

【大天使加百利】 327日信息:《生活在在神聖的意識之心下》

2012-03-27 16:28

Dear One,



Your heart will provide theguidance you are seeking when you blend the worlds of spirit and matter withinyour life. As you claim Unity in a world of polarity, it creates an empoweredconnection to the Source of all Light. Increasing frequencies of Divine Loveare elevating your consciousness in ways that allow greater Truth to surfacefrom your heart, the seat of your intuition. To consciously empower the energyfrequencies in which you live, create clear intentions that let the Divine knowwhat you are available to experience in your life. The fields of potentialaround you will then begin to expand exponentially.


All is frequency. Theaccelerated rates of energy that heighten awareness are so malleable thatextraordinary results can be seen in your life in a very short amount of time.It requires your taking responsibility for your thoughts and feelings in such away that your magnetic field only radiates the life you are choosing to livein. Your heart is a powerful guide in this process. As the human expansion intomultidimensional consciousness explodes in the arena of the human heart andmind, new chakras are opening within your being.


One of these energy centersis what can be called the Sacred Heart. It has also known as the MagneticHeart, the High Heart or the Seat of the Soul. Located behind the sternum inthe area of your thymus gland, this energy center can open new doorways toChristed awareness. You can increase the frequencies in this chakra byconsciously filling that area with Divine Love every day as a spiritualpractice.


Just imagine that this areacontains a Sacred Vessel that you can fill with the Light of Divine Love as apure elixir of God’s Grace, a Divine Substance. Not only does this empowerconnections to your intuitive knowing and creative awareness, but your physicalbeing will also resonate with these heightened frequencies. You can create aninspiring image of a beautiful crystal chalice in the area of your High Heart.As you place your palms on your chest, and breathe into this area, a verysimple prayer of invitation can be used, such as:


“Divine Presence, with everybreath I take, fill my Sacred Heart with Divine Love and Illuminate my heartwith your Grace. Thank you.”


Your thymus gland responds tothis Divine Light by expanding so it can take in more Divine Substance. Thisincreases the T-cell count in your body thus empowering your immune system.This process allows you to assist your physical body to learn how to manage thenew heightened energy frequencies the Earth has been experiencing during herascension process.

The Ascension Process


This ascension process of theEarth started to increase at the Harmonic Convergence, August 16 and 17, 1987.The 25 years since that time, a vast experience of raising consciousness, hasbeen broken into 3 distinct time periods. From 1987 to 1996, there was aten-fold increase in the frequencies of accelerated energies each year. Manyworld-altering events occurred as you witnessed massive parts of the worldreorganizing into smaller, freedom-oriented pockets of independence. Those oldenough to remember the changes that took place personally may remember the newideas that seemed cosmic in orientation such as the awareness of the AngelicDimensions suddenly coming into the forefront of people’s awareness. Eventhough exploited for financial gains, the mass consciousness began to includethe presence of Angelic Light Beings that are here to assist planetaryevolution.


Awareness of the need topreserve and conserve the Earth’s resources became much more pervasive in theconsciousness of many people as well as the weather changes that wereoccurring. The beginning of the information age and the Internet came intobeing. More information about what was happening on both a cosmic level as wellas behind the prevailing news started to become more important.


From 1997 to 2006, the energyincreased one-hundred fold yearly and people became more aware of Truthsneeding to be brought out into the open, mistrust of government institutionsawakened. Wars became commonplace reflecting the inner chaos within most people’sminds. Emotional states were fluctuating as fear-based consciousness began topervade the airways. As pressure from the heightened energy frequenciescontinued, people immersed themselves in the new technologies. Although oftenintended to help manage the masses of information, for many it has been used toevade the mounting pressure.


From 2007 to 2012, the wavesof heightened energy frequencies pushing the evolution of consciousness areincreasing by the day. The mass awareness of the link between our realities andour thoughts has become more clear. Greater polarities exist as that which hasbeen dark and hidden was brought forward into the light of awareness. In theprocess, people have become so immersed in fear of the future or the masschanges occurring in their daily worlds that some are missing out on the opportunitiespresented by the highest frequencies of spiritual energy ever known in thisworld. The ways to manage an accelerated life lie completely in the spiritualrealms. Humans are being asked to ground Divine Light into their lives in a waythat brings more simplified and subtle changes. Miraculous occurrences,synchronicities and empowered energy hookups are being provided for those whoare paying attention.


Where Can I Find Peace?


The world can be so busy anddistracting that the simplicity of spiritual grace can be overlooked. Thebeauty of Truth and Love is being trampled in fear of loss when your greatestinitiation in higher consciousness at this point in time may lie in thequestions: How much Divine Love can I receive, and how do I want it to changemy life?


Nothing can be accomplishedby moving faster. Allowing yourself the quiet moments your Soul is longing forcan create great depth and purpose for life. These times require an integrationof the accelerated energy now flowing into your being. You cannot move at thespeed of Light yet, but you can open your heart and mind to receive this DivineLight and then use it to empower and clarify your life.


It requires you to treatyourself with compassion and respect. There has never been a time like this onEarth and you are doing the best you can. Believe in yourself and trust yourintuition to show you what makes your heart sing with happiness. Your heart isbecoming your compass in this New Earth time. Use it to chart your actions inthe world. When you bring in the Light Force of Divine Love, it empowers yourbody and mind to respond to the guidance available in these higher energyfrequencies. Open your mind to Faith.


The greatest challenges youface in your life require the greatest trust to truly know that the DivinePresence will not only take care of you, but every situation in the world thatyou are concerned with. You live in a benevolent Universe, and you haveunlimited assistance to enable you to meet this time with guidance, strength.You are not alone and miracles await your invitation. If not now, just WHEN didyou think you would need Faith?


Shanta Gabriel通靈







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