Teachings From The Arcturian Mothership - Living Multiple Realities
通靈:By Suzanne Lie - January 8, 2013
Living Multiple Realities – Introduction
中文翻譯: 林琚月20130110
譯者注: 實在佩服 ‘大角星人’ ! --- 這麼複雜的事情, 抽絲撥繭, 說得這麼清楚! 這是一篇很高深的文 --- 沒有 ‘修行實證’經驗的人可能一時之間無法理解. --- 所以請細嚼慢嚥, 仔細思考體會! 並時常回想, 或在冥想時請 ‘高我’ ‘神尊們’ 指導! 懂的關鍵在 --- 聞\思\修上! 祝福大家!
這麼高深又切入要害的指導 --- 難得喔! 真幸運!
~~~~~~~~~ 感謝 大角星人 指導! ~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~ 感謝 Mytre and Mytria 分享~~~~
Where we left off:
We left off with the Landing Party from the Mothership preparing for their assignment. The Arcturian was saying, “Some of you will remain on the cloaked Ship and bi-locate to your assigned areas. Others will remain on the Ship and send telepathic messages to find those who are open to that type of communication. Finally, others will actually land on the planet, but in a frequency that is out of sync with third dimensional consciousness. Hence, only those with multidimensional perception will be able to recognize your presence.”
我們剛離開(大角星母艦)的登陸宴會 --- 為了我們的任務而做的準備. 大角星人對我們說: “你們有些人會留在隱形的飛船上, 但同時又會出現在你的任務區域執行任務. 其它人則會留在船上, 然後傳輸心電感應訊息來尋找那些願意接收這種訊息的人們. 最後, 其它一些人會真實的降落在地球上, 但是由於頻率與第三維度不相配, 所以只有那些具有多維度感應力的人能感知到你的存在.
Mytre Speaks:
Mytria and I were just about to leave the Briefing Room when the Arcturian telepathically asked us to follow. Mytria and I heard the message as ONE person. However, the Arcturian had beamed away. More advanced training, we thought.
We joined our intuitive forces and sought out the Arcturian’s location with our Heart-Mind.
Mytria和我才剛要離開會議室 --- 這時 ‘大角星人’ 心電感應我們要我們跟過去. Mytre和我同時都接收到訊息像是同一個人在聽話一樣. 總之, 這時 ‘大角星人’已經下線 --- 而我們心裡想 --- 應該是還有更高級的訓練課程吧! --- 我想. 我們又加入了我們的 “直覺部隊” --- “用心智” 去尋找‘大角星人’的位置.
With a mutual look of recognition, we held hands and beamed into my favorite Holosuite. Sure enough, the Arcturian was in the Earth Holoprogram, waiting to prepare us for our Mission on Ascending Earth.
我們互相交會了一個理解的眼神, 然後手牽著手化成一道光穿入我喜歡的全息套裝中. 果然, ‘大角星人’是出現在地球的全息影像中, 等著要指導我們降落到地球上的任務的準備工作.
The Arcturian Speaks:
We want to give you some specific training before you begin your Mission as Pleiadian Emissaries to Earth. Since you both have learned to bi-locate, you have been chosen to assist our Earth Family to remember how to experience multiple realities within the NOW. Furthermore, since you are Divine Complements, you will also be called upon to assist our Earth Family in remembering how to merge with their Twin Flame/Divine Complement.
在你們以昴宿星際大使身份回到地球之前, 我們要給你們一些特殊的訓練來執行任務. 既然你們兩人都已經學會了 “同時存在兩個地方”(bi-locate), 你們被挑選來協助地球家庭來回憶起 --- “如何從當下” “來經驗多重維度的生活\現實”, 而且因為你們是 (Divine Complements) “互相契合的神聖伴侶” --- 你們也會要求來協助地球家庭來回憶起 --- “如何與他們的雙光子\神聖伴侶” “合一”!
Since you are both well trained and in full unity with your Multidimensional SELF, you will actually be consciously living three expressions of your blended multidimensional SELF:
既然你們兩人都已經被訓練好了, 而且與你們 “多重維度的自我”都完全整合了, 你們會真的能同時有清楚覺知的同時生活在你 “多重維度的自我”中, 其中的三個自我在三個維度.
You will remain here on the Mothership in your highest expression to guide your other multiple aspects of SELF.
You will be in the half-octave-up frequency of Earth’s shifting base-line frequency. From this position you will be able to freely move around and assist our Earth Family, but only those of fifth dimensional consciousness and beyond will be able to perceive you.
你們將會存在在地球揚升基礎頻率線的最高頻率部份. 從這個地方, 你們將能夠自由移動並協助我們的地球家庭, 但只有那些有第五維度覺知以及以上的覺知的人能夠感應到你的存在.
Simultaneously, you will inter-dimensionally time travel back to the moment in which your ascending planet in the Pleiadian System was facing similar challenges as Ascending Earth. In this manner, you will directly experience your Pleiadian ascension in order to clearly remember what was most effective in your world. Once remembered, you can use these ascension strategies to assist the Earthlings.
同時間, 你會能夠多維度的進入\旅行回到當時昴宿星球要揚升的時刻去 --- 那時候大家所面對的問題與現在的地球是類似的. 如此一來你就可以直接經驗你在昴宿星球的揚升經驗, 所以你可以很清楚的回想起最有效的方法. 當你想起來了, 你就可以用這些策略去協助你的地球人了.
