
Since there is a great deal of Pleiadian DNA in humans, they too are manifest in humanoid form. As you both know, there are many forms that Source uses to serve as a Light Portal through which It can experience Its creation. Some examples of Sources Portals of Light encased in form are humanoids, insectoids, arachnoid, cetacean and draconian. There are also Portals of Light in the fifth dimension and beyond with mutable forms of light and/or exist as pure consciousness with No form.

而由於人類擁有許多昴宿星人的DNA, 所以他們也以 “人形”出現. 就像你已經知道的 --- ‘源頭’用很多形式, 做為 “光之星門存有”, 來經驗祂自己的創造! 比方 --- 人形, 昆蟲形, 蛛網膜,鯨類和龍形類. 在第五維度以及更高維度 --- 也有一些 “光之星門存有” --- 他們的光是可以 “變形” 的! 而也有些只以 “純粹的覺知” 而存在, 而不具有任何形式!

However, since we are now discussing the return of Light Portals that form planet Earth, we will discuss the creation of the Divine Child. A Divine Child is a Humanoid being who will eventually take a form in one of Sources worlds of form. Not all beings have a gender. But we are focusing on the Cycle of a Light Portal (human) created to be the window through which Source can experience a third/fourth dimensional reality based on form and gender.

無論如何, 既然我們現在在討論 “形成地球” 的 這些“光之星門存有’們 --- 我們也會討論 “神聖之子” 的創造. 一個 “神聖之子”的創造是一個 “人形” 的存有 --- 他將來最終會回歸到 ‘源頭世界’的形式存有而存在. 不是所有的存有都有性別. 但是我們在此討論的 “光之星門存有們”(人類們) 的整個生命迴圈過程中--- 祂們是作為源頭的窗戶 --- 透過這個視窗, ‘源頭’ 可以經歷第三四維度的現實 --- 而且是一個特定性別與形式的人類經驗!

When Source in the Twelfth Dimension is moved to create a Portal of Light It calls forth Its First Light Ray of Masculine, non-manifest Essence to merge into Its Second Light Ray of Feminine, potential form. As the Masculine and Feminine Rays of Light merge into Oneness of the highest frequency of light, unconditional love, a Third Ray, the Light of the Divine Child, is created from the creative powers of that love.

當第十二維度的 ‘源頭’開始創造一個 “光之星門存有’ 時, 祂會先化出一道男性化的光, 一種沒有實體的實質要素, 去融入第二道光創造出來的女性光束 --- 那是未來可能出現的存在形式. 當這男性與女性的光一起融合為 “合一”的 “高頻率光”, “無條件的愛”時, 一種第三道光束 --- “神聖之子”就從源頭的愛中被創造了出來!

The First Three Rays of Creation
First Ray-(Masculine, Father God)-Power of Creation
Second Ray-(Feminine, Mother Goddess)-Infinite Wisdom
Third Ray-(Divine Child, Humanity)-Unconditional Love


第一道光 --- (男性, 父神) --- 造物者的力量

第二道光 --- (女性, 母神) --- 無限的智慧

第三道光 --- (神聖之子, 人類) --- 無條件的愛

The First Ray of the Masculine uses His Power of Creation to create a field of unconditional love into which He sends His Seed of Creation
The Second Ray of the Feminine uses Her Infinite Wisdom to enter that field of unconditional love so that she may conceive their Divine Child

The Third Ray of the Divine Child emerges from this field of unconditional love with all the Qualities of both Father God and Mother Goddess

第一道光的男性能量用他的造物力量去創造一個 “無條件的愛” 的場域 --- 在那裡他播下了造物的種子 …

第二道光的女性能量用她無限的智慧去進入那 “無條件的愛” 的場域, 所以她可以懷上她們的 “神聖之子”…

第三道光的 “神聖之子”產生自 “無條件的愛的場域”,


The First Ray expresses Sources Divine Quality of the Power of Creation.
The Second Ray expresses the Source
s Divine Quality of Infinite Wisdom.
The Third Ray is the result of the merging of Creative Power and Infinite Wisdom honed into beingness by Source
s Divine Quality of Unconditional Love.

第一道光表現的是 “源頭” 神聖的 “造物力量” 的品質.

第二道光表現的是 “源頭” 神聖的 “無限智能” 的品質.

