look forward to them in that way. In fact, it made me laugh, really - one subscriber sent me an e-mail and said that he is addicted to them! (laughs)


Maarten: (laughs) Yes, I think I am as well, I am addicted too, but I do not want to call it an “addiction”. The thing is, it is such a contrast between what the media is reporting, the newspapers and the television and radio, if you compare this to your beautiful messages that come from SaLuSa. I have listened to one of your radio shows on BBS radio. A couple of months ago, you interviewed Sheldan Nidle…

M:(笑)是的,我也一樣,我也上癮了呢!但是我並不想把它叫做“上癮”。問題是,這與媒體報導的形成了鮮明的對比,報紙和電視以及廣播,如果與你美妙的來自SaLuSa的資訊比較。我已經聽過了你在BBS廣播的節目。幾個月之前,你會見了Sheldan Nidle。。。

Mike: Right, yes.

Maarten: So I read them also; they are only once a week. They are placed on line between Tuesday and Wednesday, and they inspire me. There is such a contrast between what you hear on the television and what you read there; it is so uplifting.


Mike: Yes, it's unfortunate that the media, and particularly the press is censored inasmuch that the owner of most newspapers is Murdoch, and they are only allowed to print on matters that he approves. So they're really censored in that way. So you don’t hear – very rarely anyway – the truth about things that are going on in the world.


Maarten: What I can say about the messages from SaLuSa, is that he is often not giving us very specific details. And the reason for that is, I figured out, to protect the plans that they are working out with the Earth Allies. Is that correct?

M:我關於 SaLuSa的資訊能說的是,他經常不給我們確切的特別細節。究其原因,我斷定,是為了保護他們與地球盟友正在進行的計畫,是這樣麼?

Mike: That certainly is one of the important reasons, and also if they release dates in advance, as happened with the October the 14th message…


Maarten: Yes, that happened with Blossom Goodchild.

M :是的,那是來自Blossom Goodchild的資訊

Mike: Yes, you give something out in advance and then, obviously, the dark ones are going to do all they can to spoil it or stop it. So you are safeguarding your own opportunity to make statements or issue special messages by not freely giving out the dates. They are very reluctant to do it. I like reading Sheldan Nidle’s messages, and messages from other sources, and I notice that his Sirians and other contacts take the same point of view. They are very reluctant to give out dates. They give you ideas by saying, “a few months” or something like that, but not specific at the moment.

麥克:是的,你提前給予某些事情的日期,明顯地,黑暗勢力就會做他們能做的一切去破壞它,阻止它。所以你會為了保護你的目的機會讓事態和事件進行順利而不會任意的給出確切日期。他們非常不樂意去這麼做。我喜歡閱讀Sheldan Nidle的資訊,還有來自其他渠道的資訊,並且我注意到他的天狼星使者與其他接觸的都有同樣的觀點。他們非常不願意給出確切的日期。他們會給你想法,比如說“幾個月”或者類似的說法,但是不會特別指出時間。

Maarten: No. I think it was the beginning of January this year in one of SaLuSa’s messages that he said that “disclosure probably will happen in the first quarter of 2011” - this year! Is this scenario still valid?

M:不。我想自從今年1月份開始在 SaLuSa的一條資訊裏說道:“大揭露很可能會在2011年的第一季度發生”--今年!這個條件還存在麼?

Mike: Well, inasmuch that I have not received anything to the contrary. I would say that that is still a firm possibility, yes. With the events that have just happened, such as the big earthquake in Japan, you can never be quite sure whether they see the situation in the world as being ideal to announce disclosure. It is, as they've often said, getting the timing right for these things. If they see an opportunity a bit further ahead that is more suitable, then, who knows? Myself or Sheldan, or other people may get some indication coming through. But nothing up till now.


Maarten: I must tell you that, as I said, the messages are very uplifting and positive, and they speak about unconditional love. I myself am so much looking forward to being a Galactic Human, to being an ascended being. Of course, first of all, disclosure will happen and then the landings, first contact, a little while after that. But as I see it -


Mike: - Well, on that point, I don’t think that after disclosure the landings will happen a little while after. It will take some time because I think another important issue is they must have the new provisional governments in place; that is for their safety and the people on the Earth. If they come too soon, again, they might give the dark ones who are in the governments an opportunity to, shall we say, spoil it.


Maarten: Yes, because the members of the Galactic Federation are non-violent. They are very loving beings, they do not use violence. They do not want to get into a conflict on the Earth when they land.


