2012-03-01 23:57
Greetings from the starship Athabantian, I am Bren-ton ofAndromeda. We are most pleased to be communicating with you. From our vantagepoint many thousands of mile overhead, we observe that everything on planetEarth is progressing toward the great transformation. While it may not appearso to you who are involved in the middle of these events, there is progresstoward the day when we can announce, “Earth has transformed. The humans ofEarth have ascended to the 5th Dimension.” There is no question that thetransformation will take place. 阿薩班辛星際飛船上的船員們問候大家,我是來自仙女座的博蘭-特。我們很高興可以和你們交流。從我們距離地球表面幾千公里的位置,我們看到地球上的每一件事都在走向巨大的變化過程中。儘管表面上對於正在介入這些事件中的你們來說似乎並非如此,離我們宣佈“地球已經改變了,地球上的人類已經上升到第五維度”的日子一天比一天近了。毫無疑問地,改變一定會發生。
There are many wonderful changes coming to the humans ofEarth, and to the planet herself. These are changes beyond your imagination.These changes will transform all life. These changes will restore Earth to thepristine planet she once was. These changes will, in time, lead to a newcivilization for you, the humans of Earth. These changes will eventuallyenvelop all in the 5th Dimension. Each human of this planet is undergoing change. You areexperiencing it in your physical bodies. Have you noticed changed sleeppatterns? Headaches? Forgetfulness? Awkwardness? These changes are alsoaffecting your mind and your emotions. Yes you are changing. Everyone on theplanet is changing. Each person closes how to react to these changes. One reason for the changes is the light energies comingto your planet from the center of your galaxy. Energies transformed by your Sunstar. Energies focused by starships such as Athabantian. 有很多美妙的變化正在發生在地球上的人類,以及這顆星球本身。有很多超越你們想像的變化。這些變化會改變所有的生命。這些變化會將地球本質的美歸還給她。這些變化會,在適當的時刻,將你們引向一個新的文明,新的地球人類文明。這些變化會最終將你們納入第五維度。這顆星球上的每個人類都在變化的過程中。你們的物理身體正在經歷這些變化。你們注意到自己的睡覺模式發生了改變麼?有頭疼的現象麼?健忘?感到不對勁?這些變化也在影響著你們的意識和感情。是的,你們正在變化,在這顆星球上的每個人都在變化。每個人有自由選擇如何對變化做出反應。變化的原因之一是光的能量正在由你們星系的中心進入你們的星球。這些能量經過太陽而發生改變,並由星際飛船聚焦,例如阿薩班辛飛船。
This unprecedented influx of energies from the center ofyour galaxy is having an effect on each human of your planet, whether they areconscious of it or not. The presence of the Christ energy is smoothing the moveinto higher dimensions for all. All are feeling the impact of these energies intheir bodies and in their emotions. These energies are beneficial. The changes to your bodiesare intentional. The changes will enable you to move into the 4th Dimension.Ultimately these energies, along with your concerted efforts will move you tothe 5th Dimension. This planet will become a 5th Dimensional planet, a shiningstar for all to see. This has never happened before to mass of humanity. Alwaysbefore it has been one individual at a time. The rest of the universe is closely watching the progressof these changes. For what transpires on Earth affects all. For what transpireson Earth sets a pattern for the ascension of all in physical form. Is it anywonder that so many of your star brothers and sisters are gathered on and aboutyour planet, watching and assisting with these events? 來自你們星系中心的突如其來的大量能量的流入正在影響著你們星球上的每一個人,不管你們是否感覺到這些能量。基督能量的出現正在撫平你們所有人進入更高維度的道路。所有人正在感受這些能量對他們的身體和感情產生的影響。這些是有益的能量。對你們身體變化產生的影響是永久性的。這些改變會讓你們進入第四維度。最終,這些能量,伴隨著你們的努力,會幫助你們進入第五維度。這顆星球會變成第五維度星球,你們所有人都可以看到的閃亮的星球。這從來沒有如此大面積地發生在如此多人身上。儘管在此之前這些事情發生在某些個人身上。全宇宙正在密切地關注著這些變化的進展。因為地球上展示的變化影響著所有人。因為地球的變化為所有物理領域實體的變化設定了一個模式。如此多來自其他星星的兄弟姐妹聚集在一起,觀察著,並協助著這些事件的發生,這難道不是件非常美妙的事麼?
