銀河聯邦資訊 2012年1月6日 宏偉的生命戲劇即將落下帷幕
2012-01-07 12:24
Therehave been periods throughout your lifetimes when things just didn't seem to beworking out for you, and then you came full circle and may have come out of itall better for the experience. Such may be where you find yourself today, withso many obstacles that seem at times to fall from the skies and find themselvesin your path. Try to look at these bumps in the road as learning experiences,for indeed they are. More of your life than you may be aware of has beencarefully planned. This goes for the good times as well as the difficultperiods. We say to you to try to find the best way to rise above theseobstacles and persevere. Only through your determined efforts will you move onand through these detours along your journey’s path. 在你們的生命中經常會遇到很多事,看起來不管怎麼做都無法成功,當你以完整的全域眼光看待它們的時候,也許你們會發現這一切都為了讓你們有更好的體驗。很可能這就是你們今天正在經歷的,因為每天看起來都有如此多的障礙從天上落下,阻擋在你們前行的道路上。請把這些生命路上的障礙看作難得的經驗,因為他們確實是。你們生命中的很多經歷是被細心地規劃好的,不管是看似的幸運或者不幸。請你們試著跨越這些障礙,並將這經歷保留在心中。你們不懈的努力才是你們跨越這些你們生命路上障礙的鑰匙。
Throughthe many long years you have worn many hats; sinner, saint, victim, predator,robber baron, law man, militia man, and philosopher. All the parts in thistheatrical production were co-scripted and performed by you, as only you knowwhat is truly best for your learning and growth, and although there are manyothers involved in your play, it all comes down to you which act will follow,decided by the choices you make along your way. 漫長的歷史長河中,你們擔任過很多角色,罪人,聖人,犧牲者,掠奪者,強盜頭子,法官,軍人,以及哲學家。這宏偉的劇碼都是由你自己譜寫並且飾演的,因為只有你自己才知道什麼對你的學習和成長最有利。儘管有很多人也參與了你們人生戲劇的演出,但他們來到你們身邊都是為完成你們自己的戲劇,實現你們在人生路上所作出的選擇。
Seeingthings from this perspective may give you a better idea of why you findyourself in a particular situation today, and how you can avoid landing in thesame spot again. The final curtain is soon to come down on this particularshow. You have all done a wonderful job in your supporting roles that you haveplayed for each other. You are all the stars of your show. No one takes centerstage but you in your show, as there are billions of performances being actedout on the Earth stage. In time, a grand cast party will be thrown forperformers, writers, directors, producers, set designers, and special effectsartists. You will be there and so shall we, and all the behind-the-scenessecrets will be revealed to you. 以這個角度看待世界會給你們一個更好的解釋,從而讓你們知道為什麼你們發現自己今天站在這個位置,已經如何才能讓自己避免在同一迷宮中徘徊不前。在這場宏偉的劇碼中,最後的帷幕很快就要落下了。你們所有人都是你們自己戲曲中最耀眼的巨星。在你們自己的劇碼中,除了你們自己,沒有任何人站在舞臺的中央,因為在地球的舞臺上有幾十億的劇碼同時在播出。很快,一個巨大的慶祝晚會會召開,所有人都會參與在這晚會中,演員,作家,導演,製片,場景設計師,以及特效演員。你們會在那,當然,我們也會,所有這劇碼之後的秘密都會向你們揭曉。
5DEarth is a place where you can experience life beyond the challenges you facetoday. What a joy this will be for you, where all your learning experienceshere in 3D can be utilized for their utmost potential. Beyond the boundariesand limitations of the physical realm, you will be so free to follow yourhearts call and pursue your dreams and all of your creative desires. 第五維度地球是一個可以超越你們所有目前的困難,體驗全新生活的地方。那裡對你們來說會是巨大的歡樂,你們現在在三維空間中所學到的一切都會在那裡得到最大化的利用。超越物理領域的邊界和限制,那裡,你們將可以跟隨你們心的召喚,追尋你們的夢,以及實現所有你們創造性的渴望。
Takethis time to look back in careful reflection of what you have learned and whatyou may have overlooked. All your experiences here were carefully planned foryour upliftment, and much can be learned from thoughtful examination. Try asbest as you can to shield yourself from any negative emotions some of thesememories may bring you, and instead review these experiences from the safedistance of detachment. In time, all of the memories that cause you pain ordistress can be cleansed from your memory, leaving the wisdom of the lessonlearned without the residue of the lesson itself. Today, you have an innerknowing of many lessons previously learned from past lives, but with no consciousmemory of these experiences. The purpose, of course, is to allow a soul totravel on in their journey acquiring great knowledge and wisdom without beingforced to carry along the heavy burden of lessons hard learned. 請利用這個時間回顧自己,想想你們學到了什麼,你們漏過了什麼。你們在這的所有體驗都被精心設計好,從而幫助你們提升,而思想的檢閱會讓你們從這些經驗中學到更多。在反思的時候,請儘量保護自己不受記憶可能帶給你們的負面情緒的傷害,請保持一種安全的距離,以一種超脫的眼光,看待這些體驗。最終,所有引起你們痛苦和壓力的體驗都會從你們的記憶中消失,只留下記憶帶給你們的寶貴智慧。今天,你們內心知道前生曾學習過的很多經驗,但是這些經驗並沒有保持在你們的意識中。這麼做的目的,當然,是為了讓靈魂在放下曾經的沉重記憶的負擔的情況下,在他們新的旅途中學到更多知識。
Oneday soon it will be entirely clear to everyone of you just what each of yourlessons were for and how important they all are for your advancement. Youunderstood just how important all of these lessons were and this is why youchose to undertake your long journey into the physical. Many may be amazed atthe enormous wealth of knowledge and wisdom you have attained since you leftyour homes in the spirit realms. Your experiences could fill volumes of bookslining the shelves of the library of you. 不久,你們中所有人都會理解你們所經歷的每個課程是為了什麼,以及這些課程對你們的成長有多重要。轉生之前,你們都理解這些課程對你們來說有多重要,這也是為什麼你們選擇進入這個物理世界,承受這旅行的重擔。你們中的很多人會對自己離開精神領域後,在物理世界所獲得的巨大知識財富而驚詫。你們的體驗足夠你們為自己的圖書館又填滿數十卷的新書。
Weare your Family of Light from the stars. 我們是你們來自星星的家人