
SaLuSa to me – Allow Your Loved Ones To Have The Experience They Need –8th Sept 2011



Laura:Good evening SaLuSa. Would you please be able to give us a short ground crewupdate?


SaLuSa: The current developments on your planet are speeding up. We havebeen expecting an acceleration to take place as we approach the end of 2011.Time is short and is also accelerating dear friends. From now on, events willrapidly follow one another. Not all the coming events will be positive in theshort term, but the follow up on those events will give more and more power tothe light. Do not be discouraged by set backs and delay tactics used by thedark hats, as their days in power are numbered at this late stage.


We are aware of much impatience on your part dear friends. This is ofcourse very understandable. We too are very much looking forward to the dayswhere pure light will shine on your wonderful planet Earth. We urge you to keepAscension in mind  and to remainbalanced. We would also like you to take your eyes off the target as you say.Keep being busy with your daily activities and keep being present every momentin your life.  Keep experiencing the last remaining days 3D has to offer youdear friends. The build up of energy directed towards Mother Earth is justincredible. We are pleased to see how well you are managing the increase of thelove in your hearts and to spread it around you to all those who love and whoare willing to accept the light.


Your brothers and sisters who wish to continue experiencing dualitycannot be forced to follow the light and they cannot be forced to follow you.So be patient with those who still reject love and light. They are simply notready for the next stage for Mother Earth and will be safely relocated so thatthey can continue to experience what is needed for their spiritual growth.Mother Earth is ascending and there just will soon be nowhere to go on yourplanet for all those who wish to continue life in duality. Mother Earth wishesall of us to understand that there is nothing that she can do to keep living induality. She has reached the level of development for Ascension and it can notbe stopped nor delayed.


She is aware that this split is painful for you all, and muchspeculation and fear has grown around this area for many of you. We assure youthat your wishes and your higher self’s wishes will be respected. There just isno other way for the end to play itself out. The end of duality for you andMother Earth is Ascension dear ones. It is still possible that some undecidedpeople will chose to ascend with her however. So please do not despair in fearof separation from your dear ones. We are never really separated. In truth,when in duality, we simply are not aware of our love and connection for themost part of the day.


Because of tiredness, stress, fear or illness you believe that you willlose those loved friends, loved husband or wife. Don’t forget dear ones, thatfor those of you who choose to ascend, you will always be able to be by yourloved ones’ side, to protect them and love them, no matter where in theUniverse they are relocated. And they, in turn will also feel your lovingpresence around you. They will very likely not know what is happening for them.They will not know who is the loving presence around them and helping them somuch. But subconsciously they will certainly be aware of your love and of yourpresence.


So you see, as you are now, you believe that there will be a separation,where in actual fact there is never such a thing. You would simply allow yourloved family and friends to continue having the experiences which suit best fortheir growth at this time. I could compare it with watching a theatre play,where your loved ones are the actors. However you can have a good understandingof the whole show and will have a first class seat to observe and even to helpthem at times.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius and leave you in peace and Joy. Be one, be love.


Thank you
Laura Tyco

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