These changes will usher in a new way of living for eachhuman who ascends with Earth to the 5th Dimension. I am speaking here about theability of each human to telecommunicate with others. In time each human willhave the ability to manifest whatever he or she wishes for sustenance andcomfort. Each will be able to transport themselves from one location toanother. To live in this world of the higher dimensions you mustembrace change. Embracing the very idea of change will open you to all thesepossibilities. Once you embrace change you will find the fear associated withsuch a decision falling away as you discover the freedom to be who you reallyare. Embracing change means to stand tall while events swirl about you. For thosewho have chosen to embrace change the collapse of the 3rd Dimension will lessenits impact. The key element of embracing change is to think from yourheart. Your rational mind creates duality, always positioning the dark againstthe light. Thinking from your heart clears the way to embrace the lightervibrations. Thinking from your heart enables you to see the wonders that areahead. Thinking from your heart enables you to embrace change. 這些變化會促成所有和地球一起進入第五維度的人們形成新的生活方式。這裡我指的是地球上的每個人都可以進行心靈感應。在恰當的時刻,每個人類都會展示這種能力,不管他/她是否感到這樣更舒適。每個人將可以將他們自己從一個地點瞬間傳到另一個地點。 為了生活在這更高維度的世界,你們必須擁抱變化。擁抱變化的想法會打開你們所有通向這些可能性的大門。一旦你們擁抱了變化,你們會發現隨著你們發現自由,發現自己的本質的過程的深入,伴隨著現有維度的恐懼會永遠消失。擁抱變化意味著在一系列事件圍繞著你們的時候,你們可以高聳著自己的身體。對於那些選擇擁抱改變的人們,第三維度的坍塌會對他們產生很小影響。 擁抱變化的關鍵因素是運用你們的心。你們的理性意識創造著你們現在的二元世界,它總是將光和暗分成兩個極端。用你們的心思考可以清除你們通向光之振動的路。用你們的心思考可以幫助你們看到前方的奇蹟。用你們的心思考可以幫助你們擁抱變化。
All are beckoned to this new way of being, regardless oftheir current circumstances, beliefs, or activities. All are called to embracechange. All are beckoned to the new Earth, to the new ways of being humans ofEarth. Let me give you examples of the positive changes weobserve: The uprisings of the common people – actually they are not common atall, but are marvelous unique individuals who have finally found their voices.These uprising, be they in the Middle East or Wisconsin, show that peopleeverywhere recognize that now is the time to assert who they really are. Youmay not see it as clearly as those of us who observe from afar, but theiractions portend dramatic changes in your civilization. Many people areawakening to question traditional ways. 所有的一切都在向新的生活方式招手,不管他們現在的狀況如何,信仰如何,以及才採用什麼樣的行動。所有人都被號召,去擁抱變化。所有的一切都在指向新的地球,指向地球上人類的新的生活方式。 讓我給你們一些我們可以看到的正面的變化:普通人民的起義- 其實他們根本不普通,他們都是終於找到自己的神奇而獨特的存有。這些起義,不管在何處,會向人們展示,在所有地方的人們已經意識到爭取他們自己真正權力的時刻到了。你們可能無法像正在遠處觀察的我們看到的那樣清晰,但是他們的行動引起你們文明的巨大變化。很多人正在覺醒,並且質疑傳統的老路。
The unwillingness of your governments to function onbehalf of the people governed and the rancor with which changes are resistedare signs that these systems are crumbling to make way for the new. These aresystems deeply corrupted by wealthy and powerful interests. The massive amounts of newly printed money flowing intoyour financial systems portend their collapse. Corporations, governments,religions, healthcare systems, and scientific and educational institutions willfail along with the financial systems. Extreme weather — tornadoes, floods, and bitter cold —has impacted many area of your planet over the past months. There are recordnumbers of earthquakes around the Pacific Rim. These will continue and in somecases become more extreme as Earth cleanses herself. The actions of thosewishing to retain power has exacerbated many of these natural events. Your civilization has many serious problems that are notbeing addressed. Your national media would have you focus on trivia while thelarger issues, such as the following, go unattended. All will be corrected asyou arrive at the lighter densities.
