

2012-03-17 5:55

Beloved Family of Light, at this time it gives us GreatJoy to greet you once again as you move towards the First Equinox of 2012. Indeed,thingsare Shifting and changing on your Earth, and the first new energies of the NewWave of Light for 2012 are beginning to be felt on the Earth.


Many of you may be feeling a little low, as you wait forthe new wave of energy, and may be feeling a litle down when you considerevents on the Earth right now, especially in the Middle East. You may seem nocloser to the ideals of Peace and Harmony that you seek. Beloveds, know thatall is in Divine Order and in the Flow of Creation, the energies of Change aremoving forward. The Earth is making herself ready to Reconnect with the 8th and9th Dimensions of Light, and the Earth Keeper Councils and the Councils of Elderswho will be responsible for the New Earth are now being formed and brought intoexistence.



Yes, Beloved Family of Light, after 2012 and the Earth'sPassage through the Portal of Light in December, the Earth will be entrusted tothe Keeping of those of you who are chosen and elected to the first New EarthCouncil of Earth Keepers and its associated Council of Elders. These Beingswill be initiated into the 8th and 9th Dimensions where they will work with theSolar Councils and the Galactic Councils of Light. At last, Earth will take itsplace as a "star of Light", whose evolutionary path is determined byDivine Will and Divine Creative Intelligence, and those who follow the DivineWill.



You may ask how this is possiblr, given the state ofpolitics on your Earth today. We say simply that the New Multi-DimensionalEarth is taking shape and the "old" energies of conflict and dualitywill have little importance in the Future that is being manifested. Thefrequency of duality and conflict belongs to the old third-dimensional world,and it is fading awy. The new fifth-dimensional Earth is based on Flow andHarmony, and the shifting of polarities into Unity. Those in your Earth societywho are advanced seek to bring polarities into unity through dialogue anddiscussion. This is the way of the New Earth and it will become the predominantmode of political life in an awakened fifth-dimensional Earth.



But, more importantly, the real power to determine thefuture path of the Earth is passing into the hands of the Earth Keeper Counciland the Council of Elders. These ones are called and chosen in the HigherDimensions and they have access to the Solar and Galactic Councils. They arenot "obvious" to those in fifth-dimensional society, but they arethose who are multi-dimensional and can access Higher Consciousness and createand manifest according to Divine Will as it is expressed in your Golden RoseGalaxy that is birthing and forming now.



Earth takes her place, and indeed, so do you as you"hear" the invitation to access Higher forms of consciousness andEarth Leadershio. You will become aware of your new connections to yourrebirthed sun, whom we now call "Solaris". The 8th DimensionalCouncil of Solaris unifies the Planetary Councils of your Solar System andconnects with the Stellar and Galactic Councils. Then, you will connect withthe 9th Dimensional Councils of the Golden Rose Galaxy, Rosa Dorada, the newname for your Golden Galaxy that is forming now and was formerly known as theMilky Way.



With these structures in place, Earth ascends into hernew "orbit" as the Blue Star Planet, the first planet within theGalaxy to achieve full Multi-Dimensional status and to be governed by a Councilof Earth Keepers and Elders. These are "elected" by their SoulCommunities on the Higher Level for their Wisdom, Commitment and Courage.



Indeed, Beloved Ones, there is much excitement as thesenew structures are put in place and connected with the New Earth grids. We knowmany of you have through that the Beings of Light would come down to the Earth,but we say that it is you who will ascend to meet with the Beings of Light inthe Solar and Galactic Councls and take your place as part of the GoldenGalaxy. And as you do this, you will also remain a part of the society of theEarth on the material level, ready to contribute and enjoy in the New Earththat is being birthed. We celebrate that Earth is no longer an"infant" in the keeping of the Sirians, Pleiadians and Arcturians.Now, the Earth is a fully mature and independent Star Being, representing theenergy of Solaris in the Golden Rose Galaxy.


Dragons and Dolphins


Beloved Family of Light, as you begin this next phase ofConnection and Re-connection, you will also make intense connections with theAwakening energy of the Dragons, and also the energy of the Dolphin Masters.These two groups of Light Beings are especially focussed on this part of the2012 alignments and are fully ready to work with those of you who are ready.



Firstly, in the 6th Dimension you will encounter andreconnect with the Dragon energy. The Dragons are Higher Dimensional bearers ofthe "Cosmic Fire" or Angel Fire. This is a very basic but powerfulelemental energy that you might term "nuclear" energy if you were tothink of it in scientific terms, the basic "fire" that holds theholographic matrix in place.