第三道光產生自“造物力量” 與“無限智慧”的融合而形塑出

“源頭” 神聖的 “無條件的愛” 的品質.

These Divine Qualities of the Power of Creation, Infinite Wisdom and Unconditional Love are implanted in the ATMA of the High Heart of every Divine Child. Once the Divine Child has learned to access and live via the Divine Qualities of the Fourth through Seventh Rays, the High Heart opens and the Divine Child commences with his/her Return to Source.

這些神聖的品質“造物力量” 與“無限智慧” 與“無條件的愛”被植入“神聖之子” 的高等本心的ATMA當中. 當“神聖之子”學會了透過第七道光而生活在第四種神聖品質當中時, “高等本心”就打開了, 而“神聖之子”就開始了回溯 ‘源頭’ 的旅途!

The Next Four Rays Spring from the Need of the Divine Child
Fourth Ray - Activates the Divine Quality of Purity
Fifth Ray - Activates the Divine Quality of Truth
Sixth Ray - Activates the Divine Quality of Invocation
Seventh Ray - Activates the Divine Quality of Transmutation

其它的四道光是從 “神聖之子”的需要當中演化的.

第四道光 --- 啟動 “純真純粹”的神聖品質.

第五道光 --- 啟動 “真理真相”的神聖品質.

第六道光 --- 啟動 “符咒能力” (吸引力)的神聖品質.

第七道光 --- 啟動 “幻化能力”的神聖品質.

These four Rays of Light represent the Divine Qualities of Source, which were bequeathed onto Its Divine Child. The birthright of these Qualities will assist the Divine Child to prosper within form and, eventually, return Home to Source.
The Fourth Ray is the foundation for expansion of consciousness
The Fifth Ray is the foundation for the exploration of consciousness
The Sixth Ray is the foundation for unity consciousness
The Seventh Ray is the foundation for transmutation of consciousness

這四道光是贈與給 “神聖之子”的神聖品質. 這些 “與生俱來”的能力品質可以協助“神聖之子”在 ‘生命形式’中享有繁榮富庶, 而且最後可以回歸 ‘源頭’之家!

第四道光是 “覺知” “擴大”的基礎. (“純真純粹”)

第五道光是 “覺知” “探險研究” 的基礎. (“真理真相”)

第六道光是 “合一” “覺知” 的基礎. (“符咒能力” (吸引力))

第七道光是 “覺知” “幻化顯示能力” 的基礎. (“幻化能力”)

The Qualities of these inner Rays of Light activate humanitys inner Light Portal so that the Divine Child can share his/her reality with the ONE. The activation of these Qualities in daily life will light the way back to Source. When the Qualities of Source are unveiled and utilized by the Child of Source he/she can find the way back to their Divinity by steadily expanding their consciousness.

這些 “本心之內光”的品質, 可以啟動 “內心的光的星門” --- 讓 “神聖之子” 可以與 “源頭一”一起分享他她的現實面. 如果能在日常生活中啟動這些品質, 就會讓 ‘本心之光’一路照回 ‘源頭’. 當 “源頭能量品質”被找到 --- 而且被 “源頭之子’ 所 ‘使用’ --- 他她就可以找到回到 ‘神聖本質’的路! --- 透過穩定的 ‘擴大’ 他們的 ‘覺知’

Using the Qualities in Human Life

Once the Light Portal/Divine Child/Human can remember and master the Qualities of the Fourth through Seventh Rays, they can embrace their innate creative Qualities of Power, Wisdom and Unconditional Love imbedded within their High Heart.


一旦一個 “光之星門存有’“神聖之子”人類 --- 可以記起回憶起, 而且透過第七道光掌握了第四種品質, 他們就可以完全擁有他們內在的創造能力品質, 智慧, 以及無條件的愛 --- 那些原本就存在他們的 “高級本心” 中的東西.

The Fourth Ray is the foundation for expansion of consciousness.
The Fourth Ray holds the Divine Quality of Purity and focuses on living in peace.
When you, the manifest Portal of Light and Divine Child of Source, are centered within the Divine Quality of Purity, you can more easily find peace in daily life. The innate Quality of Purity is a
firewall against any darkness that attempts to invade your form. Within the safety of this firewall, you can begin the expansion of your consciousness into the Knowing that YOU are the Divine Child of Source, and hence a Portal of Light.

第四道光是 “覺知” “擴大”的基礎.