你們政府不願意為了他們所統治的人民服務,這種人民和政府之間愈演愈烈的矛盾是一種舊的系統崩潰的標誌,以及新的系統就要建立的標誌。舊的系統已經被權力和財富的渴望污染得腐敗不堪。大量新印的紙幣流入你們的經濟系統,來避免舊系統的崩潰。公司,政府,宗教,醫保系統,科學,以及教育系統會隨著經濟系統的崩潰而倒下。 在過去的數月中,極端氣候,例如龍捲風,洪水,嚴寒,已經影響了你們星球的很多地方。在太平洋和陸地交界環帶,破紀錄的地震頻繁發生。這些仍會持續,隨著地球清理自己的過程展開,有時候這些情況會變得更加極端。維持現有權力的渴望加劇了很多自然災害的發生。 你們的文明有很多嚴重的問題亟待解決。你們的國家媒體總是試圖將你們的精力導向瑣事,對更大的事情,比如以上所談的一切閉口不談。當你們進入更高維度空間的時候,所有一切都會被糾正。由於沒有認識到你們和地球,以及地球上的兄弟姐妹都是一體的,你們星球很多貧窮和饑餓現象的發生。除此之外,很多人還可以無情地接受以下事情發生在他們的生活中: 用化石燃料污染你們的大氣, 以“現代文明”為藉口污染你們的水源 你們文明產生的大量垃圾 改基因農作物的使用,以及成長荷爾蒙的使用 無視人類真正的歷史 宗教的影響 否認你們來自星星的兄弟姐妹們 教導人們盲目遵從現有體制的愚民教育系統 濫用藥物 ……
We see many of these problems as the result of theinfluence of the energies that caused your planet to slip from the light. Atthe same time we appreciate how the humans of Earth have struggled to attain alevel of consciousness where the great transformation can now take place. It is not one of these events that portends dramaticchanges, but the combination of all. Your planet is transitioning; individualhumans are transitioning. Yes, this is the year when great changes will beinitiated. After the culmination of these events, it will require some time fora new civilization to fully organize itself on the new Earth. From our perspective, the single most important thing isto recognize who you really are: a magnificent being of light that hasvolunteered to inhabit a physical form for a given lifetime. When that simplerealization becomes widespread, then Earth humans will create a magnificent newcivilization. 我們看到很多這些問題產生的原因是引起你們的星球遠離光的能量。同時,我們帶著讚揚的眼光看著地球上的人們長久以來為了維持自己的意識層次所做的不懈鬥爭。終於,巨大的變化就要發生了。這裡的變化指的不是戲劇性劇烈變化的前兆,而是變化各種方面的綜合體。你們的星球正在改變,每個人都在改變。是的,今年就是這些變化開始的時間。這些事件積累到一定程度,在某個時刻就需要新的文明在新的地球上獨立掌管自己。從我們的角度,最重要的事件就是認識到你們的真實身份:你們是神奇的光之存有,自願居住在物理領域一段時間。當這個簡單的事件變得非常普遍的時候,地球人類會創造出神奇的新的文明。
All humans resist change, particularly change that isbeing thrust upon them from some outside source. Many humans are so caught incurrent behavior patterns, in what they consider to be their “comfort zones,”that they resist all change. Yet everything is changing. The changes arefundamental and far reaching. After the changes, fear-based 3rd Dimensionreality will no longer exist. For those in 4th Dimension, the changes willbring welcome relief from this fear-based paradigm. The changes are extraordinary. They have many facets.Features of the 3rd Dimension such as time, violence, judgment, competition,anger, greed, and safety will go away. Features of the 4th Dimension such ascooperation, gratitude, appreciation, acceptance, truth, balance and freedomwill become the foundation for a new civilization based not only in the 4thDimension, but pointing a path to the 5th Dimension. 所有人類本能地反對變化,尤其是變化由外界強行塞到他們手中的時候。很多人如此沉迷在目前的生活模式中,他們認為這種生活模式是他們的“舒適區域”,也因此他們拒絕變化。然而所有的一切都在變化。變化是根本性的,影響深遠的。變化之後,基於恐懼的第三維度空間將不復存在。對於那些處在第四維度的人們,這些變化將緩解恐懼模式帶給他們的痛苦。變化是巨大的。並且有很多方面。第三維度的特徵,比如時間,暴力,評論,競爭,憤怒,貪婪,會消失。第四維度空間的特徵,比如合作,感激,讚揚,接受,真實,平衡和自由將變成新文明的特徵,這些特徵不僅是第四維度空間的基礎,而且會為人類打開通向第五維度空間的大門。
