If tomorrow never comes
By Eve / Adama of Telos
Nov 22, 2010 - 4:23:12 AM
22nd November 2010
Adama through Eve
Garth Brooks if tomorrow never comes
'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance
to tell her how I feel
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
So tell that someone that you love
Just what you're thinking of
If tomorrow never comes
Hi Sweety, this is Adama. How are things going, dear one?
Nowhereland, some kind of. I guess I have my emotions under control, - except for situations, where a certain friend in my life is reading old history school books as a good night story - while he could have so much uncensored real history books in his hands, which are available with me.. ....
Well, Eve, this does not really surprise me. He thinks life will go on and on this way - in the old track - and so are thinking many. Even some who know about the truth, but cannot really make a picture in their mind - of manifestation. Even the dark ones who know and even get evidence of the light powers now turned against their front - they do think that just because of the many delays they would still have a chance. Literally they will think this up to the very end.
Truely, it was not that much different with the demise of Lemuria. I guess I told you once. Much had been revealed about measures of rescue and what the signs would be, much like it is done now in the circles of the knowing ones. And yet, there were so many who woke up in the morning, thinking "oh, well, it"s not going to happen today" ... it was so beyond their ability of imagination with many, that they just went on like always, pushing the thought of the demise far away.
What sake would it have been then, if we had had the possibility of fleet evacuations or / and stasis. Well, CM was not yet totally sovereign in his universe and this might have complicated things, too. Well, even now you have heard him many times saying: "Man must see what he has created".
假如我們那時有飛船轉移或是停滯期的話,那會帶來怎樣的益處。奧,那時基督麥克還沒有完全的主管他的宇宙,這也使事情變得複雜(Lucifer路西弗反叛一直持續到近代,撒旦是路西弗手下的一個首領,具體情節在Urantia Book裏有講述,亞特蘭蒂斯文明的歷史沒有在此書中提及因為他們和現在的人類不是同源的。地球一直被作為路西弗反叛的星球而容納了很多負面力量)。奧,甚至現在你還聽到他多次說:“人類一定要看到他所創造的”。
Well, regarding Lemuria, there did not remain many on the surface to witness their creation. Many saw it from the sight of their etheric bodys after the loss of their physical ones. But those who remained were not too many and there was just mainly the remnants who made it into Telos to go on with their lifes beyond the surface. After the demise existance on the surface was life threatening, hostile. The demise of Lemuria had resulted from serious destabilization of the ground, due to nuclear interfering and warfare. Similar to the way you have it now in the GOM and elsewhere, there were huge subterranean chambers of methane gas which finally collapsed. Lemuria was a wide continent and the demise happened differently, depending on the region of the continent. You may have heard several stories about, including the one of a silent demise with priests singing while going down, and also including reports of dramatic scenarios with volcanic eruptions and heavy quake activity - both scenarios took place, dear ones.
And in every scenario there were captured people, who did not believe it would really ever happen, people who went to bed thinking "well, tomorrow is another day"... but there wasn"t finally, at least not for them. If tomorrow never comes for you, would you regret not having been prepared?
When I look at so many of you keeping glued to fake information that all humanity would ascend on 21st December 2012 and that meditating and pushing away frightening thoughts would be the only and life rescuing road to paradise then I have to shake my head and tell you: GET REAL! Even back in Lemuria meditation and singing and working with the rays did not prevent the subterranean methane caves from collapsing - and with a certain point of no return crossed, the mind-over-matter-scenarios did not work any more - espcially not at a straight and strong view of apocalyptic scenarios, and especially not either when thoughts of fear have never been handled successfully. Where you will be after such a scenario is very much a question of awarely doing your homework!
Ok, I must again mention it here: Some of you still try to escape by booking ascension seminars, and even worse, some still use my name to lead people into dead ends. And to the ones who do, I have an important question: When the moment comes where you will see the reality of what we have announced by messages like "time to say farewell" and other pieces - and you are captured between tsunamis and earth quakes or mud slides - will you still have a thought about wether you have your purse with you, with all the money in it, which you have taken from people for telling them your ascension tales?
YOU ARE AT YOUR PERSOAL CROSSROADS POINT, FOLKS! And like always, the comfortable wide path promising you immediate ascension as a result of steady practising of techniques etc. will bring you out of here in a much different way than you think. The other path might be steep, narrow and be confronting you with your very own fear, you may have to overcome your shadows, but finally it keeps you being a part of the planet, taking you to ascension as ONE with her! Isn"t this exactly what you want?
Mother earth has long chosen her path, she has already moved beyond the crossroads point. And this is the reason why you will - equally if you believe it or not - now very soon see the changes manifesting. I very much hope that you who read here - will belong to the 1 billion people being allowed to remain here after the changes - so that we will have a chance to personally hug each other! We are ready to assist you after finding a completely changed earth surface, .... by our knowledge, by our presence of friendship - and very much by encouraging you with our love!
Finally, if you are asking me, what to do best on the last meters - develop civil courage and try to implement spirituality to your concepts of growing up your kids! How many of you call themselves "lightworkers", but do have unspiritual spouses and therefore are in fear about telling your kids and mates about your work for Christ? Would it not be better to demonstrate that your work for Christ and humanity makes you strong and independant from shadows trying to dominate you?
Well, this is just a suggestion. But you should ponder about what happens if you exclude spirituality from your concepts of teaching kids - you surrender them straight to materialism.
AND AFTER YOUR EARTH CHANGES, THERE WILL NOT BE MUCH LEFT OF MATERIALISM - so why not better invest into spirituality?
Be heartfelt invited to get in direct touch with me! Even if some dark forces still try to discredit me, I"m still the High Priest of Telos out of the order of Melchizedek, in service of Christ who created our universe of Nebadon. Floating you with my love, and may love always keep you warm amidst the brewing storm!
你們被真心的邀請與我直接聯繫!儘管一些黑暗勢力仍企圖貶低我,“我始終是泰羅斯的大祭司,屬於麥基洗德團隊,服務於基督,他創造了我們的內巴頓宇宙(我們現在的銀河系,Urantia Book裏敍述了更多宇宙組成)。讓我的愛使你們昇華,讓愛始終在即將來臨的風暴中給你們溫暖!
This is Adama.