The Dragons were the early bearers of the Cosmic Energyand were your "ancestors". They breathed fire because they wereexpressions of Cosmic Fire itself. When you awaken the Dragon Fire, youreconnect with your ancient ability to work with the Cosmic Fire forco-creation with the Divine. When you live in fear of the Dragon energy, itlives in your shadow side and can emerge in destructive ways as"explosions" of rather negative fire. This hapens on a large scalewhen humans go to war and rain fire on eahc other in thr form of weapons,especially nuclear weapons, which are the ultimate negative use of the DragonFire. This is what has happened when humans have approached the Dragon Firefrom a scientific point of view and tried to harness it for negative purposes.Indeed, much of the present conflict in your Middle East centers around the useof the Dragon Fire for war and who should have the right to access this power.The Dragons themselves have evolved as well, and no longer wish to be used fornegative purposes, they wish to reconnect with Humanity and offer themsleves inthe service of Peace.



Historically, the relationship with Dragons has been oneof fear, leading to abuse and destruction. In the third-dimensional world whereperception works in duality, the Dragons were feared and brought into conflictand "vanquished". In the fifth-dimensional New Earth you recognizePolarity within Unity and so the Dragons can re-emerge as you move into Masteryand the Higher Dimensions. In Mastery, you can become Dragon Riders and directthe Dragon Fire with Consciousness and use its power in manifestation andcreation for the highest good and according to the Divine Plan. This is the waythat the Dragon enegry wishes to connect with humans, and not in the scientificway wherer the ewnergy is harnessed and used without any understanding of theSacred Relationship between Spirit, Dragons and Humans.



The Second Group of Light Beings is the Angelic DolphinMasters, who are the Higher Expression of the Cetacean/Dolphin energy of Earth.They come from the Galactic Center or Great Central Sun, via Sirius and thePleaides. Their purpose is, and always has been, to guide the development ofthe Species on Earth, especially the emerging Human Angelic Species. TheCetaceans are Masters of Holographic Engineering, and wherever there is a needfor a major evolutionary shift or recalibration, they are there to assist. Evenas Earth ascends into the New and Independent role in her Solar System andGalaxy, the Dolphin Masters continue to assist in this "birthing"process.



The Dolphin Masters and Angels enbody the Cosmic ChristConsciousnes. They flow with the Golden Energy of the Cosmic Christ, but theyalso embody the Turquoise and Magenta Rays of the Christ Love. The energy ofthe Dolphin Masters is expressed in Dance, Music and in Joy. It is fluid andflowing and light, beautiful and harmonious. When you embody the energy of theDolphin Masters you become as they are, fluid, graceful, joyous and able toreact with grace and speed. No change of direction in the Flow is a problem,you are simply able to move with it.



With the assistance of the Dragons and the AngelicDolphin Masters, the Fire of Creation and the Evolution of Species on the Earthwill once again be aligned with the Divine Will and Divine CreativeIntelligence. This will ensure that these energies are used only for HigherPurpose in the New Earth.


The March Equinox as a Point of Balance


With all these change and reconnections andrecalibrations, it is probable that you will be feeling some of the effects ofthese waves in the different dimensions. Firstly, Beloved Ones, it is possiblethat you may be feeling a sense of disconnection, as though what was importantbefore no longer is. Or projects that seemed to be going smoothly mightsuddenly come to a halt. Also, you might find that relationships andfriendships also suffer from a similar hiatus and disconnection. This is simplyan aspect of the huge changes that are being put in place. You can be assuredthat in a few weeks things will flow smoothly once again.



The Equinox itself will be a point of Balance for you andyour life. It will represent a moment when you will be able to find innerbalance and peace and reconnect to the new flow of your lives. Many of you willfind new directions and new paths as you enter into your new roles, especiallythose of you who will be working with the Earth Keeper Councils and theCouncils of Elders.



In terms of the physical body, there may also be somesymptoms. In the past, the symptoms were felt mainly as a result of the changeof center and balance from the Solar Plexus to the Heart. Now, as you enterinto this new phase, you will find that the physical body is actally becominglighter, that is more filled with light and lighter in weight. In this phase,you may feel very heavy in your body, you may feel exhausted, and you may havedifficulty sleeping. You may also have difficulty with food and finding foodthat aligns with your new sense of your physical body. These too will pass,Beloved Ones, as you become more accustomed to the lighter nature of your multi-dimensionalbody.



Soon, you will feel filled with energy and ready for thenew opportunities and challenges that will present themselves towrds the middleof the year as you move towards the Lion's Gate at the end of July!



We wish you muchJoy and Love in the coming weeks and months and we celebrate with you themanifestation of the New Earth!



資訊由Celia Fenn提供







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