
來自昴宿星的資訊 20120105

2012-01-05 19:47

TheAshtar Command Reclamation Project is a joint cooperation between the forces ofthe Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation. The goal of this project is tobring back light and freedom of thought and expression to the people of thisplanet. This project has long been in the planning stages and has also beenfully underway for many ages. Today, you stand at the threshold of this elaborateproject’s success and you are the forerunners of what can be expected of manymore of your brothers and sisters in the days ahead.



Eachbeing in your world today responds and is motivated by unique stimuli andeducational tools. We, the Ashtar Command, in cooperation with the GalacticFederation, have carefully mapped out an educational plan to facilitate themost efficient means to a soul's maturation. We are very pleased to report thatso many of you have clearly demonstrated knowledge, understanding, and wisdomattained from the lessons that have been offered you. Please allow others that haveyet to reap the benefits of these lessons to advance at their own pace,according to their own incarnate blueprint. Have patience with these souls, forthey are your brothers and your sisters and as such deserve your love andsupport. As we have so often said, you have all reached this point together andyou shall all move through ascension and into the higher realms together. Noone who so chooses will not ascend in the days ahead, and we will see to itthat all will receive the benefits of our experience and our assistance in thisprocess.



Wehave been working with the Galactic Federation for many eons, and ourpartnership has been very beneficial to both of our organizations. We differonly in areas not deemed vital at this point in our collective mission, and wehave easily worked out a very equitable agreement that will see all partiesbenefit greatly from this experience. Humanity is one of the parties involvedwho will receive the greatest endowment of this complex endeavor.



Wesee such great things that humanity has accomplished throughout your longhistory, and we also foresee greater achievements to be reached beginning inyour very near future. Your ascension into the higher realms is a mosttriumphant achievement in itself, but we see many other successes that you as aunified race will achieve in the near days to come. Restoring your hostplanet's ecosystems and purifying her air, seas and soil will be a task youwill undertake and we will assist you with as soon as humanity is ready to acceptus as your extended family, as indeed we are. We have always been amongst you,guiding you, teaching you, protecting you, and you will learn the details ofour long journey with you soon, as we have so much to discuss with you beforeyou experience the culmination of your ascension into the higher realms and youare returned to full consciousness once again.



Youare so much more than you can possibly understand at this time, but know yourjourney began not as a limited third dimensional being upon Earth, but as apowerful being of the higher realms who bravely set sail on an incredibleadventure through time and through space, back into the evolutionary past ofthis universe. You are soon to return to the realms and kingdoms where it allbegan for you, and we feel just the sight of your homes you knew so well willopen up a floodgate of wonderful memories of friends, family, fun andadventurous experiences.



Yourworld is full of life and so too is your universe. Beings of all shapes andsizes call this universe their home and you shall meet many of these benevolentbeings in due time. Make preparations for these introductions by releasing anynegative stereotypes or fear you may possess within you about beings who maynot appear as you do. The creator has created many vehicles with which toexpress himself, and the human vessel is but one of these. Just as anotherbeing may appear strange or odd to you, you may appear just as unique to him orher. Try to always remember this, and it will help you tremendously in futuresocial and working situations where beings from throughout the universe aregathered.


We welcome all those of humanity who have demonstrated their acceptance ofother beings and other races throughout the universe. All beings have journeyedlong and have endured hardship and struggle just as yourselves, and allmembers of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation have ascended throughlove and spiritual understanding just as much of humanity will soon experience.Such is the prerequisite to be welcomed as a member of our organizations. Everybeing you will meet and eventually work with will have an equal or even greaterunderstanding of love and attained this level of consciousness through tests,trials, and tribulation just as you are experiencing today. Please keep this inmind when you greet them, and always remember not to judge a book by its cover.



Youwill also be communicating directly with many of these beings and you will havethe opportunity to learn much from each other, as they may share theirexperiences and their people’s history with you. Such is a favorite pastimeonboard the many ships of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federationfleets, as so many different beings from so many different worlds throughoutthe cosmos work and socialize together. Parts of this message that you arereading now have been shared with you by beings who may look a lot differentthan you. You may never think this as you read their words, as thoughtsexpressed through the heart are pure and undivided in their essence.



Youhave so much to learn and see as your journey continues, and many beings fromthroughout the universe to meet and become acquainted with. The human form isjust one of a wide variety of sentient life forms existing throughout space, andevidence of this has been preserved in many of your ancient archaeologicalsites. The Masters of architectural form and style who have designed and builtsome of your greatest wonders may not look as you do at all, and they are eagerand excited to meet you and reveal the many secrets long hidden in thesemasterpieces that have been carefully preserved for you.



Manyof these different beings are also Masters of science, technology, and spaceexploration, and humanity has much to gain from the generous sharing of thisknowledge and wisdom. You will find you have much in common with many of thesebeings, as you have all traveled greatly and experienced much to be where youare today. Along your journey, humanity has also been assisted by some of thesebeings who look not as you do, and you should have no fear or apprehension uponmeeting them in your very near future. This day is approaching rapidly, andhumanity should be very proud of how far you all have come to be welcomed intothe greater Galactic community. This is quite an honor and achievement, andthis will become more clear to you in the days ahead. Until then, continue onin the manner that has brought you so far. Your reward is soon in hand. 



Weare your Family of Light from the stars. 







    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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