
Seraphin through Rosie, 16th March 2011




R: Dearest Seraphin, I hardly know where to start, as I am so full of sadness but also of joy in the knowledge that a new wave of consciousness is on its way. Chile, Haiti, China, New Zealand and now constant large quakes in Japan. Surely there can be no doubt to anyone now that there is SOMETHING BIG GOING ON. Yet for many here in Europe it still feels distant, beyond their reality, beyond their powers of critical assessment – a hazy spectre somewhere on the horizon which is impossible to influence, separated from self. The magnitude of this does not reach the heart continuously – only for fleeting moments.

羅:親 愛的塞拉芬,我幾乎不知道該從哪裡講起,因為我既充滿了悲傷,但同時又為新的意識巨浪即將到來而感到欣喜。智利、海地、中國、紐西蘭以及現在日本出現持續不斷的大地震。想必現在任何人應該都不會懷疑【有一些大事件正在進行】。然而在歐洲的很多人仍然感覺這些事很遙遠,遠離他們的現實,對那些很快將發生的重大變故的模糊前兆,缺乏批判評估的力量,他們完全置身事外。這件事的重要性根本無法持續地觸動他們的內心--只是閃念之間的觸動。



Like the immense palaces and state buildings which ruled the empires of Europe, old structures and symbols of power seem to be still visibly in place. But I sense that on the inside, discussions are intense, devising a last desperate attempt to stem an overwhelming incoming tide which will sweep everything away in its path. I recall the Hapsburg Dynasty and Empress Maria Theresia with her 11 daughters, 10 of whom were married off (including Marie-Antoinette) purely to strengthen political power …

類似這 些代表著歐洲帝權的巨大宮殿和政府建築,古建築以及權力標誌,看起來依然很明顯地存在。但我通過內部消息獲知,他們正緊張地商討,計畫以最後的全力一搏來阻止那快要到來的勢不可擋的浪潮(這浪潮將沖走它前進道路上的一切事物,那些人顯然沒有意識到這非人力可以阻止的)。我回想起了哈布斯堡王朝[]以及瑪利亞·特蕾莎和她的11個女兒,其中10個(包括瑪麗·安托瓦內特在內[])都純粹是為了加強政治權力而出嫁......



S: Yes, dearest, your thoughts are similar to ours when we consider the grinding of political power machine which is grating in a last desperate attempt to fortify itself in view of the incoming wave. It is not for us to describe this wave or the impact of this “breakdown” in your normality and reality, but rather it is to point out that each one of you will experience this in a different manner. This will be according to your own individual psychological makeup, your spiritual capacity and your ability to connect with others.

塞:是的,親愛的,當我們考慮粉碎那政治機器的企圖以組織起最後的亡命一搏的嘗試以加強它自己來抵抗即將到來的巨浪時,我們的想法和你的想法是類似的。這工作對我們來 說不僅包含如何描述這個巨浪巨浪”“瓦解你們日常生活和實相時帶來的衝擊,更重要的是強調你們每個人都會在不同程度上體驗這波巨浪。這會與你們自己的個人心理素質、靈性能力和與其他人的相溝通能力有關係。



The community aspect is highly significant. Even if you are surrounded by helpful and sympathetic people, TO WHAT DEGREE can you confide in them? TO WHAT DEGREE are you able to ask for help? TO WHAT DEGREE are you able to offer help? TO WHAT DEGREE are you able to admit that you are encountering extreme difficulty and TO WHAT DEGREE can you gracefully and gratefully accept advice from others? And – and this is the hardest of all: TO WHAT DEGREE CAN YOU ACCEPT THAT ALL THESE DISASTERS ARE SELF-MADE? TO WHAT DEGREE CAN YOU SAY: I ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY. THESE ARE OUR FRUITS.




Without this recognition process, there is no chance for change to take place. It will simply mean that you continue on the road to further catastrophe, whether on a personal or collective global level, whether in this life or the next. KNOW THAT THE ROOTS MUST BE EXAMINED AND IN ORDER IF THE WATER NECESSARY FOR THE SUSTENANCE OF THE PLANT IS TO REACH THE DIVIDING CELLS WHICH BRING FORTH THE OUTWARD APPEARANCE OF GROWTH.

