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原文:http://starchildglobal.com/newearthmarch2011.html#future 靈性書館鏈結:http://spiritlibrary.com/starchild-global/switching-tracks-and-rewriting-the-planetary-akasha
Switching Tracks and Rewriting the Planetary Akasha 地球正在“變軌”並重書行星阿凱西 a message from Celia Fenn, Monday, 21 March, 2011 資訊來自塞麗亞·芬恩,於2011.03.21
These are indeed strange times that we live in, and as I was thinking about the events in Libya today, I realized the World that we emerge into will be completely different to the one we have just left. At this point I received a "transmission" or channel from the Cetacean consciounsess...the Whales who are the Keepers of the Planetary Akasha. This is a channel, so if it resonates fine, if not, then pass on. 我們現在所生活的時代真是神奇,當我想到今天利比亞發生的事件時,我意識到我們所邁入的世界將完全不同於我們剛度過的世界。基於這個想法,我接受到一個“傳訊”或者說叫“通靈”,這是來自鯨科類動物的意識。。。鯨魚是行星地球阿凱西記錄的守衛者。這是一則通靈,所以如果引起你的興趣,請繼續;如果沒有,請打醬油飄過。。。 According to the transmission, as the Earth moves into the Fifth Dimension from the Third, the Planetary Akasha or Records are also being rewritten. This is a process of writing "backwards" from the Future. Time is, after all, an illusion in the quantum reality, so what is happening is that the Future Reality is already in place, and we are "writing backwards" to ensure that the Present aligns fully with the Future that is in alignment with Divine Will. “傳訊”裏提到,當地球從第3維過渡到第5維,行星阿凱西記錄也將被重書。這個書寫過程是從【未來】“倒回來”書寫的。時間,在量子實相裏畢竟只是一個幻象,因此正在發生的事情的未來實相已經存在了,而且我們正“倒著寫”(先寫故事的結尾)來確保【當下】完全對齊於【與神聖意志相一致的未來】。(對於鯨魚大大們能說出這麼深奧的話語,深表鴨梨) In the old 3D timeline, the Planet was heading for catastrophe, and there were many prophecies that saw this. So, many of the Indigo children who came to "engineer" the shift were souls from the Future whose specific work was to ensure that the 5D present would align with the Future that was necessary for the Earth to survive and to create a Golden Cosmic Civilization. These ones are right now busy on the Soul Group level with this process of aligning the Present with the Future. 在舊的3D時間軸上,地球正走向災難,而且有很多的預見這些災難的預言。所以,很多的深藍兒童--他們來此“構建”起切換,他們是來自【未來】的靈魂,他們的特定任務就是確保5D【現在】能與【未來】接軌,這【未來】對地球存活並創建【金色宇宙文明】是必要的。這些靈魂正〖按把【現在】與【未來】對齊的方式〗在靈性類的層面上忙活。 This means that certain major events that would have happened have been avoided, or have been "toned down" so that the destruction is not complete. These Souls who have this "mission" are working to ensure that the Earth passes into the 5th Dimension as easily as possible and with the minimum of loss of life and disaster. But, this is like editing a movie, the new "timeline" has to be linked into the old one, but certain things change. So it is, that many people are in fear of the "end" because that was the old timeline, but the new timeline is bypassing the "end" and aligning with the Future! The New Earth Future! 這意味著某些將發生的主要事件已經被避免、或被“緩和”,所以破壞性沒有完全展現。這些有此“使命”的靈魂致力於確保地球〖盡可能輕鬆地〗和〖最大限度降低傷亡和災難程度地〗邁入5維。但是,這就像編輯一部電影,新“時間軸”不可避免地要與舊的接在一起,但是某些事物會突變(片子剪輯得不好,螢幕上出來的就像是跳格了,對這個導演的水平我很無語,他玩的就是心跳?)。就這樣,很多人對“閉幕”感到恐慌,因為那就是舊時間軸上的劇情,但新時間軸正續接上了前面的“閉幕”,並對齊于未來!