
【大角星人】 49日信息:《每一天都是充滿祝福的復活日》

2012-04-11 15:21

We come today to wish you a very happy holiday–that isholy-day, for Easter represents the journey each soul must take as they moveinto enlightenment and out of the lessons of the third dimension.


This journey is that of life lived as best an individualcan, based upon their personal belief system and governed by current rules ofduality and separation. Life continues “normally” until at some point in anindividual’s spiritual evolution there comes the crucifixion. The crucifixionis that time in which everyday life no longer works as it always has. What upto that point has been predictable, suddenly comes to a screeching halt eitherthrough some particular experience, experiences, or a new unfolding innerawareness. To outside observers as well as the individual himself, this periodmay appear to be one of absolute failure, loss, and something dreaded. To thosestill fully emersed in third dimensional values it is indeed seen as loss andfailure, but to the experiencing soul it is movement; the death of that whichis now finished and the birth of the new.


The crucifixion is a series of painful experiences oftenaccompanied by humiliation and judgement from the individual as well as thosearound him who are only able to see from the concepts they may hold ofsuccessful living. These experiences can vary in degrees of intensity or lossbecause some individuals only respond and learn the hard way through painfulexperience, while others do not need great intensity in order to move forward.However, know that all souls are prepared and ready for the experience ofcrucifixion or it would not happen even though most are not consciously awareof this.

這考驗是一系列痛苦的經歷,這些經歷經常伴隨著"靈魂前進者""周圍那些只能看到大多數人緊握著的現有成功生活準則的人們"之間相互的輕視和指責。這些體驗的激烈程度會根據情況有所不同,因為一些人只有通過痛苦的經歷才能回應,並且學習。還有一些人不需要如此高密度的體驗就能前行。然而請知道所有的靈魂都已經為此關鍵時刻的到來做好了準備,否則這個時刻不會發生- 儘管絕大多數人還沒有意識到這一點。

After a time of adjustment, resting, being tempered byexperience, and letting go, a new state of consciousness begins to emerge. Thenew man is being born, one strong and more self-complete; one having releasedmuch that heretofore held him in bondage to third dimensional concepts of love,life, success, health, and all the issues of daily living. A new and moreperfect man is being born and this is the resurrection, dear ones.


It is a surrender, a death to all that is finished.Lessons on earth were meant for learning but were never intended to go onforever. The crucifixion experience can be and usually is very scary as themind struggles to plan and plot solutions according to what is already known,and yet the individual is forced by circumstances to live in the now moment.Low and behold out of this intense fear arises a new experience–the sky doesnot fall down and life goes on in new ways in spite of the dire predictions ofthose observing from their place of duality.

這是一種聽任自由的灑脫,一種聽任所有一切已經完結的事物死亡的灑脫。地球上的課程確實可以讓人們學到很多,但是這課程從來沒有被設計為永遠。這考驗的時刻可能是,並且經常是讓人恐懼的,因為意識不斷掙扎著,嘗試根據它已經知道的去規劃解決方案,而實際上,個體是被環境強迫生存在目前的狀態。當人們放下一切,並領悟這種高密度的恐懼的時候,這種體驗可以説明人們產生一種新的認識- 天並沒有塌下來,儘管很多人以他們二元的觀察角度進行著臆斷式的預言,生命仍在以一種新的方法延續著。

The crucifixion and resurrection are not experiences thattook place to only one special man 2000 years ago. All will and many are now,experiencing crucifixion and resurrection and through it are moving ever morequickly into ascension. Jesus seeded a dense human consciousness with truth,adding light to a human matrix of world beliefs which then in turn allowedthose ready, to access new ways of seeing and being. He brought to mankind alevel of understanding that many were ready for but most did not understand.His experience reflected the experiences of all mankind. Jesus was theway-shower for a struggling world because always there will be teachers,way-showers, and healers for those ready–mankind is never abandoned or leftcompletely on their own.

目前你們經歷的痛苦考驗以及重生和你們種族2000年前所經歷的並不相同。所有人都會經歷(事實上很多人正在經歷)這場考驗,以及重生的過程,通過這個階段,人們可以更快踏入提升的通道。基督將真實的種子埋在了非常高密度的人類意識中,從而幫助人們以新的方法看待世界,以新的方法生活。他帶給人類一種很高層次的理解,很多人已經為此理解做好了準備,然而很多人仍沒有理解他的話。基督的體驗折射了整個人類的體驗。基督曾是充滿衝突和混亂的世界的引路者,因為無論何時何地,總會有教導者,引路人,以及治癒者。這些聖者會出現並幫助那些為此做好準備的人們- 人類從沒有被拋棄過。

After crucifixion and resurrection, one then also becomesa way-shower, helping others now ready to move out of the false concepts ofduality and separation. Many are way showers now. The Light on earth isbecoming increasingly bright. You are soon to manifest a new world, a world inwhich all life is respected and seen as an expression of the one Divine Life.


This is why you chose to experience duality andseparation, dear light beings, to see if you could find your way back home inspite of the intense experiences manifest by the un-illumined state ofconsciousness. You are doing it now! You have moved through lifetimes ofdarkness and are quickly moving into the Light.


This is the true meaning of Easter–the crucifixion andresurrection out of darkness and into light of ascension.

這是復活節的真正意義- 在黑暗中經歷痛苦的考驗,從而復活並走向光的意識。

Blessed Easter every day.


We are the Arcturian Group.

翻譯: Cappuccino




    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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