Mike: Absolutely. They would rather, as you might use the term, walk away from trouble. But they are not turning their back on anything. Clearly, they are quite capable of handling themselves if they are confronted by other, say, space craft or by beings that are goig to be violent towards them. But they do not want to get involved in that type of issue. They’ve never been violent to the best of my knowledge, although there have been incidents where they have been chased by craft from the Earth, and they got themselves into a decision where the space people have had to put them off. They have destroyed some craft, but only, I would say, as an act of self-defense when there wasn’t any other option.


Maarten: Yes, I understand. What is interesting is that they also disabled some nuclear silos, is that correct?


Mike: Oh, yes. Quite a few. I think that was to back up their instructions – if you could call them instructions – that no government would be allowed the use of nuclear devices. So, if someone ignores that, if they put nuclear devices into the air with the idea of launching them, then they would be confronted by the space people who would either remove or disable the weapons. That happened not too long ago, apparently, so I understand, when there was a fleet that gathered in the Gulf and they were joined by other craft. The idea was, so we're told, that they were going to fire nuclear devices into Iran. So, to stop that, they disabled all the electrics and electronics so they could not communicate on-board the ships or use their weaponry. But it is the same thing, it’s what they did with the silos, in saying, 'Look, you wouldn’t be allowed to use these, and if we need to, we can stop you'.

麥克:哦~~當然,相當多了。我想那是在履行他們的職責--如果你想這麼稱呼的話--那就是沒有什麼政府將被允許使用原子設備。所以,如果某些人忽視那個條款,如果他們把原子彈設備發射到空中,那麼他們面臨被這些空間存有們的移除或者讓這武器失效。這就在不久前發生了,很明顯的,所以我知道了,那時曾經有一個艦隊集結在海灣,他們曾加入了其他的飛船編隊。這想法曾是,就像我們被告知的,他們曾一直想要發射原子彈到伊朗。所以,為了阻止那些,空間存有們讓所有的電子設備失效,以至於他們無法與船隻通信使用他們的武器。同樣的,他們也對核儲備做了同樣的事情,就像在說 “聽著,你們不允許使用這些,如果有必要,我們會阻止你們“。

Maarten: That particular event you were speaking about, shortly after, Colleen Thomas was on Russian television, is that correct? Is that the missile you were speaking about, that event?

M:那你剛提到的特別事件,不久之後,Colleen Thomas曾經在俄羅斯電視臺出現,對麼?這是你提到的導彈麼,那個事件?

Mike: No, this is a more recent one, but I know the one you are talking about, yes.


Maarten: Yes. And SaLuSa mentioned Colleen Thomas being a brave soul for getting this information out. I am not one to judge whether the information from Colleen is correct or not, I believe some of it is correct, -

M:是的,SaLuSa 也提到了Colleen Thomas一直是一位勇敢的靈魂,為了發佈這條資訊。我們並不是要批判誰,Colleen是對是錯,我相信其中的一些是正確的-

Mike: Yes.

Maarten: - but there were a lot of critics on SaLuSa. I didn’t have that criticism, because the only thing he said was that Colleen was a brave soul, brave to be on the mainstream television and speak about the Pleiadians, and the Galactic Federation stopping the missile. That was the only thing that was important.


Mike: Yes. I gathered afterwards because I didn’t know much Colleen at the time that message came through, that some of the other messages she sends out do not really resonate with those that came from SaLuSa earlier, or, say again, from people like Sheldan Nidle. In other words, she apparently tended to support a lot of the gloom and doom messages, which aren’t really part of the Galactic Federation’s messages at all.

麥克:是的,我後來收集了一些資訊,因為我對從資訊裏提到的Colleen知道的不多,她發表的其他資訊也確實與SaLuSa早期的資訊不相共鳴,或者,可以說,從像來自Sheldan Nidle的比較而言。換句話說,她顯然趨向於去擁護大量的厄運和毀滅的資訊,這些完全不是銀河聯邦資訊的方式。

Maarten: Exactly, this is not quite,’s a bit fearful to hear about all the reptoids and things she is talking about.


Mike: Yes indeed. So, that isn't part of the messages that the Galactic Federation give out. I wasn’t to know that, but even so, if I’m giving a message to put out, then I would do so. I have to have faith in the people whom I am in contact with.


Maarten: Of course, and I completely supported you. And I remember that you are overloaded with e-mails at the time this message came out. And in between, I ask your permission to use the drawing of SaLuSa...


Mike: Oh, yes.

Maarten: ...that you received from an acquaintance of you, as you told me. Because I remember that about half a year ago, you sent out an e-mail with this image, and I immediately saved it to my computer because it is, well, there is such an energy coming from it!








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