【大角星人信息】 3月28日信息:《切斷羈絆,一切都來自完美的本源》
2012-03-28 23:21
Dear ones, 親愛的朋友們
We are here to encourage you to have patience. We seeyour discouragement when nothing seems to change, but let us assure you thatmuch is changing. You are not aware of all that is transpiring behind thescenes. Try not to be discouraged or hold preconceived concepts of how eventsmust unfold, simply allowing the process while letting go of any beliefs youmay still be holding about how the process must manifest. All is proceedingaccording to plan and all is perfect. 我們在這裡支持者你們,請再保持一些耐心。我們看到,你們中的很多人因為沒有看到任何事情發生變化而沮喪,但是請相信我們,很多事情都在變化中。你們並不瞭解幕後正在發生的事情。請不要感到沮喪,或者固執地認為事情必須要以何種方式/順序發生。請允許事情自然地展開。同時,請剝離你們目前所持有的,整個過程必須以何種方式展開的固執的觀念。所有的一切都在根據計畫展開著,所有的一切都非常完美。 Many of you are trying to live in ways you believe youshould; living out from ideas that come from religious and metaphysical books,or from the experiences of others. Release any and all concepts of howAscension should look, choosing instead to simply live in the Now moment,accepting each day as a gift from the Divine within, while practicing livingthe Truth you know. 你們很多人仍然在嘗試以你們相信應該的方式生活著。這些方式包括,依附於宗教的觀點,或者形而上學的書本,或者來自他人的經驗。請放下所有關於"提升應該是什麼樣"的觀念,轉而簡簡單單地生活在現在,並把每一天看作神聖的內在給你們的寶貴禮物,同時堅持按照你們所知道的真實生活。 See the Divine in others and remember who you and theyare even if they themselves have no interest in knowing this. Do this for thoseyou see on the newscasts, and in your newspapers, and as you go about yournormal day. Recognize the Divine plan in everything around you. These smallsteps gradually change your state of consciousness and lead to the fullawakening. It will not appear as a huge blast of energy that blows you into anew world without any effort on your part. One is not “saved” simply bydeclaring it so. You create the new world with every thought, word, and actionlived in truth and understanding of whom and what is real. This is thespiritual journey. Yes, things on earth are speeding up now, and more and moreopportunities are available for you to practice living each moment from a placeof truth and centering, and that is how it is done. 請看到別人神聖的一面,請時刻提醒你們自己,你們和他們來自相同的本源- 即使他們自己還沒有興趣知道這點。這裡的"他們"也包括你們每天在日常生活中的新聞廣播,以及報紙上看到的人們。請意識到在你們身邊的每個人都是神聖的計畫的一部分。這些小的步驟會逐漸改變你們的意識狀態,並將你們引向完全的覺醒。覺醒的過程並不像一個巨大的爆炸性能量,在沒有你們的努力付出下,瞬間將你們炸到新世界那麼簡單。並不是一句簡單的口號就能"拯救"一個人,將這個人帶向新生。你們在用你們的每個思想,每句語言,每個行動創造著你們的新世界。在創造的過程中,你們生活在真實中。你們很清楚地理解什麼是真實的,誰是真實的。這就是靈魂的旅程。是的,地球上的事情正在加速,越來越多機會正在展示給你們,從而在每時每刻幫助你們在鍛煉自己,讓自己生活在真實的地方,感受到能量的本源,這也是過去一段時間來一系列事件完成的方式。 There will be changes you will soon see in yourgovernment and the governments of other countries. Many are going to be leavingand the more enlightened will be put in their place. 很快,你們會看到你們的政府發生的變化,看到其他國家的政府發生的變化。很多人會離開,更多洞悉到真相的存有們會取代他們的位置。 The time is quickly arriving for those who have held backin doubt and disbelief to either get “aboard the ship” or leave. Higherdimensional energy will not support those who choose to stay in the lowerfrequencies. Many will be shocked by revelations that are soon to come out, butshocked as they may be, they must open their hearts to a new way of seeing andbelieving or be left behind. These seem like harsh words, but time is runningshort for the opening of consciousness to truth. 對於那些由於質疑和不信任徘徊在"上船"或者離開的人們,抉擇的時間正在迅速逼近。更高維度的能量不會支持那些選擇呆在低層次頻率的人們。很多人會被即將到來的,揭示給人們的真相所震驚。但是,儘管他們可能會震驚,他們必須張開他們的心,以一種新的方式去觀察,去相信。否則,他們會被遠遠地甩在後面。這看起來是非常尖銳的語言,但是留給人們打開通向真實意識的大門的時間正在不斷縮短。 