【銀河聯邦】SaLuSa 1月24日資訊
【銀河聯邦】SaLuSa 1月24日資訊
The writing is on the wall for the dark Ones and the momentum of events is speeding up, so that they find they do not have the degree of control anymore to influence the outcome in their favor. They are beginning to feel as though they are under siege and are losing their way. They would like to “press the button” but find they are no longer able to do so, and are being scattered in their attempts to escape their inevitable defeat. Surrender is not considered as an option by them, but they may eventually see it as the only way out. No harm would come to them in such circumstances, as we afford them the same rights as we do any soul. Many lessons will be learnt by them before the end of the cycle. In fact that applies all round as you do not normally go through such a period of testing, without making remarkable spiritual progress. That Dear Ones is what all of your experiences have been about, and you will eventually become a greater soul because of them.
You were once high and mighty souls, and accepted the challenge to drop down through the dimensions and experience duality. It was always with the knowledge that you would never be forgotten, and no matter how much you lost touch with the Light you would be helped to return to it. Evidence of it is all around you now as the Light returns to Earth. It is a time when remembrance of your true self is coming back to you, and because it was agreed beforehand immense help is being given to lift you up again. Seek and ye shall find, is never more true than now and no one who earnestly desires to return to the Light will fail to succeed.
You have been preparing for the end time for a long, long time and with each incarnation have planned your experiences so that you take evolution in your stride. Each of you has been allowed to progress at a rate you have chosen, as there is no pressure applied on you to move at a pace other than what you are happy with. You are all unique when it comes to your spiritual advancement, and you have been allowed to experience in whatsoever way you wish. Occasionally some of you will take an incarnation off planet, and later return to Earth. You are cared and looked after in ways you are not necessarily aware of, but all in the interests of enabling you to fulfill your life plan. Whilst on Earth you may not have found the satisfaction that you desired, and it may even seem that your life is a waste of time. Believe us that it is never so, as all lives are of value to you even though you may not understand the reason. When you afterwards return to the Summerland, you learn precisely what your plan was, and hopefully find that you successfully completed it. If you did not, new opportunities will be arranged in subsequent lives.
你們已經為了這個結束的日子準備了很久很久,隨著每一次的化身都計畫著你的體驗以至於你在自身的進化之路上大步向前。每個人都已被許諾去依循個人已選擇的方式速率去發展,因為沒有強加式的壓力在你身上讓你舉步維艱而好過讓你快樂的跟隨自己的道路的。你們都是獨一無二的,你們靈性成長的時刻都會適時的到來,並且你們都被允許了去體驗所有你願意成為的那個你。偶然的一些人會帶著化身離開行星,而後再次回歸地球。你們都被小心照顧著,那種方式你們並不需要去知道,但是所有對你啟用的利益都是符合你人世計畫的。儘管在世間你也許沒有找到能讓你稱心如意實現的願望,並且它甚至看起來讓你虛度了光陰。不過請相信我們,它永不會僅限於此,因為每次的人世經歷都是對你有價值的,只是你也許並不知道具體的原因。當你之後回歸到天堂花園,你會精確的回顧你所有的人世計畫,而後寄希望去找尋你是否成功的完成了它。如果你沒有,新的機會會被安排以進入隨後的人世之中。 Everything is organized for you in such a way, that you will be confronted with whatever it was you wished to learn. Sometimes the lessons can be painful, but they would not happen unless it was vital to your understanding. Take for example compassion, which comes with recognizing the Oneness of all Life. Sometimes humans will have less compassion or none at all for others that appear to be so different to them. Separation has been an issue for eons of time and based on various perceived differences between you. These will disappear with time when you realize that all souls are equal. Those who have the wherewithal to do so should help each, and it is how a society is able to progress as a whole unit. Hitherto there has been little in the way of coming together, but before long you will see that there is a common cause that drives you along. Ultimately you are all heading for Ascension, although you make the decision to do so yourself. You will not lack encouragement if you are seen to be ready, and your Guides will actively ensure that the opportunity comes your way.
We are holding out our hands to you, and are doing much on your behalf that our efforts are becoming more noticed. We look forward to becoming openly active and that time is not too far away. Much of our work is carried out from craft that are cloaked in invisibility, necessary not just for ours but also your protection. We have been fired upon and chased on numerous occasions, although we have to say that is of no direct concern. We are quite safe and have technologies far beyond your imagination, but do not want to use them unless there is no alternative. Normally we are able to settle issues through diplomatic and peaceful relations. That approach is something that man will have to learn, but having said that Ascended Man will have already left behind any thoughts of war and aggression.
我們正在為你們伸出援助的雙手,並且在做著這麼多的工作,為了你們的利益,我們的努力變得更受矚目。我們期待著更公開的行動,並且這時刻不再遙遠。我們許多的工作都在飛船上被完成,穿著隱形的斗篷,這種必要性不僅是為了我們也是為了保護你們的安全。我們已經被攻擊和追擊了許多次,然而我們不得不說這並沒有影響到重要的事情。我們非常的安全,並且我們擁有的科技超乎你們的想像,但是我們不會使用它們除非我們別無選擇的時候。一般我們能通過圓滑的方式和和平的關係解決事件。這種態度表示出那人(指攻擊銀河聯邦的人)將不得不去學會,除非他能夠說出:“提升的人將是已經把任何戰爭和侵略的想法拋在腦後的人”。 As a civilization you have a long way before you all finally reach the higher dimensions, that were your levels of existence a long time ago. However it will be achieved and there could not be any other outcome. Each soul continually progresses regardless of how many times they slip back, because time itself is not a factor where your evolution is concerned. Experiences such as being in duality, do in fact give you a golden opportunity to speed up your progress. If in your estimation you have succeeded in raising your vibrations, you are to be complimented on your achievement because you will have worked very hard to do so. Once you have ascended, further progress will become easier but slower, and a happy and joyful experience.
What a time to be on Earth and if you can just see the positive outcomes, you would in fact see this year as one that is going to be full of excitement. The answers to all your problems are waiting in the wings ready to emerge. The size and extent of the changes will take you through to next year, and by the end of it everything will be vastly different to what it is now. For now little will turn out as bad as you might think, and any difficulties will be short lived. The Earth may shake and rumble, but we will be taking note of the affects it may have on its surroundings. Indeed we will keep things in balance so that they do not get out of hand. This we have been doing for a long time, and have averted what could have been disastrous to large regions of the Earth.
如果你能剛好見證這積極的結果,那麼對於存在於地球之上是多麼開心的時刻,你將確實的在今年見證,作為一個人將是全然的激動。對你們所有問題的解答都等在底線區域等待著浮現。改變的尺度和範圍會帶著你穿越進入下一年,並且在它的末尾每件事情與今天相比都會變得巨大的不同。現在很少有人會變得你想像的那樣糟糕,並且任何的難處都只會短期存活。地球之母也許會震動隆隆作響,但是我們會注意它對與周遭事物的可能影響。我們會確實的保持事件的平衡,不讓其失去控制。這個我們已經做了很長一段時間了,並且已經扭轉了那些所有可能已經成為災害性的大部分地球區域。 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we are extra busy keeping up with what is happening on Earth. It is partly why you are seeing so many of our craft in your skies. It is a guarantee that your future is safe with us. 我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa,並且我們在特別的忙碌於緊跟隨所有發生在地球上的事情。這也是為何你們不完全的看見這許多我們的飛船出現在你們的天空中。它是一個保證,那就是你們的未來因為我們而非常的安全。
Thank you SaLuSa.