【嶄新的地球未來】!(汗一個,面對觀眾強烈不滿和吭議,杯具都落幕了還要拍個洗具續集,導演表示很有鴨梨,置身杯具劇情之中的不明不白的演員也很鬱悶) This affects us on the individual level and as well as the Global level. In your own life you may have noticed that certain relationships or careers that seem so promising just seem to come to an end. This is because they are not aligned with where you are going, in the Future that already exists once the Transition is complete. 這作用於我們的個人層面,同樣也作用於全球性的層面。在你自己的生活中你可能已經注意到某些看起來很有前途的關係或職位正走向一個終點。這是因為它們與你正踏入的(未來)並不一致,踏入那一旦【過渡】完成就會展現出來的已經存在的【未來】。 Your movie is being "edited" so that you get to the place that you need to be, on time and in good order. And the same applies to the Planet as a whole. The highest good is being served. 你們的“電影”正被“剪輯”,以便於你們及時並有序地到達一個你需要的位置。這種理解同樣適用于作為一個整體的地球。一切都是最好的安排。 So, I am told, things will continue to be very weird for most of this year, until the 11/11/11 when the Earth should be fully aligned for the entry into the trajectory for the new timeline and the Future that is now. And as this happens, the old Akashic records are cancelled in favor of the new, and it is almost as though certain things never happened! 所以,我被告知,今年多數時間裏事情會一直保持它的超乎尋常的風格,直到11/11/11,此時地球應該會完全對齊於〖新時間軸和‘未來即是現在’〗的軌道的切入點。(就象鐵道的扳道一樣,要從舊軌道變到新軌道上,在兩條軌道中間要加一段拐彎的斜插軌道,這個拐彎的軌道與新舊軌道各有一個扳道點,這個11/11/11應該就是指拐彎的斜插軌道與新軌道的扳道點)當此發生時,舊的阿凱西記錄將被刪除,以新的取代它,而且幾乎好像某些事從沒發生過一樣。(刪檔?管它呢,舊的不去新的不來) And so, one of the best ways to cope with the current energies is just to accept that whatever happens is taking us and the Planet to where we need to be in that Future New Earth that is forming right now. 因此,應用目前能量的最好方式就是只需去接受〖所發生的一切都是為了把我們和地球帶入我們需要到達的目前正在成形的【未來新地球】〗(而不是去抗拒或理解為對我們是一種毀滅)。 It is all in Divine Order. The "Future Engineers" have it under control on the higher level, we just have to fasten seatbelts and go for the ride. Nothing will ever be the same again, and for that we can be deeply grateful! 這一切都在【神聖計畫】之中。“【搭建未來的工程師們】”在更高層面上得心應手地工作著,我們只需要系緊安全帶並享受這次旅行。沒有什麼會再像原來那樣保持不變,我們可以深深感恩他們的工作。
靈性書館上網友的評論也有點意思,供大家參考: 1# by GridworkerPam 23rd March 2011 9:36 am 1樓GridworkerPam 這確實引起了我的共鳴,因為在我讀它時我深感雞凍(起雞皮疙瘩了)。 此時確實變得古怪了,而且我開始覺知很多個“我”忙活在很多條時間軸上。我的靈魂家庭和我“正”忙於與過去世的我和未來的我開聚會,而且聚會地點選得也不錯,選在了其他非物質的緯度。 我喜歡“電影剪輯”這個比喻,展現了從5D倒帶倒回到我們現在的3D的橋樑。這聽起來怪怪的,難以理解,但確實能吸引我(譯者:好吧,我承認我也像他一樣無聊,雖然不理解具體是個啥意思,但就是覺得能抓住自己的心)。我也相信到11-11-11之時我們將完成過渡進入新地球。那真是個激動人心的時刻(譯者:小夥,太雞凍了小心樂極生悲喲)。
2# by misterkite 23rd March 2011 12:18 pm This is a very comforting and eloquent posting - I love the metaphor of re-editing the movie, and ensuring the timelines of the present meet up with our future destination. It also brought to my mind a image of re-laying rail tracks - I've had that feeling this year of thinking I'm on one track and finding I'm actually on another! I'm now trusting more and more that all is well, just remain as fully present and responsible as I can be in the moment! Bless the whales! 2樓misterkite 這是篇讀起來很舒服和有道理的訊息--我喜歡這個重編電影的隱喻,也喜歡為了確保現在與未來的目的地能接上軌。我也想到個比喻〖立交軌道〗,我這一年來都有在一個軌道上的同時又感覺自己在另一條軌道上(譯者:這傢伙不厚道,腳踩兩隻船。。)。我目前越來越相信所有都是最好的安排,此刻只要完全保持在當下並盡己所能就好了。 願老天爺保佑鯨魚大大! |