Visualization will aide inyour ascension processes and in finding and manifesting that which you havebeen wanting out of your Earth experience. You are the Creators of each andevery energy signature you send out to be manifested in your reality, and theimportance of taking a firm grasp on your Creations and manifesting only thatwhich you wish for in your Lives for the greatest good for yourselves and thosearound you is very strong, especially at this time.
The imbalance of the surface of Earth that has been fed for many centuries hasbeen because of the lack of understanding on the part of humanity, of yourability to manifest that which you desire on your world rather than that whichcontinues to feed the illusions of separation and imbalance. You have heardbefore of the illusion that has been fed on your world since the fall ofAtlantis; that is, that you are all simple humans who possess no power tochange the world and the reality around you. 人類的能力在於,你們期望的,就可以在自己的世界中實現。已經持續幾個世紀的,地球表面的不平衡歸因於站低緯度層次的人們缺乏對這項能力的瞭解。也因此,人類在黑暗勢力的誘導下,沒有去實現自己希望實現的,而是一直堅持著持續分離的,不平衡的幻象。自從亞特蘭蒂斯的沉沒,幻象就一直伴隨著你們的世界。這幻象就是,你們僅僅是弱小的人類,沒有力量改變你們周圍的世界和真實。
Your sheer belief in limitation is what makes limitation real and solidifies itin your own experiences. If you could fathom at this moment your pure,unfiltered powers of Creation and how important they are to your overallexperience, you would understand fully that each and every thought andemotional impression which you give out to the Cosmos will come back to yourLives in some cases instantly, and will have a powerful energetic effect onwhich events do and do not play out during your experience. 長時間以來你們一直認為自己是渺小的,這種信仰逐漸真的變成了你們的一種束縛,這種束縛還在不斷強化著你們的體驗。如果此刻你們可以理解你們真正的,沒有經過思維過濾的創造性的能量,你們會理解到你們放出的每個思想,每段感情都會回饋到你們身上,有時候這種感情的回饋是瞬間的,這種回饋會在很大程度上決定你們要體驗什麼,或者不體驗什麼。
With this we come back to theimportance of visualization. Visualization is indeed not difficult, but simplyrequires a stern commitment and effort to focus clearly upon that which youwish to manifest in your Lives. Let those parts of yourselves know that whatyou are thinking of and presenting to us, your guides and to those parts ofyourselves who will help you manifest your thoughts, is very important to youand is truly what you want for yourselves and any others involved in themanifestation of the event.
It does take a solid commitment, but we have seen how solid and strong acommitment you have made to your ascension processes and we know that with aclear, focused mind on visualizing and manifesting what you truly want out ofyour Lives, you will see the results that we speak of and many of you havenoticed without any effort on your part how quickly some of your thoughts andmanifestations have come back and shown themselves to you. 這確實需要堅定的決心,但是我們已經看到你們帶著多大的決心堅定地走在提升的路上,我們知道,伴隨著你們清晰的思想,將你們的注意力集中在視覺化你們真正想在生活中出現的事情上,你們會看到我們所談論的結果。伴隨著提升過程的不斷展開,你們中的很多人已經注意到你們的一些想法沒有經過多少努力就已經表達,並且主動展示在你們面前。
The ascension of the surface Earth and of you all who are inhabiting Hersurface is seeing that you begin to notice the etheric, higher dimensionalparts of yourselves who have been waiting just on the horizon to be noticed,felt and experienced by you. There are an infinite amount of us ascended beingswho are looking down upon you and assisting you at this time, and we havenoticed that interaction with us ascended beings has been something that hasinterested many on your world as many find this contact for themselves. 由於地球以及地球表面的所有居民正在迅速跨向提升的大門,你們會開始更加容易地感受到,並且體驗到乙太體,也就是更高維度部分的你們自己。事實上你們的乙太體一直站在天際線上,等待著你們注意到他們。有無數提升過的存有正在向下看著你們,幫助著你們。我們已經注意到,你們世界中越來越多人開始對和我們,和提升過的存有們之間的交流開始感興趣。很多人開始主動建立這種聯繫。
