


By Seraphin and Rosie


Apr 14, 2011 - 2:43:21 PM



原文: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Rosie/DANCE-BECAUSE-YOU-ARE-WONDERFUL.shtml

鳳凰涅槃 翻譯


S: DANCE and DOUBT are opposites. Dance is flow and continuous movement, sometimes gentle and sometimes wild, but always with some sort of overall coordination or choreography within a certain framework, centering on a certain theme, and taking place within a certain setting or room. 

塞:跳舞與懷疑是對立的。 跳舞是流動的、持續性的運動,有時候溫和、有時候狂野,但總有一些總體協調或在一定框架下的舞蹈藝術設計,圍繞著一定的主題,並在一定的場所或房間內舉行。

AT THE MOMENT YOU ARE ALL DANCING TOWARDS A NEW DIMENSION, a new room, with different floorboards, lighting and qualities. Perhaps there will be a grand piano as well as a cassette recorder. Perhaps there will be celestial chandeliers instead of neon light strips, perhaps there will be a large audience of dignitaries instead of casual passers by. Those who dance into this new dimension, adapting freely to these new, wide open spaces, realms of increased potential in their stage performance, will do well. They will be able to pirouette faster than before.

【目前你們所有人正在舞動到一個新的次元】,一個有著不同地板、燈光和品質的新房間。 或許會有一台大鋼琴,和一個卡帶錄音機;或許會有天界吊燈來代替霓虹燈管;或許將會有大量顯貴的聽眾來取代隨意的過路人。 那些舞蹈到新次元的人們,自由地適應這些新的、開闊的空間,增加他們在舞臺表演潛力的空間,將會做的很好。 他們會旋轉的比以前更快。

However, those who DOUBT, who do not dare to open the door of the new room, only taking a peek inside, only to be thwarted and intimidated by its magnitude, will remain where they are, in safe but familiar and restrictive surroundings. This is applicable on all levels. And I ask you all WHEN DO YOU ASK QUESTIONS? WHEN DO YOU OPEN NEW DOORS? HOW OFTEN DO YOU CONVERSE INTIMATELY WITH A STRANGER? HOW OFTEN DO YOU DARE TO ADDRESS SOMEONE WHO IS OBVIOUSLY IN PAIN OR IN A PLACE OF RESTRICTION? HOW OFTEN DO YOU TRY TO LIBERATE THEM FROM THEIR PRISON AND OPEN THEIR DOOR TO INFINITY?

然而,那些心存懷疑的人們,他們不敢打開新房間的門,僅向內偷窺一眼,僅因它的巨大而感到受挫和膽怯,他們將會保持在原地,安全的但在熟悉及被限制的環境中。 這適用於所有層面。 那麼我來問你們所有人【你們何時會提問呢? 何時會打開新的門呢? 你多頻繁地與一個陌生人親切交談呢? 你多經常地敢於指出某人明顯的處於痛苦中或在一個受限制的地方? 你多常嘗試將他們從(心靈)的監獄中釋放出來,打開通往無限的門? 】

The child who writes this has found a way, a key, to unlock these doors. She says to others: YOU ARE WONDERFUL. All who are convinced of this, of their value in the eyes of Source, of their ability to produce miracles and act out their roles as gods and goddesses, all these WILL HAVE THE CONFIDENCE TO WALK THROUGH THAT DOOR INTO THE GREATER AND HIGHER REALMS.

這個書寫的孩子(指羅茜)已經找到一種方法,一把鑰匙來開啟這些門。 她對他人說:【你是很棒的】。 所有確信這點,在本源眼中的他們的價值,他們創造奇蹟、扮演作為神與女神的角色的能力,所有這些【將會成為信心走過那扇門,進入更大更高的領域】。

And I say to everyone who reads this: YOU ARE WONDERFUL. Say this to everyone you meet. Let the tears flow, allow release, and may the knowledge of this lead you to your dreams. 

我要對所有閱讀這條資訊的人講:【你是很棒的】。 對所有你遇到的人說這句話。 讓眼淚盡情流淌、允許釋放,並願對這的理解引導你們進​​入你們的夢境。

Love Seraphin.




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