Earth humans who have amassed great wealth will resistthese changes. Those who have amassed great power will resist these changes.Those who have achieved status will resist these changes. All who arecomfortable in and familiar with their existing lives will resist thesechanges. Those who believe they have attained a certain consciousness willresist changes that do not conform to their point of view. And those who relyon their rational minds, rather than their hearts, will resist these changes.Those who have achieved a higher level of consciousness, so that they trulyknow who they are and embrace that truth, will not resist these changes. When the darkness enveloped this planet and consciousnessfell, the structures of the human form were shattered. Human DNA was altered.The minds of humans were separated from their emotions. Ego was elevated torule in the name of safety. The individuated soul was separated from its humanbody. The chakras were distorted such that they were very susceptible tooutside manipulation. In the process of achieving higher consciousness, thebody, mind, emotions, and soul are reunited into a complete human being. Such ahighly conscious person embraces change when he or she sees the benefit to thegreater whole, along with the benefit to self. 積累了大量財富的人類會拒絕這些變化,擁有巨大權力的人們會拒絕這些變化,擁有很高身份的人們會拒絕這些變化,那些對目前生活感到熟悉和舒適的人們會拒絕這些變化。那些相信自己已經到達某種意識層面的人會拒絕和他們觀點不同的變化。那些依靠邏輯思維,而不是自己的心的人會拒絕這些變化。只有那些已經到達更高層次的意識,真正知道他們是誰的人們才會主動去擁抱這些變化。 當黑暗籠罩這顆星球,意識開始墮落的時候,人類形態的結構破碎了。人類的DNA被改變了。人類的意識被從感情中分離了。“自私”以安全的名義被列入了法令。靈魂個體被從他們的人類身體中分離。查克拉被嚴重扭曲,也因此人們很容易受到外界影響。在進入更高層意識的過程中,身體,意識,感情和靈魂會重新結合在一起形成完整的人類。當他們看到變化對整體以及對他們個人的好處的時候,這些擁有高層意識的人們會擁抱這些變化。
This awakening of the mass of humanity is occurring justin time. A discussed before, there will be extreme changes thrust upon all –none will be spared some impact of these changes. This is the moment to moveinto the higher vibrations prior to the peak of the changes. Changes areerupting all about you; focus on the higher vibrations to stand tall amidstthese changes. We who are your star brothers and sisters wish to assistyou in this grand adventure. We stand ready to come to you. Raising yourvibrations is the first step. Once you choose to embrace this new way of being,many opportunities will present themselves. Do not linger too long in the oldways, for change is accelerating. We of the starship Athabantian are now proceeding to stepup our involvement. As Taugth revealed in his recent message, we are openingnew channels of communication with humans of the planet. Mark is assisting thisefforts with the interview process in which we determine whether an individualwill accept and welcome our communications and – most importantly – will sharethe information he or she receives with others. We are seeking those who willembrace change and show others the way to live with change. We are most pleasedby the number of individuals who have expressed a desire to communicatedirectly with us. We will work with each of them to increase their confidenceand improve their communication skills. I am Bren-Ton of Andromeda, communicating with you fromthe starship Athabantian. Along with the others aboard, I am here to serve youas you transition to the lighter vibrations and become a citizen of theuniverse. All aboard Athabantian send their blessings. 大量人類的覺醒正在發生著。如以前所討論的,會有巨大的改變發生在所有人身上- 沒有人會被隔離於變化之外。這是進入更高層次振動,以迎接變化的巔峰的前奏。為你們所發生的巨大的變化正在發生,請將注意力集中在更高層次的振動中,請挺起自己的胸膛迎接這些變化。 我們,阿薩班辛飛船的全體船員,正在為我們進一步的參與而努力著。如塔夫在他上次資訊中所描述的一樣,我們正在打開新的和地球上人類交流的頻道。馬克正在協助完成面試過程,以決定哪個人類會被接納到我們的交流中,以及,最重要的,分享他/她所收到的資訊。我們正在尋找那些擁抱變化,並且願意向周圍人展示如何面對變化的人們。看到有如此多人表達了願意和我們直接交流的意願,我們非常高興。我們會和他個人一起合作,來提高他們的自信,提高他們的交流能力。 我是來自仙女座的博蘭.特,在阿薩班辛飛船上和你們交流。和其他船員們一起,我們在這裡幫助你們進入更高層振動領域,幫助你們成為一名宇宙的公民。我和所有阿薩班辛飛船的船員們一起送上我們的祝福。
通靈者:Mark Kimmel 翻譯:Cappuccino 資訊來源網站:http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/athabantian/ |