There are immense numbers of people involved in getting the changes moving to the stage of manifestation. Some are even unaware that they are in fact contributing to what is taking place. Yet they have been attracted to the energies of change, through a subconscious desire to amongst those who are actively bringing them about. So if you have not felt you were doing such work, think positively as you may after all be one that is. If you feel prompted to put yourself forward to promote the Light, simply be to others as one who is caring and loving to your fellow travelers. Sooner or later opportunities will come your way to be of service to them. It does not necessarily cost you anymore than some of your time, as for example when doing charitable work.
Some souls devote the entire life to the service of others, and in that case it is already arranged before they incarnate. These are indeed special souls, who have evolved much further than you would normally expect to find in the average person on Earth at present. However, they in turn will need helpers and often it is in connection with menial work, which is nevertheless vitally important to get the work done. So do not necessarily set your sights too high, and know that your contribution is valued as much as any other persons. It is the intent to do good, which is the mark of any soul that seeks an outlet for their desire to help others. Be assured that once you put out the thought that you want to serve, it will be picked up and you will find yourself coming across opportunities to do so. Spirit is using all available volunteers at this time to create the final thrust, that will establish the Light on Earth in such a way that it becomes a pathway to Ascension.
一些靈魂把整個一生奉獻在服務他人,以那種方式是在他們轉世之前就已許下的約定。他們都絕對是特殊的靈魂,比你們更加的進化,甚至在當前地球上的普通人群中就可以找到。(譯者:典型的例子在我們中國就是【盧安克】,感動中國的洗腳妹【劉麗】,以及已經過世的【白芳禮】老爺爺,有興趣的朋友可以在百度搜索他們的事蹟),他們不斷的幫助他人,而自己的工作卻是卑微的,但是這完全不會影響他們去做這份神聖的工作。所以完全沒有必要把你的標準放得太高,要知道你的貢獻和任何其他人一樣都是重要的。這就是服務於【善】的意圖,這是任何靈魂的印記,尋求一種自己幫助他人意願的出口。請確信,一旦你擁有了這樣的想法,想要去服務,就可以去貢獻,你會發現自己因為這麼做而帶來更多的機遇。此刻,【靈性】在運用一切可以使用的志願者們去創造這最終的信任,這份力量將在地球上建立【神聖之光】,而這種方式便是通向【揚升】的道途。 As time passes earthly matters will not seem so important, as your focus becomes more centered upon the activities that are leading to Ascension. It is in the knowing that all proceeds well and that a new Age is coming into manifestation. Your future is no longer reliant upon the old ways, which have become inadequate for the new path you are walking upon. Step upon it and see the difference in your lives, and how despair turns to hope and happiness. Let go all that which is clearly a remnant of the old world and its ways that kept you from the true Light. Now one who searches will find numerous sources of information, to guide them to those souls who can provide what they seek. An open mind and a flexible approach to new ideas, will allow for them to find a place with your existing knowledge. That which no longer serves you will naturally fall away as its energy is no longer maintained.
Much of what you do is done quite instinctively, as your mind is ever considering the latest facts you have absorbed. Also when you are on the path of Light, your Higher Self is always looking for opportunities to help. It is useful to take those quiet moments as times when you speak with it, as you will most certainly find that you will get a response. Maybe not immediately, but things will suddenly pop into your conscious mind that are to guide you. Sometimes it comes through your dream state, so note if you can what comes through least you forget it. If it is symbolic you should be able to work out the clues and find the message for you.
We are gradually getting your Statesmen to understand the nature of the changes that must be carried out. Many are pleased to be part of a movement to bring peace to a troubled world. Their allegiances are changing as for the first time they can speak of peace, knowing that it is coming and that the war machine will be dismantled for good. Like you they wait for the emerging leaders that will join forces with us, and commence to introduce the Divine Plan for your final release from the dark energies. It will clearly be appealing even to those who know little or nothing about it. It will sway masses of souls to place their faith in us, and you will notice a great shift in the mass consciousness. People will find those positive attributes that have been dormant for so long, and it will be joyful to see the Light growing even more quickly than before. We of the Galactic Federation are not a religion but simply God’s representatives for the process of Ascension. The truth belongs to every one of you, and does not need to be wrapped in religious dogma. However, changes in people’s way of thinking will come in its own good time, as we do not interfere with their current belief system. We will place the truth before them, as we will for your entire civilization. It is then up to you to make your choice as to whether your “truth” needs to be revised.
God is your Father/Mother and nurtures and guides his/her children so that they may attain adulthood. In spiritual terms that means becoming One again with your Higher Self. Then you can claim your Christhood and enter the pure dimensions of Light. Each of you will attain such levels in due course, and for those who are ready it will be a special occasion as they take back their sovereignty. You are in essence so much more than you presently believe, and Ascension is the first step towards a great future that lies ahead. Your power will be immense and by then you will have reached the levels of responsibility that go with it. Clearly you cannot be let loose until you have proved your capabilities as a cro-creator with God.
We speak about so much that at times it must engulf you, but do not worry as you will grow into the truth. At present it can be overwhelming, as you are in the process of a major change that is your initiation into the Light realms. We are already there, and you will join us if you are of our family. In any event you will rise up, and your first experience will be in connection with the new Earth. It will be quite different to what you know now. If it is not of the Light it will have disappeared, and only that which is in harmony and balance can remain. That also applies to you but rest assured that any soul that rises up will be of the Light, otherwise it would not be able to ascend. You have such a short time now to get your mind thinking in the correct way, but if you are seeking the Love and Light that is a sign that you are ready.
我們已經提到了這麼多,有時候也必須被你們所能理解,但是也不要擔心,因為你們會在真相中繼續成長。以當前的狀態看這會是具有壓倒性效應的,由於你們在一個主要轉變的進程中,這是你們進入【光的實相】的開端。我們已經存在於此地了,你們會加入我們就好像你們是我們的家人一般。以任何方式你們都會提升,而你們首先的體驗就是與新地球之間的連接。這將是與你們所知道的那些完全不同的。那些不屬於光的都會消失,只有那些保持在和諧與平衡中的可以停留。 這也將適用於你們,那就是任何的靈魂都將確認無疑的提升成為【光】,否則是不可能繼續提升的。現在你們只有很少的時間去轉變自己的想法,走入正軌,所以如果你在尋求【愛與光】,那就是表示你已經準備好的跡象。
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will be so pleased to help you all achieve a peaceful co-existence. That is how we live side-by-side and function as One in all we do. Try it Dear Ones, it will be difficult but in time that will be your goal. 我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa,並且非常的開心能夠幫助你們所有人達成和平存在的狀態。這也是我們肩並肩的原因,作為一個整體去行動。努力吧,親愛的,雖然艱難,但是很快你們就會完成目標。 Thank you SaLuSa.