

Beloved Ones,

You are each in full flow again of receiving and anchoring the Cosmic energies into the crystalline core of your planet. These are the rhythms that you are by now used to in your daily lives and as such you serve the Divine. As each of you receive and allow these energies to pass through you into the crystalline core, you are filling the Earth with these expansive energies and this is how the ascension of the Earth is taking place. The Light within expands within the center of the planet and is uplifted into the higher dimensions.



The ascended realms work unceasingly to bring more Light through each of our colleagues walking upon the planet so that their Light grows ever brighter and more radiant than before. Those who have chosen this service are strategically placed all over the planet and are providing a great service through their willingness to undergo the rigors of the purification process. We understand that it is quite often a two edged sword, for as you allow more Light to enter your physical bodies, you also experience the purging at a deeper and deeper level of all the cells of your being and this is not always a pleasant experience within your own systems.


As you journey further into the ascension process, you also partake of the energies that are being released for transmutation and you provide a great service to humanity and the Earth in this way also. Each of you has the capacity to do this work and you have been doing it admirably. We wish to point out that at the higher levels of your Being you fully understand your role and enthusiastically participate in it. This work requires the persistent dedication of all of our colleagues walking upon the planet and it is coordinated with all of you during your periods of rest and sleep. Much takes place beyond the portals of the sleep state and you carry this knowledge within you.


Many of you are ready to move into the more refined energetic bodies you have been building and have chosen to continue in your efforts to bring in and anchor more Light here on the planet. This is also part of your reason and purpose for being here during these times and it will become clearer to you as more of humanity awakens and the Light expands even further. You have begun to move into more sustained states of peace and calm and you know that whatever is transpiring within those in the world around you is the process that you are now at the end of in your process of refinement and purity of Being. You are ready for the next step and the new beginning which now lies before you.


The new beginning gives each of you the opportunity to become conscious co-creators in your new world. There is a period of grace in effect which will allow you to practice this new ability without harm to yourselves or others. You are learning to control your thoughts and keep them balanced in a neutral manner, for the new world requires this self discipline so that your creations are always for the highest good of all and do no harm. This is a most exciting adventure that is before you now and we remind you that it is a learning process so be mindful of what you are creating.


Until next week

I AM Hilarion
譯者 U2覺醒




    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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