You have worked very hard for thousands of years in theold 3-dimensional energy. It was a game played well, but never intended to goon forever. The game is over dear ones, it is time to get on with your journeyinto the higher energy of truth and the recognition of who you and all are. 你們在舊的第三維度能量中已經奮鬥了好幾千年。這曾經是一個運作良好的遊戲,但這遊戲的期限從來沒有被設計為永遠。遊戲結束了,親愛的朋友們,是時候跨入更高層次的真實的能量,認清你們所有人的本質的時候了。 We ask all to send Light to those people and areas ofGaia that are still resonating with the lower frequencies. Just send Lightwithout specific intentions or strings attached, because the Light knows whatis needed, it is Omniscient. See the Light flow out from your heart centerfreely given to those not yet aware of their own Light. Your Light Source cannever run dry, for it is infinite. As you see and flow Light to the world, youare not trying to change anything for when you try to change something you arein the third dimensional energy seeing from duality and separation. You see, inreality there is nothing to change for all is already One within the perfectionof an omnipresent Divine Consciousness. Mankind, in ignorance of this truth,has formed a world that appears much less than perfect. We are not saying thatyou are to sit back and say; “Oh well it is all illusion, so I will donothing”. We are saying that the enlightened soul first and always knows thetruth, and then takes whatever human footsteps he may be guided to take.Sometimes it will be to do nothing, other times there will be an action of somesort. 我們請求你們將光送給那些仍然徘徊在低緯度能量的人們以及地區。在這贈與的過程中,請不要刻意帶有任何目的,或者強加任何束縛,因為光知道他們需要什麼,光是無所不能的。請嘗試著想像光從你們的心中流出,流向仍沒有發覺他們自己的光的人們。你們光的源泉永遠不會枯竭,因為那光是無限的。當你們看著光流遍整個世界的時候,你們並不會嘗試改變任何東西,因為當你們嘗試改變任何東西的時候,你們正處在第三維度的能量中,正在以二元的,分離的方法看待著世界。你們看,實際上沒有任何東西需要改變,因為所有的一切都已經是完美的"一"的一部分,都是無所不能的神聖意識的一部分。人類,由於無視這個事實,創造了遠不夠完美的世界。我們並不是說讓你們坐在那裡,並且說:"哦,所有的一切都是幻覺,因此我什麼都不去做"。我們的意思是說,洞悉這一點的本質的靈魂在做任何事之前就知道事實。在洞悉事實的前提下,他們採取的任何人類的行動都會被這種覺知所引導。有時候他們會被告知什麼都不要做,有時候他們會被告知需要採取某種行動。 Flow Light to yourselves each day in your quiet time;seeing it flow from your heart center into your physical, emotional, mental,and spiritual bodies with the intention of clearing anything and everything ofa lower resonance. Choose to clear all lingering energy of disease inheritance,religious vows, ancient promises, painful cellular memories, false beliefs,negative emotional energies, and everything within your energy fields stillcarrying and holding the lower frequencies, for now is the time for releasing,clearing, and letting go. 請每天留給自己一些安靜的時刻,享受它。在享受的同時,讓光流入你們的身體。想像著光從你們心的心中流出,流入你們物理的,感情的,意識的,以及精神的身體。在光流動在你們體內的同時,請繼續清洗任何揮之不去的低層次振動的能量,例如長久以來疾病攜帶的能量,宗教的盲目崇拜,遠古時代的預言,隱藏在細胞內痛苦的記憶,錯誤的信仰,負面的感情能量,以及任何在你們能量場中攜帶低層次能量的東西。因為現在是釋放一切的時間,讓一切離去的時間。 It is very important to consciously cut any cords ofattachment you may still have to people letting them go in the realization thatevery individual has a journey, a Higher Self, and Guides to help them and theywill find their way as you have. Cords are formed from an excessive negative orpositive energy connection to certain people or things. Many times this will bea child. Often it is someone we have had many less than positive dealings withand wish to avoid. Usually it is someone we think about often. Energy cords,negative or positive can be brought with us from other life times and act tohold one in bondage to another person or to something. Never be afraid toconsciously release attachment cords. It is important and it is time. 