The process of finding the energies of the higher realms for many, involvesfinding and making a direct contact with us ascended beings who inhabit thehigher realms. As this is done, most of the souls who find this communicationwith us use it to the advantage of the Light, to help others on their ascensionjourneys. 對於很多人來說,發現高層次領域的能量的很重要一步就是:發現,並直接和居住在高緯度領域的提升過的存有們交流。當這個過程完成後,大多數我們聯繫的人們會運用這種能力服務於光,説明同在提升旅程上的其他人們。
As other souls are exposed to our energies and our messages, if an interest isgarnered in us by such souls than they themselves begin looking for a solid,steady communication with their own guides and/or with the souls whose messagesthey have read on your internet. To those who are looking to make a steadycontact with us or with your guides at this time, we wish you to know that theenergies being offered to your bodies, souls and to your world are strongenough that the veil has thinned significantly in favor of a mass amount ofsouls incarnate on Earth discovering this contact with us after having expandedtheir own mental and emotional channels and expanding the barriers of what theyperceive to be real. 當別的靈魂接觸到我們的能量以及我們的資訊的時候,如果這些靈魂對收集我們的資訊感興趣,那他們就會開始去尋找他們自己的引導者,或者開始和在網上提供給他們資訊的人們建立穩定連接的交流方式。對於那些嘗試和我們或靈魂引導者建立穩定的交流方式的人們,我們希望你們知道,正在提供給你們的身體,靈魂,以及你們的世界的能量是非常強的。在維度之間的迷霧已經淡去了很多,在這種情況下大量轉生在地球的靈魂會發現,在擴展了他們自己的意識和精神後,他們可以跨越原先他們認為非常真實的不可逾越的維度間意識的鴻溝。
As with manifesting that which you desire, the commitment to finding thiscontact for yourselves and staying open enough to receive the energies of usascended beings as well as the energies of the higher realms, is a very strongcommitment and one that involves much testing along one’s Life path.
Visualization and manifestation practices are encouraged when trying to feelour energies, as we can feel the energies of every soul incarnate on Earth andwhen a soul’s thoughts which are themselves energetic imprints are directedtoward our spirit complexes, we receive such energetic imprints as they reachthe souls whom they were directed at. 當你們試圖感受我們能量的時候,視覺化的練習是有益處的,因為我們可以感受到每個降生在地球的靈魂,當一個靈魂的思想,也就是這個靈魂的能量特徵綜合體,試圖轉向我們的靈魂綜合體,並讓兩放靈魂綜合體連接時候,我們會接收到那些嘗試和我們交流的能量特徵體的能量。
Even simply being familiar with our energies through feeling them by readingour messages and taking such impressions and incorporating them into yourdesire to communicate with us and feel our energies in a more pure way than youcan by reading our messages, will see an almost instant energetic connectionwith us at our end. 通過簡單地閱讀我們的資訊,將這些資訊存在意識中,並將這些意識和期望和我們交流的想法融在一起,並且願意以一種更加純淨的方式感受我們的能量,這樣的行為會迅速建立起和我們終端連接的能量紐帶。
Believe us dear souls, we make telepathic and astral contact with manyawakening souls on this beautiful world on a moment to moment basis when calledupon by such souls, and the majority do not realize, know or understand thatthey are in a communication with us as they cannot physically perceive us butbelieve us dear souls, we are with you when you call upon us. 相信我們,親愛的靈魂們,在這美妙的世界,每時每刻,我們都在和很多覺醒的靈魂們進行心靈交流以及星際層面的交流(也就是夢境層面的交流),大部分人並沒有意識到,沒有理解他們正在和我們交流。因為他們從物理角度無法感知我們。但是請相信我們,親愛的靈魂們,當你們呼喚我們的時候,我們和你們在一起。
Of course, our energies when being given to you are funneled down to your thirdand fourth dimensional bodies and spirit complexes, and our energies aredistorted by your egos and various structures and programs of mind. There areso many things, so many truths and insights that we wish dearly we could sharewith you all, but that we cannot because the very essence of these revelationsand truths are far more advanced and complicated for your current perspectivesthan the information that we are able to share with you. 當然,在我們的能量傳輸給到第三維度,第四維度身體的過程中,很多能量都損耗了,同時我們的能量被你們的自我,以及意識所創造的各種幻象所扭曲。我們有如此多知識,如此多真實 希望可以和你們分享。但是我們無法做到,因為以你們現在的理解能力,這些真實和本質過於複雜,過於超前。也因此我們只能和你們分享一小部分資訊。