第四道光擁有 ‘純粹純真’ 的神聖品質, 而且專注在 “生活在和平”裡. 當你 ---這個 “光之星門存有’“源頭神聖之子”--- 把自己穩定在神聖的 ‘純粹純真’品質上面 --- 你就很容易在日常生活中尋找到和平. 這內在直覺的 “和平”品質是一道 ‘防火牆’ --- 可以對抗任何黑暗對你的形體的企圖與侵略. 所以在這安全的 “防火牆”之內, 你才能開始擴大你的 “覺知” --- 而明瞭 ‘你自己’ 是 “源頭神聖之子”的事實, 同時也是一個“光之星門存有”!!!

This Knowing develops a greater confidence in your innate Purity. This confidence assists you to maintain a state of consciousness that is above interaction with that which distracts you from your true Purity of Purpose. In this manner, a dedication to furthering your Purity of Purpose directs your attention and intention onto that which is loving and pure. This intention creates an increase of consciousness that expands your perceptions beyond the confines of third dimensional limitation and into the higher expressions of your own Divinity. In this manner, you awaken your Individual Consciousness.

這個知識 --- 會發展出一個巨大的自信 --- 在你天性的純潔純粹上. 這個自信會協助你去維持一種 “覺知狀態” --- 讓所有干擾你的 “純真之心” 的事情失去作用. --- 在這種狀態裡 --- 你已經把自己奉獻在追求 ‘純真’ 的專注的道路之上 --- 你的注意力與企圖心都在 ‘愛’與 ‘純潔’ 之上而沒有別的東西. 而這個 “企圖心”又創造出了 “覺知”理解力 (敏感度)的增加 --- 超越了第三維度的限制之外 --- 而且進入了你 ‘神聖高我’ 的領域! --- 就是用這個方法 --- 你喚醒了你個人的 “覺知”能力!


The Fifth Ray is the foundation for an exploration of consciousness.
The Fifth Ray holds the Divine Quality of Truth and focuses on Healing and Science.
When centered within the Divine Quality of Truth, your consciousness and perceptions expand beyond the myriad illusions of your polarized reality. You begin to remember your true, Multidimensional SELF, which activates your higher abilities.

第五道光是 “覺知” “探險研究” 的基礎.

第五道光持有 “真理真相”的神聖品質, 而且專注在 “療愈” 與 “科學” 之上. 當你專注在“真理真相”的神聖品質的追求之上時, 你的 “覺知” 與 “理解力” 會擴大到超越這 “二元性”現實的萬花筒幻覺裡. 你會開始記得你真實的, 多維度的自我, --- 而這會啟動你更高的能力!!!

These higher abilities guide you to explore your reality through the higher perceptions of your expanded consciousness. This exploration of consciousness activates your innate creativity, and you long to improve the reality in which you live. Thus, you expand your consciousness into Group Consciousness.

這些更高的能力會指導你去探究你目前的現實 --- 而且是用你已經擴大了的 ‘覺知’ 的 “理解力”! 這種 “覺知” 的探究 --- 又啟動了你天性中的創造力. --- 而且你會渴望去改善你生活中的現實. 為此 --- 你又擴大了你的 ‘覺知’ 到 ‘群體的覺知’ 裡去了!

With the activation of your creative exploration you remember higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF who consciously, or unconsciously, guide you to discover advanced ways to perceive the world through new scientific methods. Furthermore, your exploring consciousness FEELS the unconditional love of your Higher Expressions and begins to notice how this unconditional love carries a remarkable ability to heal all life. On whatever Path you take you become a leader in your world because you must find the truth.

而隨著你 “有創意的探討探究”行為的啟動 --- 你開始回憶起你多維度的 “高我” --- 而你的“高我”一直在有意識無意識的引導你去發現 “理解這個世界的更高級的方法” --- 而且是透過 “科學” 的方法! 不但如此, “你那探究中的覺知”會感受到 “你高我那無條件的愛”帶著一種非常顯著的能力 --- 可以治療所有的生命. --- 不論你走在什麼樣的道路上, 你都會成為一個領導者在你的世界裡! --- 因為你一直在找 “真理”!

The Sixth Ray is the foundation for unity consciousness.
The Sixth Ray holds the Quality of Invocation and focuses on Reverence in Daily Life.
When you are centered on the Divine Quality of Invocation, you remember to daily, if not hourly or even moment-to-moment, communicate with your higher expressions of SELF.

