
【哈托爾】2012315日信息:《視覺化人類的體驗,和高緯度存有的聯繫,人類原始的身體範本》 (2)

2012-03-16 15:38

We have noticed that many ofyou bide up your fears, worries and concerns, and make them your worst enemiesand the things to most reject and attempt to keep oneself away from. Unfortunately,to do so is to hide from parts of yourselves that have simply needed to beexposed to you , so that you could realize them for their true nature andtransmute their fearful, heavy or otherwise energies at their and your verycore. This dear souls, is the process of integration and transmutation.


You have heard many times through terrestrial or otherwise sources of theintegrating and transmuting of heavy and dense energies, and as Earth has beencleansed at Her very core and ascended or rather remembered back to Herbeautiful fifth dimensional form, the violence and fear that has existed on Hersurface is being exposed to you all who have fed such violence and fear forcenturies, through your own inner- fears and hates that you have keptyourselves close to while at the same time, distancing yourselves away from at yoursurface.


If only if could be fully communicated to you how your systems of behavior andmodes of belief and perception actually do manifest not only what happens inyour Life, but what happens in the Lives of others through the choices youmake. Of course it is known that an unkind act toward someone may hurt theirfeelings, but is it quite known that an unkind act toward someone can make themmanifest difficulties in their own Life as a result of the unhappy feelingssuch an unkind act would cause?


Of course, karma comes into play in such a scenario, and the soul who wouldhave caused the distress in the first place would certainly experience theproper karmic alleviation through possibly difficult or otherwisestress-producing events which will manifest in their Lives.


Detachment is becoming the name of the game so to speak for many at this time,and as you have heard before detachment does not signify a lack of Love.

我們已經談到過多次,通過脫離讓自己從業念的迴圈中 解脫出來。如你們所聽到的,脫離並不意味著愛的缺乏。

Detachment lets oneself and those around oneself know that despite what happensduring one
s surface experience which in nearly every case is Created by thevery soul in question, such perceived lower energies will not get one down orbring their complexes out of balance. Balance is exactly what is needed at thistime dear souls, which is why detachment is required in many cases.


Do not get us wrong dear souls, you do not need to slip into selfish modes ofbehavior while under the guise of being
detached but you also do not have tostrain yourselves in an effort to make those around you happy all of the time.
請不要誤解我們的話,親愛的靈魂們,在引導自己"脫離"的過程中,你們不需要陷入自我的行動模式, 你們也不需要限制自己的行為,一味地來可以迎合周圍的人,使周圍的人開心。

Indeed, Service to Others is practiced here in the higher realms and practicingService to Others in your own Lives will open up the avenue to happy karmicexperiences and pure energies that you have not yet experienced, but it is alsosternly important that you find the time and make the effort to treat and serveyourselves, for you cannot be in a proper aligned state to serve others if youyourself are feeling low and unbalanced.

We hope dearly that as you make your effort to find the higher realms in morepure ways known, you will begin to realize when you are employing conceptualconstraints in your own Lives. Of course, you have been acting under andfeeling such constraints for many centuries and Lives and as you realize theseconstraints for just what they are, you begin to shake them off and get usedonce again to being limitless and infinite.


As you perform this inner work and see yourselves much more purely-tuned andhappier and more clear in general, the Creation around you will naturally beginto respond by opening up the avenue for many more rich and fulfilling Lifeexperiences. Imagine how all of this is happening now, at this time in yourhistory when you as a society are about to have the veils taken off from overyour eyes and your hearts.


You have been in the thick of your ascension processes for some time, and whilemany still feel that they are at a standstill we remind you to look forward tothe events that are occurring on the surface of Earth for the validation thatreal, solid change is coming to your world. We have not been able to say thiswhile communicating with other civilizations in other time periods of yourhistory and especially not in your recent years, but your ascension ishappening right now and the energies behind it are sweeping away all that hasbeen of the old paradigm, and you are literally seeing this in progress, in thephysical at this very moment.

Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.


通靈者: Wes Annac-

翻譯: Cappuccino





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