
Beloved Ones,

Many of you are experiencing
the acceleration and speeding up of time. It seems each day passes quickly by
and slips away without too much being accomplished and the plans that were made
for one day have to be postponed to another. When this occurs, observe the
state of your own being and you will see that on those days your consciousness
was focused within and in all likelihood, operating multi-dimensionally. Your
consciousness may be going through a recalibration and realignment process and you
are being assisted in your desire to increase your frequency to ascension
level. These usually happen in increments that can safely be assimilated by
your four lower bodies.



It is becoming more apparent to all upon the planet that the
old systems and patterns of influence are crumbling, as those who would wage
war and destruction to keep the World
s inhabitants
in a state of fear are no longer being supported by their citizens. The act of
war is being viewed by the World
s people as an
abomination and the greatest disrespect for the sanctity of human life
experience on the planet. There are those who care not for the honoring of all
life and who seek to gratify their lust for power and privilege no matter the
cost in human life and suffering. The people of the planet are beginning to
understand who those ones are and are giving voice in opposition to these acts
of violence and aggression. They are seeing through the justifications these
ones make in order to show their citizens that their aggression and forays into
other countries is acceptable.


The voices of their people have begun to swell in a
spontaneous rejection of the old ways of maintaining power and control at the
cost of those who would be put into the direct line of fire. The writing is on
the wall for these leaders as they look around and realize that the people they
have been elected and sworn to serve are not pleased by their choices and are
willing to stand in the streets in the millions until the leaders have no
choice but to stand down and find another, more peaceful way to resolve
conflicts. The words of an old song sung many years ago
What if there was a war and no one came?
begin to make total sense. Those in power can do nothing without the people if
the people choose to not follow.


The Earths inhabitants need to
come together and work in cooperation and harmony to face the changes taking
place upon the planet. The challenges that are prevalent need to be faced in a
spirit of humility and service to all. It is no longer a matter for only the
very few in places of political power to make choices that affect everyone in
the World. These times are demanding true leadership from people who can see
beyond the borders of their own countries and can see the World as one World
that is about to change forever in ways that are yet unimaginable. The billions
of souls upon the planet want to come together in a way that allows everyone to
be supported and nourished. They want to see the manifestation of their deepest
dreams and their heartfelt prayers for peace on Earth. They want their families
to grow, prosper and thrive. This desire lives in every human heart.


The time of the power of the many has come and this will be
more evident in the months ahead. The quiet revolution we spoke of previously
is gathering momentum. The old ways no longer work because they are not in
harmony with the new influx of energies that herald a new dawn, a new beginning.
These energies bring solutions to age old problems in seemingly miraculous
ways. The crossroads for each soul stands before them in the now moment and
each soul has already made their decision. It is now the awakening moment.


Until next week

I AM Hilarion

譯者 U2覺醒



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