Greetings dear ones we are here with you as you read ourwords and absorb our guidance. That which is now unfolding across planet earthis the new and we ask for all to process all guidance through the heart. Therainbows have begun to awaken and those who walk the earth carrying the rainbowtribes blood will begin to prepare the new earth for those who are awakening tothe new earth.
The tales in your histories distorted even to the rainbowwarriors for the time of the warrior has ended. The rainbow warriors lay downtheir swords, karma completed and the time of fighting dissolved, they nowcarry the rainbows deep within their BEing and work to pour the colours backinto and beyond planet earth. We ask that you process all communications fromany realm through the heart, the way forward is only through the heart for theheart is your connection to SELF.
We ask for those who resonate with the rainbows to bringthe rainbows to all around them, we ask for them to detach from what is knownon planet earth in order for them to remember, for this is journey ofremembering dear ones, that which YOU know is deep within. Look to no other forconfirmation of who you are nor why you are here, for all are children of GOD.We ask that the children of GOD now stand up to be counted for all is now changingand shifting, the GODs that you have been told are but faerie tales are TRUTHand we guide for all to anchor this deep within.
To create the new world the old world must be dissolvedand the energies of the past weeks have worked to create this. For in detachingfrom the old you claim YOU. Many are not allowing the oldto dissolvethat which was created for them and to them we ask for your LOVE andcompassion. For all ARE ONE, none above or below the other and we ask for youto pour the LOVE that IS around you, through you and within YOU as all movetowards that which was always to BE.
Planet earth vibrationally is not the planet earth youwere born onto and we ask for you to process this deep within your BEing forthe changes are felt, they are not necessarily seen. The upgrading of visionand hearing part of the awakening process. Many are using the eyes they wereborn with and not the eyes of the BEing that they are to look at the changes onplanet earth and we ask for you to process this. Do not look out across theworld with eyes that are trained by the those who sought to control andcontain, look across the world with the eyes that are YOU. We guide that notall will process our words for not all can hear our words and we guide thehearing will be honed as the veils are cleared during the awakening process. ItIS a process, the teachings of distortion taking many to believe that theawakening is an event. As you grow and expand within your human vehicle youwill remember and the memories will allow you to clear your vision and honeyour hearing.
Many are now hearing the whisperings of those aroundthem, many are able to clearly see the rainbows that shine high in the skywhilst others do not look up from the ground. We ask why you would read ourwords if you do not anchor TRUTH. We would ask why you would wait for a newworld when that world is all around you and needs only your clarity of visionto see it.
很多人仍在聽從他們周圍人們的低語,同時還有很多人可以清晰地看到閃爍在天空的彩虹- 儘管他們周圍的人不願意抬頭仰望大地的上方。我們請問你們,如果你們並沒有錨固這些真實,為什麼你們要讀取我們的話語?新的世界就在你們的周圍,你們所需要的只是擦亮自己的眼睛,並且看到它。我們請問你們,為什麼還要繼續等待新世界的到來?
There is much that is shifting across and within planetearth and more and more is being anchored on planet earth. Whohave incarnatedto help anchor the new on planet earth now stir and begin to awaken to who theyare. They are the rainbow tribes born afresh from the timelines and dimensionswhere they have fought to free the human race. In this timeline and dimensionthat freedom is here and they work now to harmonise all that is. We ask forthose who can see and those who can hear to heed the call and to respond, forthey are but the crest of the wave that now cleanses the planet.
We ask that all wear the gold clearly for the gold is the new that has anchoredon planet earth. Reach out to the skies and see the gold reflected for the goldis YOU. Do you FEEL it?
All are now moving rapidly towards the unfolding of thenew for all on planet earth. The anchoring has allowed the new energies to burnaway the veils so that those who were deeply asleep now simply slumber. Thereare many who are now moving around the karmic wheel and who will still slumberbut their sleep is more peaceful than before. We thank you from our hearts toyours for this TRUTH.
