邁可天使長八、九月份訊息-- 內在轉化 地球蛻變 擁抱神之光(II)
內在轉化 地球蛻變 擁抱神之光 (II)
邁可天使長透過Celia Fenn傳訊
也要知道 在這個進化的循環中你所面臨的挑戰
且給你機會去與這星球重新連結 並在與星球新的連結關係中共榮共存
不要懼怕災難 因為地球不是在憤怒 也不是在企圖懲罰你
她是一個有感知 也擁有愛的存在體
當你深情地與她重新連結 那麼你將感覺到她深深的愛與溫柔在支持著你
Know too, that the challenge for you in this cycle of evolution is to lift yourselves out of the relationship of "fear" at these Earth Changes and into a relationship of Love and Gratitude for the opportunity that is given to realign and to thrive in a new connection and relationship with the Planet. Beloved Ones, do not fear disaster, for the Earth is not angry nor does she seek to punish you, she seeks only for connection and understanding. She is a sentient and loving Being and as you lovingly reconnect so you will feel her deep love an tenderness supporting you.
因此 摯愛的各位
我們稱之為「神之光」(Shekinah)的美好能量— 神聖的陰性本質或神聖母親
正存在於地球之內 並同時從宇宙中心和神聖宇宙母親之心傳遞而來
當你允許她環抱著你時 偉大的母親將擁你進她的臂膀中滋養你
For, Beloved Ones, that Beautiful Energy that we call the "Shekinah", the essence of the Divine Feminine or Great Mother, lives within the Earth herself, as well as being transmitted from the Cosmic Center and the Heart of the Divine Cosmic Mother. The Shekinah energy rises from the Earth to embrace and support those who live open and connected to this beautiful and loving vibration. The Great Mother will hold you in her arms and nurture you as you allow her love to embrace you.
打開連結最好的方法是單獨地在安靜中一些時間 聚焦在與神之光的連結中
這個光的顏色是白金色 攜帶著新地球光體的進化光密碼
當然 這個光存在於你們每一個人之中
當它在你之內啟動時 會使你在外像中也體驗到溫柔與支持
The best way, dearest Family of Light, to open to this connection is to spend quiet time in solitude with the focus of connecting with the Shekinah Light. The color of this Light is Platinum, the silvery white-gold color that carries the Evolutionary Light Codes for the New Earth Light Body. You can also participate in Earth Ceremonies, Rituals and Meditations that are designed to facilitate this connection to the Earth Mother and the Shekinah Light. Of course, this Light lives within Each one of You. It is Soft, Gentle, Loving and Supportive, and when activated within, it allows you to experience that sense of tenderness and support in the Outer Reality as well. The Shekinah Light within you will connect with the Shekinah Light within the Earth to create a new connection based on Love, Tenderness, Respect and Nurturing.
隨著你進入內在的溫柔與愛 並發現內在的神之光
那麼你將進入一個新的 與地球的關係中
Beloved Family of Light, it requires only that those of you that are conscious and awake and aware of your Multi-Dimensional Being will lead the Human Collective Consciousness in this direction and create the necessary Inner Shifts. As you move into inner Tenderness and Love and find the Shekinah Light within, so you will move into a new relationship with the Earth that will allow you to flow effortlessly into Abundance, Joy and a State of Graceful Harmony and Connection with the Earth.
Higher and Deeper : A New State of Grace
摯愛的 之前我已經向你提到
當你提升到更高意識次元時 有更「落實」的需要
你前進得「更高」 則更需要落實自己並錨定自己在第五次元物質實像中
意思是 為了你的靈魂與聖靈 要以光之神殿一般地榮耀你的物質身體
這也意味著 要以神聖本質與神聖空間一般地去榮耀你的環境以及你的家
不論你在哪裡找到你自己 那兒都是神聖空間
你將從內在把它們創造出來 就像滋養、愛與溫柔的神之光的表達一般
Beloveds, we have mentioned to you before the need to be more "grounded" as you ascend into the Higher Dimensions of Consciousness. The "higher" you move, the more you need to ground yourself and anchor yourself in Fifth Dimensional Material Reality. This means to honor your Physical Body as a Temple of Light for your Soul and Spirit. It also means to honor your environment and your home as an expression of your Divine Essence and as Sacred Space. No matter where you find yourselves, that is Sacred Space. And know that as you connect more deeply with the Shekinah Light, you will indeed find yoursleves moving into more beautiful and more nurturing physical environments as well. You will create them from within yourselves as an expression of the Shekinah enery of nurturing Love and Tenderness.
但, 也要知道 摯愛的各位
But, know too, Beloved Ones, that these new cycle energies will also be expressed within your relationships. You will feel the need to experience relationship on a much deeper, more intimate and soulful level, and this will be an indication of the Shekinah Light moving you into a place of Tenderness and Nurturing, where your desire will be to support your own soul growth as well as that of others. This will go together with a need to connect on a very deep soul level, a very grounded and intimate level that is expressed through physical caring and connection and the expression of deep love and gratitude.
Once relationships begin to include this level of expression, then you will indeed experience a beautiful new level of Support and Tenderness within your relationships. True Unconditional Love will blossom forth in this new energy of tender and loving support. You will begin to explore the very depths and heights of Divine Unconditional Love as it may be expressed through Human Consciounsess and within a Human Body.