第六道光是 “合一” “覺知” 的基礎.

第六道光持有 “符咒” (吸引力)能力的品質而且專注在對日常生活的 “尊重” 上面. 當你穩定在 “符咒”能力(吸引力)的神聖品質上時, 你會覺知到每天的存在, 如果不是覺知尊重到每個小時的存在的話, 最起碼會覺知尊重每個時刻, 而會不斷的 “與你的高我” 做持續的 “溝通”!

Through this Unity with your higher dimensional expressions of SELF, you remember the Oneness of ALL Life. Thus you seek to join in Unity Consciousness with your fellow humanity, as well as with all planetary life. Hence you have expanded your consciousness into Planetary Consciousness.

透過 ‘與你高維度的高我”的 ‘結合” --- 你會記起所有生命的 “合一”! 因而你會希望再加入 “合一的覺知” 當中, 和你的人類們一起, 也和所有星球的生命存有一起. 然後你就能把你的 “覺知” 擴大到 “整個星球的合一覺知” 之中了.

Unity with all life expands your consciousness into a deeper experience of your own Multidimensional SELF. Those who once appeared to be your Guides are now realized as higher expressions of your own expanded SELF. Your ever-increasing unity with your Multidimensional SELF expands your perceptual field into higher and higher frequencies of reality. Hence, you become an inter-dimensional traveler. This traveling introduces you to members of your Galactic and Celestial SELF. Thus you have expanded your consciousness into Galactic Consciousness.

與所有生命存有的 “聯合” --- 擴大了你的覺知進入你自己 ‘多維度高我’ 的覺知當中. 那些以前看起來像 “保護靈” 的 --- 你現在瞭解祂們都是 “高維度的你的高我’ ! 所以你與你自己 ‘多維度高我’結合得越深入, 你的 ‘理解力’ 就會往越來越高的頻率實相去進入. 從此, 你就成為了一位 “穿越維度的旅行者”. --- 這個旅行 --- 讓你被 “銀河星際存有”和你自己 “星體的高我”所看到. 然後你就把自己的 ‘覺知’ 擴大到 “銀河覺知”中去了!

The Seventh Ray is the foundation for transmutation of consciousness.
The Seventh Ray holds the Quality of Transmutation and focuses on the transmutation of all form into its higher frequencies of expression.

第七道光是 “覺知” “幻化顯示能力” 的基礎.

第七道光持有“幻化顯示能力” 的品質, 而且專注在 ‘顯化’ 所有 ‘形式’ 成它 ‘較高維度的樣子’!

When you are centered on the Seventh Ray Quality of Transmutation, you begin your return to Source. It took you many eons to finally move from the Twelfth Dimension of Source Consciousness, into the Tenth and Eleventh Dimensions of Cosmic Consciousness, then into the Eighth through Tenth Dimensions of Universal Consciousness, into the Seventh Dimension of Oversoul Consciousness, the Sixth Dimension of Light Consciousness (consciousness as Light), the Fifth Dimension of Planetary and Galactic Consciousness and finally into the Third/Fourth Dimensions of Individual Consciousness.

當你穩定在第七道光的‘顯化改變’品質能力上時, 你已經開始了你 回歸源頭的旅程. 你可知你是花了永世的時間才終於從第十二維度的 ‘源頭覺知’ 下降到第十一和十維度的 ‘宇宙覺知’, 然後進入第八到第十的 “聯合覺知”, 然後到第七維度的 “超越靈魂覺知”, 然後到第六維度的 “光的覺知”(‘覺知’ 是光), 然後到第五維度的 “星球銀河覺知”, 而最後終於進入第三四維度的 “個人覺知”.

With the full awakening of the Divine Quality of Transmutation, your physical form becomes c**bersome. Your consciousness is resonating a frequency that is too high to be encased in such a dense form. Therefore, symptoms of transmutation begin to occur more and more frequently. This period of change can be quite uncomfortable, as you may feel crammed into a box that is too small for you.

當你對神聖品質的 “幻化顯化”能力全然覺醒時, 你的物質身體會顯得多餘而笨重. 你覺知的頻率會太高而無法存在如此稠密的形體中. 因此, “顯化改變” 症狀狀況會發生得越來越頻繁. 這段時期的改變會很不舒服, 因為你會覺得自己像被塞在一個小盒子中一樣的不舒服.

