轉載自http://tieba.baidu.com/club/6883547/p/9815338?pn=3 主麥達昶通過James Tyberonn
Humans tend to create images of Angels that are responsible to some degree for the misconceptions around their true nature. Your paintings and murals depict either muscular male figures, females with feathered wings, or a host of miniature cherubs. Angels are neither male nor female in their Beingness. Gender is an aspect of polarity/duality. And of course Angels do not have wings, feathers or even the grandiose humanesque forms.. We are by no means offended by such images, these are simply artist's mental images that replicate and reinforce some of the misconceptions.
Many of your religious texts and scriptures tell you that 'God' created mankind in 'his' own image. You even see 'God' as a patriarchal male with a humanesque body.
It is the same mental thought process that logically images Angels as having human form
這也是同樣的精神幻想並且以這種邏輯創造出天使也擁有人類的外貌。 Such celestial images powerfully influence your thoughts and emotions, and thus it is natural that you create understandable images to facilitate your interfacing with the Divine.
There are myriad life forms of Divine Intelligence in the Cosmos that have 'bodies' vastly different from the forms you have on earth. These are also created in 'Gods' Image. And so understand the image of God that is life, is conscious light, is LOVE.
Throughout the eons, humanity has tended to consider Ascended Masters, Spiritual Teachers, Group Councils, Deities and benevolent Extra Terrestrials as Angels. They are not
The Cosmic Council of Light, Ascended Masters, the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, are unified entities that operate generally in Councils. These are representative and advisory disciplines that express tenets, principles, theories and beliefs associated with a body of knowledge. The Cosmic Council of Light is composed primarily of highly advanced beings that have experienced and completed the lessons of physical duality, and have chosen to empathically assist humanity. Likewise many of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance has experienced life on earth.
Discernment is Key
Think NOT that we desire to forcefully impose or have you change your chosen stance on God, religion or the nature of your own being. Your beliefs, values and chosen opinions are sacred steps of your free-will and are fully endorsed by the ' All That Is', of which you are a Divine Aspect.
The mode and manner, the expediency and format of your evolution is your own creation, and that is by individual design. There can be no other way to complete the University of Earth. It is not the role of the Angelic, nor the Ascended Masters Councils to make choices for you, we are holders of information that you may utilize, refashion, reject or accept. It is your choice, and we tell you that each of you will graduate in time. Love is ever the key, and cause and effect are great and greater teachers that all of you will learn from. Experiencing duality and learning Mastery in route, is why you entered the course.
Masters, a beautiful completion is occurring on the Earth. It is a sacred event that all of you have co created. It is time that you illuminate to the great and greater aspect that has always been within you. The dreamer is awakening. The expansion of Light is the expansion of Truth, of Understanding and is the doorway to the return home. Like the Angels, you are Beings of Light.
As yet, most of you have no idea how important you are, and how the evolution that you have created in your selves has expanded the Cosmos.
Before we complete, we ask you to do something very special. Take a moment, and direct your energy to feel the energy of Light, of Angels. 在我們完成之前,我們要求你們做一些非常特殊的事情。花一小會兒,並且制定你的能量去感受“光的能量”,“天使的能量”。
Feel us. 請感覺我們。
Be absorbed in this angelic countenance of peace and well being. It is a moment of solace, is it not? It is the energy of Source, of home, of Light, of Love. It is Angelic, and you Dear Ones are feeling the frequency of our nature...of your source nature in Angelic Beingness of Sacred Light. It is nice isn't it ?
Every Enlightened Being who has walked the Earth in final Mastery, exuded an energy that feels a lot like what you just felt. People were attracted to them, loved them. All life responded, blossomed in their presence. They created joy, effortlessly, because that is the energy of LIGHT...and Dear Ones, you are human angels, and can and will evolve in kind as you return home.
And in that sacred path, we of the Angelic Realm honor you. We await you, and promise to leave the lights on for your serendipitous return. 在那神聖之路中,我們天使實相給予你們榮耀。我們等待著你們,並且承諾留給你們這“光”,只求你們能偶然的回應。
I Am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved. 我是麥達昶,並且我與你們分享了這些真理。你們是被深深愛著。 And so it is...