We have visited the people of your world many times in your history, be itrecent or ancient. At this current moment in your ascension process, ourprimary preferred method of contact and communication with the souls we are incommunication with has been through the telepathic channels established in theminds and energetic fields of you all. It has not always been this way, dearsouls. We have made direct contact in the physical with many people and wholecivilizations.
[One of] the reasons we now prefer to speak to those who have found thiscontact with us through telepathy, is because tighter ‘security’ controls havebeen taken around your world since the most recent times we were making opencontacts with various individuals on your world. 現在我們更傾向于通過心靈交流的原因之一,是因為自從最近幾十年我們開始和你們世界的各種類型的個人進行面對面交流以來,你們的世界加強了“安全”控制。
Upon doing some research, one may find that there began a widely-held interestin the subject of UFOs and us extraterrestrials shortly after the Roswellincident and other extraterrestrial-related incidents which occurred in suchtimes but are blanked from the public perception and memory today.
During those times of vast interest in us and our craft, many souls began tocome forth with stories of their own about how they were contacted by us, shownour starships and told to share what they had been exposed to. Of course asalways, there were plenty of people making these stories up out of thin air sothey could have their fifteen minutes, as you are fond of calling it. Therewere however, souls who we genuinely contacted and while the majority of thesouls reporting such alleged contacts back in those times were indeed lying,many souls who we contacted chose not to go public with what they had beenexposed to.
The reason for this is that when exposed fully to us and our craft, a paradigmof limited intelligence and knowledge which you all experience whilst under thelower vibrational spell is broken exponentially when exposed to ascended beingsand our ascended technologies. Many of the souls we contacted personally havespent lifetimes soaking what they were exposed to in, and the utter shock ofbeing exposed to us extraterrestrial ascended beings in such bold ways is oneof the primary reasons we have not initiated such bold, in-the-physicalcontacts more recently. 這麼做的原因是,當他們和我們以及我們的飛船進行完全地接觸後,他們處在低振動層次的知識和智慧模式完全崩潰了。我們所接觸過的很多靈魂花了很多生時間沉浸在他們所看到的一切中,以這樣魯莽的方式和外星提升後的存有接觸所產生的巨大衝擊是我們沒有立刻在實體層面展開大規模接觸的主要原因之一。
It is appropriate at this accelerated stage in your already acceleratedascension process, that we begin to communicate with many souls whom wecontacted personally in past Lives and indeed many souls who themselvesoriginate with us in the Galactic Federation, through your expanding mentalchannels as your communications with us are serving to expand you more and moreand this is what is needed in this delicate yet rapid phase of your ascensionprocesses. 在你們的提升過程已經在加速階段,我們開始和很多在往生中曾經和我們交流過的靈魂們交流,實際上很多靈魂都來自我們銀河聯邦,隨著這一系列交流的展開,你們的意識也在不斷擴展,這種緩慢而難於察覺的方式對於你們的提升過程是必要的。
Each and every one of you are feeling our energy while reading and absorbingour messages, and this of course is a subject which has been touched on beforebut it is an important one, because you are being exposed to our Lightedenergies in a more measured-out way through your exposure to us by readingthese messages from us, and the energy you are receiving fits in with yourfreewill wishes more than our direct physical contacts did, because you havethe inherent freewill choice to decide for yourselves whether our messages aregenuine or hoaxes.
Plenty of souls will and have chosen to see our messages as hoaxes, because theextraterrestrial reality is not yet their reality. This is ok, in fact it isgreat because you are able and allowed to choose which aspects of our infiniteCreation you wish to include in your personal reality.
很多靈魂把我們的資訊看作謊言,因為來自外星的真實並不是他們的真實。這沒有什麼問題,你們可以選擇你們在無限的創造過程中想把什麼融入你們個人的真實中,這是好的。 This is what you have wished for whilst inhabiting the lower vibrations ofduality, and our telepathic contact with so many who are opening up the chakrasin themselves where such contacts take place, acts completely in accordancewith the freewill wishes and Laws of everyone on your surface and yet, stillexposes those who are lead to our communications to our energies in a slightlydistorted way but in a way that can be handled easier than the direct physicalcontacts. 一些人生活在低振動層次的二元世界,這是他們所希望的。在他們將心門關閉的同時,我們和很多打開自己查克拉的人們進行心靈感應,這種行為完全符合自由意識,以及你們地表所有人所遵循的法則。儘管這樣也有些副作用,因為這樣的交流方式會讓我們的能量在資訊的傳遞過程中發生一些扭曲,不過糾正這些扭曲比以實體層面直接交流的方式容易些。
Of course there were other, what can be seen as problems with our directphysical contacts with many souls on your world since the fall of Atlantis andLemuria. More recently when we personally contacted people in the physical, wecompletely bypassed the leaders who we had tried to offer peace to your entireworld through and who refused such offers, and we went directly to [public]individuals to show ourselves to them in an effort to get many souls to showtheir fellow humanity that there is a reality so different, so much moreadvanced and so revolutionary than the reality that had been the norm for solong. Of course we learned that such direct contact, with individuals orsocietal leaders, has proven to have its drawbacks [nearly] every time when itcomes to staying in balance with your Laws of Freewill.
