【大角星人資訊】2012年1月23日 《走出二元世界的幻象》
2012-01-24 15:52
We see many starting to awaken; starting to recognize thatthere is change coming and much already here with regard to the way that lifehas been lived up to this time. We see many are beginning to let go of the ideathat there is only one way to accomplish things, or only one way ofunderstanding an issue. This is progress dear ones, because this means thatmore and more are opening up to the energies of light now pouring onto yourplanet. As a result, many who heretofore lived in fear and obedience, arestarting to take back their power. 我們看到很多人開始醒來,開始感受到正在發生的變化,而事實上人們的生活層次方面已經發生了很多變化。我們看到很多人正在重新審視“有些任務必須用一種方法才能完成”,或者“一種事情只能有唯一的理解方法”這類想法。這是巨大的進步,親愛的朋友們,因為這意味著越來越多人的心正在向不斷注入你們星球的光的能量敞開。因此,很多曾經生活在恐懼以及盲目服從狀態下的人們開始主動取回他們的力量。
It is time to let go. We have made this statement manytimes before, but we must say it again. You cannot carry that which is old andfinished with you into the new energy, it is of a higher frequency. This is whymany of you are experiencing headaches, flu like symptoms, ringing ears, sleepproblems, and various aches and pains; you are releasing cellular memory andold dense energy still stored within your energy fields from lifetimes. Much isto be accomplished in the next few months. If you choose to remain a bystander,living life as usual, that is fine, it is your choice. But again we say, youcannot take the old and untrue energy with you into the new. 讓一切消逝的時刻到了,這句話我們已經說了很多次了,但是我們必須再次提起。你們不能將舊的已經完結的一切帶入新的能量領域,也就是更高的頻率。這也是為什麼你們中的很多人正在經歷頭疼,類似感冒的症狀,耳鳴,睡眠問題,以及各種莫名其妙的疼痛。你們正在釋放儲存在在多次轉生過程中積累在細胞內的舊的高密度能量。在接下來的幾個月中大部分釋放工作會完成。如果你們仍舊選擇原來的道路,沒有問題,這是你們的選擇。但是我們再次說明,你們無法帶著舊的,不真實的能量進入新的世界。
We see much about to occur with regard to world financialsituations. Many countries are beginning to question, and amongst themselvesare talking about new and better ways of financial working but you do not hearabout these things, because your news is not open and true. It is on yourInternet that you must search for the more open news. 我們看到很多事情就要發生在這個世界的金融領域。很多國家的領導人們之間開始質疑,他們自己之間開始如何用談論新的,更好的方法來運作整個經濟體系。你們無法瞭解這些資訊,因為你們的媒體遠未達到公開,真實的程度。只有在網路中你們才能找到更加透明的資訊。
Do not be afraid dear ones, things will occur that maycause you to doubt or fear, but all is proceeding according the plan. All ismoving into a higher resonance of seeing and being. Nothing real is ever norcan be, lost. Some things may seem to be lost, but if they are themanifestation of your state of consciousness, they will then reappear on a newand higher level; remember, your state of consciousness governs your world.This is why successful businesses are often sold, but then quickly fail, for abusiness expresses the consciousness of the owner and a new owner consciousnessmay be very different. 請不要害怕,親愛的朋友們,未來要發生的事情有可能會讓你們懷疑或者恐懼,但是所有的一切都在按照計畫進行著。所有的一切正在走向一個更高層次的觀察和存在的振動。真實永遠是勝利者。一些事情從表面看似乎是失去了,但是事實上它們是你們意識狀態的外在表現形式,這些暫時失去的東西會在一個新的更高層次的真實中重新出現。記住,你們的意識狀態控制著你們自己的世界。這也是為什麼一些成功的生意一旦被出售就突然轉向失敗。因為生意其實是擁有者的意識的外在表現,買主和原來擁有者的意識經常有很大差別。
Many are finding their work moving in new directions. Trynot to hold to what you have done in the past, but allow your work, whatever itmay be, to unfold and new ways. The mantra of “this is the way we have alwaysdone it” will begin to ring very hollow for some. 很多人正在尋找他們走向新世界的路。請不要試圖抓緊你們曾經做過的不放,請允許你們的路以自己的方式展開,不管那道路是什麼。俗語“人生必經之路”對一些人來說將變成索然無味的空口號(例如高考…)