有意識地切斷你們和一些人之間的羈絆之索是很重要的,請意識到每個人都有自己的旅程,每個人都有一個更高層次的幫助著他們,他們會找到屬於自己的路,就像你們已經找到的一樣。這些羈絆之索是將你們和某些特定的人或物連接在一起的,和你們連在一起的,過度的正面或者負面能量引起的。有時候會是一個孩子;有時候它會是某些人們以負面影響作用過的人們,儘管人們的本意是避開這些負面的影響。通常這會是某些我們經常想到的人。能量之索,不管是正面的或者負面的,有可能來自往生和這些人或者物的羈絆和聯繫。不要害怕有意識地斬斷這些羈絆。在這個時刻,這是很重要的。 Releasing energy cords does not mean that you cannot havethese people in your life; it means the relationship will become different andfreer. As you sever any false sense of “NEED” for someone or something in yourlife, you begin to realize that no thing or person can make you more whole andcomplete than you already are. This realization is affecting many relationshipsbased in old third dimensional beliefs especially if one partner understandsthis, and the other does not. Do an experiment; listen to the old love songs ofthe 40′s and you will get a good example of attachment and the belief thatone’s good is outside of themselves. Most will experience a heaviness whenlistening to these songs. It is the energy the song carries that you feel andno longer resonate with. 釋放能量的羈絆並不意味著你們在生命中不能擁有這些人。這只是意味著你們之間的關係變得和往常有些不同,變得更自由。當你們切斷你們認為"必不可少"的人或物之間的羈絆的時候,你們會意識到你們自己本身就已經是非常完整而完善的,沒有任何外界的人或者任何東西可以使你們比目前的狀態更加完整或者完善。這種覺知正在影響很多人之間的,基於舊的第三維度信仰之間的關係,尤其是當搭檔中一個人理解到這點,而另外一個沒有理解到的時候。做一個實驗,聽一聽四十年代的愛情歌曲,你們會感受到羈絆,感受到當時人們對於"好"的定義是來自外界,而不是源自他們內心。在聽這些歌曲的時候,很多人會感受到一種沉重的感受。這是因為這些歌曲攜帶著不再和你們內心回應的能量。 Let go dear ones, let go. Nothing real can ever be lost,only seen and experienced on a higher level. Be not afraid to fall into thearms of truth, for what you find there will be much more than you could everhave imagined in the old and limited energy. 讓他們去吧,親愛的朋友們,讓他們去吧。你們並沒有失去任何東西,只是在從一個更高的層次去看,去體驗。不要害怕落入真實的懷抱。因為你們在那找到的,會比你們在舊的,有限的能量中所能想像的多得多。 Metaphysics is an attempt to change a bad picture into agood one through many and varied modalities. Mysticism is the realization thatthere is nothing to change. Right now all are being guided to move intomysticism; a truer way of seeing and believing. Metaphysics still works formany because it resonates with their state of consciousness. Most “spiritual”books available now are metaphysical, guiding the reader to do this or do thatin order to move beyond problems and get more “spiritual”. If you no longerresonate with these books and teachings then you are being guided to go beyondmetaphysics and into mysticism; the realization that you already are and alwayshave been complete. 形而上學是一種嘗試通過很多變化的模式將壞的東西變成好的。神秘主義是一種覺知,認為沒有任何東西是需要改變的。現在,所有人正在被引向神秘主義,一種更真實的觀察和信仰的方法。形而上學對於很多人仍然有效,這是因為它仍然和這些人的意識狀態呼應。現在絕大部分講述"精神"的書都屬於形而上學的範疇,嘗試引導讀者通過某種方法超越困難,從而變得離"精神"更進一步。如果你們的內心不再和這些書籍和教導相互相應,你們正在被引導超越形而上學,進入神秘主義。因為你們開始意識到你們已經是,而且一直是完整的。 It is time to let go of ALL that is old and finished, nomatter how strongly you have believed you needed something in order to feelhappy. 是讓所有舊的完結的一切散去的時候了。不管你們曾經多強烈地認為你們需要什麼東西或者什麼人才能讓你們感到快樂,讓他們去吧。 This is Ascension. 這就是揚升
We are the Arcturian 我們是大角星人 通過Marilyn Raffaele通靈 翻譯:Cappuccino 資訊來源:http://lightworkers.org/channeling/155657/arcturian-group-time-get-work |
大角星(α Boo / 牧夫座α)英文名Arcturus ( /ɑrkˈtjʊərəs/),是牧夫座中最明亮的恆星。以肉眼觀看大角星,它是橘黃色的,視星等-0.04,是全天空第3亮的恆星,僅次於-1.46等的天狼星與-0.86等的老人星。雖然半人馬座的南門二 (半人馬座α星) 視星等是-0.27等,但它是由-0.01等的α1和+1.33等的α2組成的聯星,個別的亮度都低於大角星,只因為它們太過接近,所以肉眼無法分辨出來。因此,南門二雖然是肉眼所見北天球最明亮的恆星,但半人馬α1比大角星暗了一些,只是全天第4亮的恆星。大角星和南門二都位在本星際雲(Local Interstellar Cloud)中。