The human program is a very interesting one, and is one that we as well as manyother ascended souls have been studying since your original templates for alower dimensional experience on Earth were designed. 人類程式是非常有意思的,這程式也是很多別的提升後的靈魂們一直在研究的。這些研究從原始的在低緯度的地球上的人類身體被創造的那一刻起就一直沒有間斷過。
The original templates for the behavior, mood and attitudes of humanity werevery simple and hollow at first. Your bodies were programmed in a way that theycould bring through the basic human emotions of happiness, anger, sadness andsuch, and while such energies, emotions and feelings originate from your soulsand the essence of your spirit, your bodies are receptors of sorts for theenergies that are coming through. 剛開始的時候,人類最初的行為,情緒和目的範本是非常簡單而乏味的。你們的身體被設計為一種可以接收基本情緒的載體,例如快樂,憤怒,遺憾等等。儘管這些能量,感情和情緒都源自你們的靈魂以及你們的精神本體,你們的身體僅僅負責分類並接收這些能量。
An easy way we could describe the relationship between how emotionalimpressions are sent through your body would be to compare a radio receiverwith which channels can come through it. At first, your bodies were programmedagain to bring through the very basic human emotions, feelings and structuresof mind that your spirit Created, and this could be compared to your radiobringing through basic audio signals and frequencies
一個比較容易的描述感情如何輸入到你們身體內的比喻是,你們的身體可以比作可以接收到不同頻道的收音機。剛開始的時候,你們的身體被設計為僅僅可以接收一些你們靈魂創造的,非常基本的人類感情,直覺,以及意識結構。這可以被比作你們的收音機可以接受基本的音訊信號和頻率電波。 . The original body templates for the lower dimensional experience of humanitywere programmed to bring such basic primitive modes of thinking and feelingthrough, and what your bodies were not and in many cases still are not able todo and perceive could be compared to how a basic radio is not able to bringthrough high-definition video programming from cable or satellite-basedtelevision frequencies. 原始的處在低緯度體驗的人類身體範本被設計為只能體驗原始模式的思考和感覺方式。你們的身體在很多種情況下無法去做,去感知更高層次的真實。這一現象可以比喻為老型號的收音機無法接收來自光纜,或者衛星信號所發出的視訊訊號電波。
We hope that this metaphor can be understood and that it conveys in a clearenough way what we are trying to communicate to you, as it is a very complexand intricate explanation and we wish to break it down in a way that it can beunderstood better by the many souls who will read this message. 我們希望你們可以理解這種比喻,我們想告訴你們的事情,很多是非常複雜,解釋起來非常困難的,我們希望把這些複雜的知識分解成你們可以比較容易理解的知識,這樣,通過閱讀這些資訊,很多靈魂可以更好地理解我們想表達的內容。
Your bodies are now evolving to a point where your minds and temples can bringthrough parts of yourselves who exist outside of the physical and who have notbeen expressed or felt by you in the physical as a result. Indeed, it is yourvery soul essence that is ascending, but the distorted parts of your souls whoare being expressed through your physical bodies are being upgraded with yourbodies as you ascend. 你們的身體現在正在進化到一個關鍵點,你們的意識可以接受到部分存在於你們物理身體之外的東西,儘管你們無法表達,或者用物理身體感受它們。實際上,真正提升的是你們的靈魂,但是你們靈魂扭曲的部分,也就是被你們物理身體所表達出來的部分,在你們提升的時候,會和你們的物理身體一起提升。
This upgrade of your bodies is being performed so that you can begin to shakeoff the illusory lower dimensional constraints, blockages and mental constructsthat have kept your bodies from being able to bring through and have you feelthe ascended parts of yourselves. 你們的身體升級過程正在進行,這樣你們才可以放下低緯度幻覺給你們造成的限制,阻礙,以及意識的束縛。而這些東西阻止著你們感受到提升後的那部分自己。
As your bodies ascend, you naturally begin to feel and experience a higher andmore pure state of consciousness. Though many of you have only begun toperceive of what we mean by this, the reality that you are to know andexperience upon a full expansion will truly be unlike anything you will feelyou have ever experienced.