Old beliefs of everything are shifting; government,healthcare, relationships, foods, entertainment–all are changing andshifting-if you allow it. All have free will and can choose to stay in thirddimensional energy, moving into the higher frequencies at a later time. Someare choosing to leave because they realize that they will not have enough timeto complete their life lessons. These dear ones are choosing to leave now andthen come back into the new energy at a later date. Know that all have beengiven the choice as to whether they wish to stay or leave during this time ofshift. This choice is made on a deeper consciousness level, so many nowpreparing to leave do not realize that this was their free will choice. 舊的信仰中的一切都在變化:政府,醫療制度,人和人之間的關係,食物,娛樂,所有的一切都在變化,如果你們允許的話。所有人都有自由意識,可以選擇繼續待在第三密度能量中,或者選擇以後再進入更高的能量維度。一些人選擇離開,因為他們意識到他們沒有足夠時間完成他們的生命課程。這些親愛的朋友們選擇現在離開,並且在稍晚一些的時間再回到新的能量領域。要知道所有人都被給予選擇的權利,選擇在這變化的時刻繼續呆在這裡或者離開。選擇是在更深層次的意識領域完成的。很多正在準備離去的人並沒有意識到這是他們的自由意志的選擇。
Please do not fear, hate, or even love death. There is nodeath; what you call death is simply a change of location. a going back home,for you are spiritual beings, not physical. Those who excessively mourn thedead–building altars and calling out day after day, cause their loved ones tostay attached to earth and hamper their journey of evolutionary understanding. 請不要害怕,請甚至大膽地擁抱死亡。死亡是不存在的,你們所稱的死亡只是一個位置的變換,一個回家的過程,因為你們都是精神領域的存有,而不是物理領域的。你們中有些人因為逝去的親人陷入極度悲傷情緒,為他們建立祠堂,一遍遍地呼喊著他們失去的親人的名字,這麼做會將他們所愛的人綁縛在地球,阻礙他們靈魂繼續發展的旅程。
It is time to realize the illusory nature of all thirddimensional appearances. It is time to understand that the the world is not anillusion, it is your perception of the world that is the illusion. Many havegotten tripped up in this fine point, saying to themselves; “Oh well, thissituation is only an illusion.” The sick or sinning person you see before youis not an illusion, it is your concept of him that is the illusion. Recognizingthis distinction is imperative, for only as the spiritual student begins tounderstand this, can he begin to see through the negative as well as positiveappearances of the third dimension– good and bad are both just ends of the sameduality stick. Being in third dimensional energy is like observing everyactivity of life through a stained glass window. You see it, but in a distortedway. 是時候瞭解第三密度空間所有幻象的本質了。是時候瞭解“這世界並不是幻象,你們觀察世界的方法才是幻象”這個事實了。很多人陷入意識的怪圈,他們對自己說“哦,這種現狀只是一種幻象”。在你面前的重病者,犯罪者他們並不是幻象。你們對“重病者”,“犯罪者”的定義才是幻象。意識到這兩者間的差別是至關重要的,因為只有靈魂的學徒理解到這一點,他們才可以看透三維密度空間裡“正面”和“負面“的本質– “好”和“壞”只是同一個二元之杖的兩個極端,世界本沒有好和壞,是人們的二元意識創造了它們。不管人們在“好”或“壞”的任何一端起舞,他們的行為都只會加劇二元世界天平的失衡。在三維密度空間的能量中,人們就像帶著有色眼鏡觀察每個生命的行為。透過眼鏡,你們會看到世界,但是是以一種扭曲的方式。(沒有讀懂這段話的朋友們,我強烈推薦你們讀一下我寫的一的啟示(1)藏在二元世界的危險,這裡是連結:http://hi.baidu.com/gongjian19/blog/item/ab1b6be4248fb92aadafd501.html?timeStamp=1327391408931)
With the recognition of the illusory nature of appearances,you begin to realize reality– everything is Source manifesting as… All that isreal is governed by Divine law and can never be changed or eliminated. Ifdisease resided within Divine consciousness, governed by Divine law, no oneanywhere or at any time ever would be able to cure it. 瞭解到幻象本質的表現方式後,你們才會開始意識到什麼是真實。任何一切都是“本源”的外在表現形式。所有的存有依存于永遠不會變,也不會被消除的神聖的法則之下。如果一個人的神聖意識中出現了疾病,由於神聖法則的存在,除了這個人自己,沒有任何其他人,在任何時間,可以代替這個人完成疾病的治療過程。
Ponder this dear ones. 請認真思考這些話語,親愛的朋友們
We are the Arcturian Group.
資訊來源:http://www.onenessofall.com/newest.html 翻譯:Cappuccino |