We stated in the briefing that you would all be getting your assignment after the meeting. You are, indeed, getting your assignment, but training will precede the initiation of your Mission. We will begin our training with the integration of the masculine and feminine expressions of your ONE Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame is also known as your Divine Complement because he or she divinely complements you in every way.
我們在做報告時已經說了 --- 你們在會議結束之後都會拿到你們的任務. 而你們也確實拿到了. 可是在執行你的任務之前, 還有訓練課程. 我們會從 --- “整合你們雙光子之間男性能量與女性能量”的 “合一” 來開始你們的訓練課程! --- 你們的 “雙生伴侶” 又稱為 你們的 “神聖伴侶” (Divine Complement) 因為他在每個方面都是你最神聖的另一半 (配合配備).
Because of your long interaction with polarized third/fourth dimensional realities, you have had many incarnations of being either male or female. Eventually, most of your expressions in third/forth dimensional form forgot that you had a perfect complement in a higher frequency and/or different reality.
因為你們長期的在二元性的三\四維度現實中互動 --- 所以你們有很多世都是男人或女人, 最後, 你們都忘記了你們在更高維度有一個完美的另一半.
However, as you progress towards your return to the fifth dimension, you begin to lose your need and desire for a polarized expression. It is then that you seek out your Divine Complement, just as you - Mytria and Mytre - sought each other on your Pleiadian planet. The two of you did merge in creating a child, but were separated before you could complete your merging into ONE Androgynous SELF.
總之, 當你開始回歸到第五維度時, 你對 ‘二元性’ 的東西\想法會開始失去需求與渴望. 那時你會開始尋求你 “神聖的另一半”, 就像你們 Mytria and Mytre --- 以前在昴宿星球上尋找到彼此. 那時你們確實有結合而生了一個小孩, 但是你們在恢復彼此 “男女能量平衡的自我” 之前就分開了.
Within your joint expression of SELF you can easily and intimately experience multiple realities within the NOW of the ONE. It is for this reason that we will begin our instruction with your “Blending into Oneness.” Once you have mastered the experience of Blending into Oneness with your Divine Complement, it is much easier to blend into Oneness with your Earthly expressions of SELF.
只有當你們 “雙劍合一”的 “整合自我”出現時, 你們可以很容易而且很直覺的 “從當下” “經驗多維度的生活\現實”. --- 正是由於這個理由, 我們會從 (雙光子)“合一” 的教導開始指導你們如何整合!!! 當你們熟悉了與你 “神聖的另一半” 的 “合一統整” 之後 --- 你們就能比較容易的去整合你們地球上的自我 (與源頭) 的合一了!
Divine Complements blended into ONE is the “Mother Root” of all the expressions of SELF that you have in your myriad experiences of form. All of the members of this Mission have multiple expressions of their SELF in a human earth vessel. Many of these humans also have their Divine Complements embodied on Earth during the time that you will be entering.
在你所有多維度的自我 --- 所經驗的各樣形式的 ‘自我’中 --- 與 “神聖的另一半” 的 “整合” --- 是 “你所有自我” 的 “主要根源”! 我們這個任務中的所有成員, 都在多維度有 “人身”形式的 ‘自我’ 存在! --- 而此時在地球上 --- 你們許多人在地球上還有一個 ‘以人身存在’ 的 “神聖的另一半”!
Therefore, it is important that you have an in-depth understanding ofthe topic of Divine Complements, as you will be instructing your Earthly Ascending humans to merge with their Divine Complement. Because this topic is so very vast, we will have to begin at the beginning, which is Source in the twelfth dimension. We will begin by expanding your awareness regarding your cycle from Source, into your myriad expressions of reality and then back to Source.
就是因此 --- 非常重要的 --- 你們必須有深入的理解 --- 關於 “神聖的另一半” 的議題的瞭解. --- 因為你將會指導你在地球的人身自我去與他的 “神聖的另一半”的整合! --- 這個議題牽涉到的範圍是如此廣泛, 我們必須從頭開始講. --- 必須從第十二維度的源起開始說. --- 我們會把你的覺知 --- 從你自源頭而來的開始, 進入到多維度的多重現實裡之後, 又如何繞一圈回到源頭. --- 解釋這整個過程!
The Grand Cycle
Leaving and Returning to Source
For eons beyond time, your consciousness existed within the ONE of Source. Whenever Source desires to intimately experience Its many worlds and realities, It creates a Portal of Light through which It merges with Its creations. These Portals of Light (consciousness within form) are the highest evolution of consciousness within every reality. Within your Pleiadian Homeworld, the highest expression was in humanoid form.
在超過時間能計算的永世以來, 你的覺知其實就存在 “源頭合一” 當中. 而任何時候 ‘源頭’ 想要對祂所創造的許多世界和現實有親密的體驗的時候, 祂就創造一個 “光的星門存有” --- 在那裡祂與祂的創造物們 “合一”. 這些 “光之星門存有” = 其實就是一個 “有存在體的覺知”! = 是在每一個現實物件當中 --- 最高的 “覺知演化”! --- 而在你們昴宿星座 --- 最高的 “覺知演化”就是存在一個 “人形” 當中.