如果不 經歷這個自省過程,完全不可能有任何(本質上的)改變會發生。很容易就可以知道,你們將繼續走向更多災難,不管是在個人層面或是在全球的集體層面上,也不 管是在你的這一生或是在你的下一生。【要明白首先要檢查植物的根是好是壞,接下來才考慮水對植物通過細胞分裂來表現出外表上的成長是否是必要的(如果 根都壞了,澆再多的水是不是都徒勞無功呢?)】



And I say: in this sense YOU ARE THE PLANTS, all living beings with an innate desire for nurturing warmth. You wish to stretch and grow your leafy fingers towards the strong spiritual glow which is rapidly approaching. Your soul thirsts for this divine watering. It does not wish to spend a lifetime closetted in the dark cavernous and luxurious mansions of the Hapsburg palaces, surrounded by gold, sacrificing its own flesh and blood (as Maria Theresia did) to keep the same.

而且我 告訴你們:現在這種情況下【你們就是這些植物】,所有的生命都渴望本能的熱情。你們希望把你們的枝葉朝著正迅速抵達地球的【強烈的心靈之光】伸展和成長。 你們的心靈渴望這【聖水】的灌溉。它不願意一生的時間都躲在黑暗深淵裡,也不願意一輩子地呆在富麗堂皇的到處是黃金的哈布斯堡宮殿,過那用出賣自己的人性 來維持的所謂優越生活(正如瑪利亞·特蕾莎為延續權力所做的那樣)。



And I say IT IS TIME TO GO OUT ONTO THE STREETS, NOT COWER IN DARK COSY CORNERS, AND IT IS TIME TO SPEAK YOUR TRUTH AND RECONNECT TO A HIGHER LEVEL OF AWARENESS. Do not feel dwarfed by towering buildings, important personalities or prodigious names, for they are illusions of grandeur with the intention of binding you as minions to the false desire for riches on earth.

我還要 告訴你們:【是時候到外面抛頭露面了,不要再龜縮在昏暗舒適的角落,也是時候道出你們的真相並與更高意識層次聯接了】。不要在高大的建築、有權勢的人或者非常有名的人面前感到渺小,因為他們只是地球上披著華麗外衣的小丑,他們意圖通過用對財富的虛構欲望來讓你們為他們賣命。



But I say all this will crumble as it has crumbled in the past. There will be no restructuring or repairing, for this will be a completely NEW START, A TABULA RASA. Your structures are so outdated and hardened and soulless and deviant that they require COMPLETE DEMOLITION. This is what you are seeing on a mental and physical level, COMPLETE DEMOLITION OF HARMFUL THOUGHT STRUCTURES and of the physical landscape, resulting finally in the rise of new thought structures and new lands.

但我會 說這些都會崩潰,就像過去也曾崩潰一樣。不會再有重組或修正,因為這將是一個【嶄新的開始,一片空白】。你們現在的社會結構是如此的過時、僵硬、無情和不和 諧,因此它們需要【全部破除】。這是你在物質層面和精神層面都能看到的,完全破除有害的思維結構和物質景觀,最終為新思維結構和新土地的重構讓路。



In the face of such enormities, know that all the gold in the world cannot bring you comfort, which is a feeling of solidarity with your fellows, this overwhelming and all-consuming desire to serve in love. Do not be blinded by shows of opulence or wealth, for in these end times they have little meaning. The source of eternal richness and fulfilment lies in the quality of your heart, in the abundance of love given, in the degree of dedication you personally manifest in service to the Divine Source acting in the interests of harmony and peace.

面對如此巨變,要明白世界上所有的金子都不能帶給你安慰,這是你們現在所共有的想法,想不顧一切期望去用愛心服務。不要被財富和富足的表 象蒙蔽了雙眼,因為在此閉幕階段那些都顯得蒼白而失去意義。永恆的富饒和完滿之源來自于你心靈的品質,來自於你付出的愛的多少,來自於你為了和諧與安定而對神聖源頭的服務展現所做努力的多少。





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