Know that each and every human alive on planet earth iscapable of anchoring the new, all that stops them or blinds them to TRUTH arethe veils that were placed by those who sought to contain and suppress. Allowthe veils to be dissolved and take the time needed to anchor TRUTH as it isrevealed. To move rapidly through the veils may see you fall in vibration asthe veils run deep. How deep will be revealed when you start the process ofdissolving for many are then plunged into the oceans of grief. Know that nonedrown in these oceans, they offer a deep cleansing followed by a deep knowingas you swim deeper and deeper and unveil the levels of SELF denied to you bythose who sought to contain you.
The time to implement the new is now dear ones, for weare the Nephilim and we walked your earth in a form that was recorded by thehumans who lived in this timeline and dimension. We walk amongst you now andthose who are able to see us will see us and those able to communicate willcommunicate. We are hidden in plain view and we ask that you process with theheart. We are YOU for we have never left YOU. We ask for you to reach deepwithin and to remember for the history you are taught is distorted. Anotherlevel of veil to keep you contained.
We did not rule over you, we ruled WITH you for we areyou and you are we. None above the other in any dimension and timeline. Thosewho have now left the planet unable to force a rule that is not TRUTH on aplanet that is out of balance. The balance is now within you for as each humancomes into balance then mother earth comes into balance. We watch as many stepout of the timeline and dimension they are incarnated to balance that which isout of balance and bring harmony to mother earth in this timeline. We send muchlove and blessings to these BEings for they have reached within and foundTRUTH. We send out the call to those able to detach from the teachings thattaught this is impossible and we ask for them to maintain the balance within.It is from this balance that distortion is dissolved. It is not from readingthe teachings and trying to work them out logically. Logic another distortionput in place to subdue a race that has been separated from their hearts.
The rainbow and the heart is the key to the unfolding ofthe new dear ones. Those who walk the earth in rainbow form now work to bringin the new in increasing vibrations for the new is the new earth. The point ofno return has been reached, the event horizon passed for the new is nowunfolding in earnest across the planet earth. Detach from those who seek toteach that the new is not here, it is hidden in plain view, it was always inplain view. Those who sought to contain and suppress merely blinding a racethat walked in darkness. The light is here, the light shines ever brightlyacross and within the planet earth.
親愛的朋友們,彩虹和心是讓新世界綻開的鑰匙。 那些以彩虹形態行走在地球上的人們現在正在將新的振動帶給新的地球。我們已經到達不能回頭的時刻,我們已經跨過了那條水平線,新的世界正熱切地期盼著在整個星球表面綻開。從那些嘗試告訴你們新的世界不在這裡的教導中脫離吧。新的世界就藏在樸實的外表下,它一直在那裡。那些嘗試束縛並壓制人們的人只是在蒙蔽人們的雙眼,讓人們行走在黑暗中。光就在那裡,它從來沒有像現在這樣強,光從地球的深處發出,普照著大地。
We ask all to BE in the heart, for the heart is the keyto the SOUL, do you hear the music that calls softly from the SOUL? Do you hearyour heart as it sings to you? to listen to the heart go within and sit in thesilence and listen. Listen not with the hearing that you have been taught youhave, allow the hearing that YOU are to hear the music that resides within yourSOUL. Many now search for the meaning in the new and ask why they are here, theheart is singing its response to YOU but many are not listening. Fixated onthat which is taught to them whilst being deaf to that which is within them.This is the new dear ones and we shower you with the gold that IS for the goldis the LOVE that IS in colour form, for if LOVE was a colour it would be goldand we ask that you pour the gold around you, through you and within YOU, forgold IS YOU.
We are the Nephilim and we will guide in due course. Thatwhich is unfolding is YOU dear ones and we ask that YOU dream and dream big.For nothing is impossible, to believe it is possible you need only connect withthe LOVE that IS and allow the GOLD to pour through you. For the abundance isYOU, the universe is YOU, LOVE is YOU, for you are YOU. Do you understand ourguidance? Until we communicate with you again we wish you good health andhappiness.
通過Karen Doonan通靈
翻譯: Cappuccino