Despite seeming a bit unfamiliar at first, after time spent and lessons learnedand grown from in the higher realms you will begin to remember with much easeand clarity your experiences in these realms before your descent into the lowervibrations. You will begin to feel and remember all that we have been informingyou of in ways that will see you know and understand such things so much betterand easier than you currently can and are by reading our communications on yourinternet. 儘管剛開始的時候感覺會有些不適應,在高緯度學習並成長一段時間後,你們會感受到舒適和明晰,你們會瞭解這些都是你們在掉入低緯度振動之前的感受。你們會開始感受並回憶我們曾經告訴你們的一切,然後你們會比現在更加容易地理解這件事。那時候你們的理解程度比現在通過你們的網路讀我們的資訊 所理解的內容多得多。
This is one reason why we are excited to meet you dear souls when the righttime comes, and indeed the extraterrestrial souls you have recognized will notbe the only souls you will be reuniting with. Oh dear souls, there are infinitemultitudes of us ascended beings who wish so dearly for a reignited directcontact with you in your fading physical, and indeed there will not be muchphysical left to exist in once you all begin to ascend away from suchconstraining and heavy dimensions
. What you are feeling right now and the Lighted energies you are being gracedwith while pure, are just the tip of the iceberg. You are to feel andexperience things that are to completely shift your concept of reality asindeed, your conceptual restraints have been and are being torn down atexponential rates. 你們現在正在感受到的純淨的光的能量只是冰山的一個小角。你們將要感受並體驗的一切,會完全改變你們對"現實"的概念。實際上現在你們正在迅速脫去你們思維的束縛。
A part of this tearing down of your egotistical and mental barriers andconstructs is you looking upon such constructs and constraints and realizingthem for their true, hollow nature. This is happening with so many of you onEarth right now as you grow to states of consciousness that see you meeting theconstraints you had set up for yourselves, eye to eye. 你們正在撕去舊的對"自我"的定義,以及感情障礙。脫去它們的同時,你們在重審這一切,並且開始意識到這一切空洞的本質。現在,很多人的意識狀態正在迅速成長,人們看到他們為自己所設置的束縛的外衣。脫下這層外衣之後,舊的自己和新的自己正在互相凝視著對方,思考著他們自己從這個過程中學到了什麼。這樣的事情正發生在地球上如此多人身上,
This is a very delicate part of your ascension processes as you are beingexposed to parts of yourselves that you have kept hidden down for so very longand for so very many reasons. The general process of ascension is indeed easierthan many think it to be; it is just that the hard part along your ascensionpaths is always when you have to come face-to-face with fears, hurts andconcerns from past or current Lives. 這是你們提升過程中非常微妙的一部分,你們正在被暴露於自己的一部分面前,由於很多原因,你們已經壓抑了這部分自己如此長時間。提升的過程實際上比你們很多人想像的要容易得多。在你們提升過程中真正的困難是,你們必須直面自己的恐懼,傷害,以及過去的生活或者現在生活中的顧慮。(待續)
通靈者: Wes Annac-
翻譯: Cappuccino