However, your third dimensional world has been based on resistance.
You have felt resistance against the earth with each footfall, as well as the resistance of your clothing against your skin. You knew you were YOU because you were separate from all that was NOT you. You spent your time doing work, which is resistance over time. However, you are now agitated at the thought of work and individuality is not needed to express yourself.

無論如何, 你第三維度的世界是基於 “對抗” 而存在的.

每踩出一步路你都感應到了與土地的對抗, 就像衣服也會抗拒你的皮膚一樣. --- (在三維) 感受到自己的存在的方式就是你與所有一切的分離. 你花時間在工作 --- 因為你在抗拒時間! 但是, 你現在對於工作卻感到厭煩 --- 從一個個人基礎上 --- 你不再覺得想要透過工作去表達什麼了! (: 你不再透過工作去尋找自己也不再抗拒時間的流逝.)

In fact, the YOU that you have come know as your SELF lives in Unity with All Life. You tire of your human experience and are ready to return Home. Of course, this Return will be beyond time, as it begins with your return to the timeless fifth dimension. Furthermore, since fifth dimensional consciousness is focused on Unity, this return begins by unifying your consciousness with your Divine Complement.

事實上, 你所知道的 ‘你’ 存在于 ‘合一’ 的整體中, 與所有生命在一起. 你對你的人類經驗感到厭煩而想回家了. 當然, 這歸家之路將是超越時間所能計算的. --- 而且是從你回歸到沒有時間的第五維度時開始算起. 還有, 既然第五維度的覺知是 ‘合一覺知’ --- 這旅程就必須從你與你 ‘神聖的另一半’ 的 ‘覺知的合一’ 開始!

Do you now understand the long journey to merging with your Divine Complement? Furthermore, can you better realize how the blending of the Masculine Power of Creation with the Feminine Ultimate Wisdom is vital for the conception of your higher expression of Lightbody?

你現在明白你走了多久多遠的一條路才能與你 “神聖的另一半” 合一了嗎?

除此之外, 你能比較瞭解為什麼 ‘男性創造能量’與 ‘女性無限的智慧’的融合對理解你 “更高維度的光體的自我” 是如此重要的一件事了嗎?


When your consciousness is trapped in the lower frequency humanoid form, the experiences sent to Source through your Light Portal are blurred by illusion. On the other hand, the Light Portal of your Lightbody is free of illusion and can perceive Source while Source perceives you. Therefore, you can develop an interactive relationship.

當你的 ‘覺知’卡在低頻的第三維度人類維度時, 你透過你的星門送到源頭的經驗都被幻象模糊掉了. 從另一方面而言, 你光體的星門與源頭的溝通是敞開的 --- 你可以感應到源頭, 源頭也可以感應到你. 所以你是可以發展出一個互動的關係的!

Conversely, while wearing your fifth dimensional Lightbody you can perceive your SELF as a component of the Totally Unity of Source. Additionally, you are aware that there are millions of expressions of your SELF on myriad realities and dimensions with whom you are united within the ONE of Source.

相同的道理, 當你穿上了你第五維度的光體時, 你可以感應到你的自我其實就是 ‘源頭合一’ 整體的一小部份. 不止這樣 --- 你會覺悟到 --- 你有百萬個 ‘自我’在像萬花筒那樣多的現實世界與維度之中, 而你與他們都聯合在‘源頭合一’ 的整體之中!


(For more information about the Seven Rays see: http://www.multidimensions.com/Conscious/con_thoughts_7rays.html )

Dearest Divine Complements Mytre and Mytria, return to your joint quarters and prepare for your merging.
Dear Arcturian, Mytria and I say in one voice How can we prepare for our merging?
When you have remembered how to prepare, you will be ready to merge. When that occurs, we will be here waiting for you.

“親愛的 ‘神聖伴侶們’ Mytre and Mytria, 回去你們的住處, 準備合一吧 !

“親愛的大角星人, Mytria和我用同一個聲音說: “我們如何準備我們的 ‘合一’呢?

“當你們回想起來時, 你們就會準備好去合一了. 當你們準備好時, 我們會在這裡等你們.

Did I see a twinkle in the Arcturians eyes before it beamed away?

當 ‘大角星人’的光退去之前 --- 我是否看到了他的眼裡閃過了一絲光芒呢?

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