
宇宙法則 - 大天使烏瑞爾訊息


2009/04/02 09:33

宇宙法則 - 大天使烏瑞爾訊息

2009/04/01 12:11

上星期六進行星象課程說明時跟學員們分享一則Hermes Teaching的七項宇宙法則希望這份補充能夠協助學員們觀察誕生圖上所有現象的發生無非都是「宇宙法則」的一部分,它們分別是

1. The Principle of Mentalism萬法唯心造
“THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental”

2. The Principle of Correspondence同時存在性法則
“As above, so below; as below, so above.”

3. The Principle of Vibration能量恆變法則
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”

4. The Principle of Polarity二元性法則
“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”

5. The Principle of Rhythm律動法則
“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect因果法則
“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything
happens according to the law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.” (also known as The Law of Karma)

7. The Principle of Gender陰陽法則
“Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine
principles; gender manifests on all planes.”































Universal Laws


Much has been written about two Universal laws, Attraction and Abundance. Many people believe that if they master those two laws they will create the reality of their dreams. But the results are not always what they expected or simply don’t happen. And then they are disappointed and think that the laws don’t work or that they are doing something wrong. In order to work with Universal law we must understand and work with all of the laws and there are at least twelve. These are principles that govern the energy that we are and are part of. We cannot avoid, circumvent or ignore these laws. They are constantly present and we are working with them, consciously or unconsciously, every day of our lives. When we learn about, understand and consciously identify with them, we can create the joy, peace and abundance that we desire.


The most important law is the Law of Divine Oneness. If humanity could understand and apply this law there would be peace on earth because we would accept that we are all one, all connected to Source, we each have access to the same power and are all powerful. And our energy affects everyone else so everything we say, think, do and believe has an effect on everyone else. There are no insignificant actions, thoughts or words.


The laws of Abundance and Attraction are well known to us. With the law of Abundance we know that there is abundance in all things. In fact, we have abundance in all things at all times, even though we may not have abundance in what we want. The law of Attraction states that we attract everything that comes into our lives, based on our own energy. Thus our reality is simply a mirror of our own energy, which includes the people and situations that we connect to. Both of these laws work with the Law of Vibration, everything vibrates at its own unique level and we can only attract and have abundance in things that vibrate at our level. We must raise our level of vibration in order to change what we attract. We know where our vibration level is by assessing what is happening within our life and who and what we are attracting.


Even if we are setting our intention for what we want, the Universe responds to us and we must be willing to act on our intention. This is the Law of Action. Without putting the necessary action towards our desires, nothing will happen. So we may set our intention for a great job but unless engage in the right actions, such as putting out our resume or contacting people who can help us, we may not get results.


How are our efforts rewarded? The Law of Compensation states that we received based on what we give and our reward can be multiplied. So if we are willing to put effort towards our intentions, we will be rewarded in many ways. This also applies to the actions we take towards others. Every kindness we extend is rewarded, as is any anger or fear. Sometimes these rewards are monetary, other times we can be rewarded through gifts or the efforts of others. That is why it is important to never ask for money because we are compensated in ways that bless us according to our needs.


What if we are doing all we can and nothing is happening? Sometimes this is a lesson in patience but we must also consider the Law of Cause and Effect, which states that for every cause there is an effect, for every action there is a reaction. This is why our energetic contribution, in the form of our thoughts, words, beliefs and actions, is so important. If we are working on manifestation and everything we are doing is not in alignment with what we wish to create, the effect will reflect what we are doing, not what we want.


We can always know exactly where we are on our spiritual journey by looking at our reality, this is the Law of Correspondence. Everything in our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. If we have joy, peace and abundance, then we are balanced, spiritual and materially. If we are not, everywhere we have lack shows us where we are out of balance with ourselves. When we are willing to do the inner work our outer reality will reflect the results back to us. ‘As within, so without.’


Each of us is on our own spiritual journey and the path we have chosen is reflected in our lessons. We cannot compare our lessons to those of anyone else because our lessons are relative to our spiritual growth. And we cannot judge anyone’s lessons or how they are performing because we cannot know what they have come to learn. The Law of Relativity states that everything in our life experience is only relative to each of us. When we understand this law, we may be less inclined to judge others as less or better than we are, having more or less or being better or worse off. It is all relative to each person’s journey and to what they have come to do and learn in this lifetime.


When we have achieved a certain level of spiritual growth and understanding we raise our energetic vibrations. That is the promise that the Universe makes to us, enlightenment is always available to us. This is the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, everything is constantly subject to change and as we raise our vibration we make that energy available to everyone else.


Do your life experiences follow a certain pattern? Do you notice that every three, five, or seven years you experience some of the same lessons? That is the Law of Rhythm. Just as there are seasons, day and night, warm and cold weather, there are also rhythms to our own life. Our lessons follow cycles of learning and growth and when we are ready for new lessons we trigger certain situations. Being aware of these rhythms or patterns can help us prepare for lessons and be aware of when they are occurring.


The last two laws are general laws that apply to all of us. The Law of Polarity states that everything has its opposite, so there is light and dark, positive and negative, spirit and material. We choose what we focus on and that will reflect what is happening in our reality. When enough of humanity chooses to focus on the light, it will be prevailing energy on the planet. If we are overly focused on the material, we cannot also be equally focused on the spiritual. Finding that neutral place, where all is in balance in one of the goals of our participation in the Shift.


The Law of Gender is reflected in every part of the world, everything has a masculine and feminine aspect. We carry both male and female energy and we cannot consider one to be more important than the other.  We are here to bring balance to the masculine and feminine so that we honor both aspects. When we have balanced these energies within us, we will have balanced them for all of humanity and we will then be able to honor the male and female and create harmony for all.


The Universal laws are completely neutral and impartial. They exist with or without our awareness of them and we work with them, consciously or unconsciously, every moment of our lives. When we know and understand them we can use them to support our desires and intention, to create the life that we desire because they exist to support and sustain us, to help us create heaven on earth in our own life and for the planet.

    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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