當然,除此之外,自從亞特蘭蒂斯和拉米尼亞的沉沒以來,還有一些別的原因造成了我們和你們進行實體層面的很多靈魂交流的困難。直到最近,當我們和你們中的一些人以實體層面盡心面對面交流的時候,我們刻意避開了你們中的一些領導階層,因為我們一再試圖將和平的橄欖枝遞給你們的世界,而這些領導階層一味地拒絕接受。我們將目光轉向一些願意將所瞭解的真相告訴人們的“公眾”人物,好讓大眾瞭解有在你們的現實之外,還有如此不同的現實- 比你們長時間以來一直視為“標準”的文明先進如此多的文明。當然,我們也瞭解到這樣的和個人或者社會領導的直接交流的方式還有其他的弊端,尤其是關於保持你們自由意識法則的平衡方面。
Again, many souls will choose not to believe our communications are real,because you have the choice to believe in us or not. The contacts in thephysical we were making before were not in complete allowance of freewill forthe souls we were directly contacting, and so for the individuals the contactswere quite intense and again, a lot of lower dimensional ‘time’ has been spentby such souls absorbing the pure awesomeness of what they were exposed to. 我們重申,很多靈魂會選擇不相信我們的通信是真的,因為你們有權力選擇相信我們與否。在實體層面和靈魂交流的方式並不完全符合我們直接交流的靈魂的自由意識法則。對於這些個人來說,這種交流是一種非常高密度的體驗,這些靈魂花費了很多低緯度的“時間”來僅僅吸收他們所看到的“奇跡”(譯者:這裡指的是人們只顧著花時間描述那個世界的美妙,卻忘了外星朋友們讓他們看到這一切的真正目的:把高緯度的理念帶給他們周圍的每個人)
Before deciding to contact individuals, as mentioned above we also contactedworld and societal leaders in an effort to bring ascended technologies andlifestyles to your various cultures in accordance with various cycles anddecreed increases of consciousness of souls on Earth, even if in such ‘small’increments. For the majority of your times after the fall of Atlantis andLemuria, our efforts in direct contact were with the souls who representedvarious societies and cultures. This spans any time period that can beconceived of between the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria, right up until thepresent day you are all experiencing.
Of course again, the direct contact and sharing of technologies with societaland world leaders proved to have drawbacks on its own. The egos of many of theleaders we made personal contacts with and shared our technologies with grew sovery big as they proclaimed themselves personal communicators with what theyperceived as us ‘Gods’ and they demanded the respect that they felt theydeserved from their peoples, who in many cases have been very lower dimensionalover this Earth experiment as indeed that was your wish, taking to idol worshipand the like.
The ego games in any culture proved to be pumped up nearly every time, and itdid not help when there were negative extraterrestrial beings who kept a vestedinterest in the lower vibrations of Earth since the fall of Atlantis,masquerading as Gods to cultures whom we had not yet exposed ourselves to [Inother words, souls who were not yet evolutionarily ready for such a contact].
Indeed, there were negative extraterrestrial beings who visited Earth andpretended to be Universal Creators, but who were in fact only interested inplundering Earth for Her resources and using unawakened souls on Earth whomthey branded as peasants, to mine and farm the Earth’s resources. Of course yousee the plundering of Gaia’s resources still in effect today, and it is beingorchestrated by minions of former negative extraterrestrial beings, whothemselves [the minions] contain the genes of the Annunaki.
Such souls think themselves special for containing within them extraterrestrialgenes, which is why they choose to keep their bloodlines pure by inbreeding. Ofcourse you all contain the DNA of extraterrestrials, and indeed the majority ofyou contain DNA that is not native to Earth, but has rather evolved to fit inwith the Earth’s conditions.
Returning to the discussion of our direct contact with societal leaders, thelower vibrations involved with idol worship and the egotistical decrees andattitudes of the ‘leaders’ whom we made contact with, proved to us that manysocieties who we visited in accordance with their own points of evolution, werenot quite ready to fully experience the advances that their cycle could havecalled for, had they been ready. Of course because of these reasons, we had tolet such soul collectives undergo another lower vibratory cycle which waschosen by them through their actions when exposed to advancements in technologyas well as science and philosophy.
通靈媒介:Wes Annac