SaLuSa to me: The Power of Love Has No Limit – 1 Sept 2011


Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. Here is our question today:“Whycannot SaLuSa contact me any more directly? What is the difficulty?  What shall/should I do??”





SaLuSa: We are around you all more often than you think, either bymaking a mind to mind connection when allowed by your higher self, or by comingnear you from other dimensions. Unfortunately, the gap between dimensions isdifficult to bridge for you yet, so you are mostly unable to be consciouslyaware of us. You will feel an intuition after a certain period of time and youwill learn to trust it. It also has to do with blockages within your body,subtle matter is blocked, very common for your species; it is not your fault atall. Certain energy blockages prevent further higher developments for you allat this stage. It is coming from Atlantis and certain entities attachthemselves on to all of you periodically, and drain your energy.





This can manifest by constant fatigue, feeling of emptiness inside,various manifestations such as anger outbursts, desire to create conflicts andconfuse others, tendencies to hide the truth or insecurities but also physicalmanifestation such as illness. Most of the above come from the simple fact thatcertain entities influence your behaviour and judgement throughout your day. Donot be alarmed please, but this has been the case for thousand of years on yourplanet, and it has contributed to shorten your lifespan, as well as stoppingyour consciousness development to a certain point.





Cleansing, inner cleansing, meditating will help you. We will work onthis when we are here, with you as well. Knowledge was lost through time, butit can be found again. Research your path to clearing your body from darkenergies and from tensions. Stepping away from computer regularly and bringy our attention to your self, your inner self, your body. Circulate yourattention, like a ray of light within your body. Also a good exercise is justsensing your body, your tensions just as you can experience them. There is noneed for anything else other than seeing what is right now.



淨化(cleansing),內部的淨化,【靜心冥想】能幫助你。我們在這兒也和你一起促成這個過程。知識消逝在時間長流,但可再度找回。研究過去留下的痕跡,清除身體上的黑暗能量與緊繃。經常(定時的)離開電腦,將注意力放在自己、內在自我和身體上。流通你的注意力,像一道光照耀身體。良好的運動能使你好好感覺身體和緊繃之處。現在沒有任何事情比觀照(seeingwhat is)這點更為重要。

The cleansing needs to be done on a very regular basis, as theseentities are constantly trying to attach themselves on to you and feed off yourlife force. This is why meditation helps to bring awareness of their presenceand to get rid of them, even if only for short periods of time. Bringingawareness and consciousness into your body by bringing sensation of your feetand spine for instance, as well as circulating your attention to your limbs andback muscles would contribute to this clearing of darker energies from yourbodies. You will bring your entire body back to life, so to speak, by bringing your God I AM presence, your light to inhabit your body consciously.



淨化需要頻繁的進行,因為這些實體持續依附寄食你們的生命力。這是為何冥想能幫助意識它們的存在,進而擺脫它們,即使只是幾次短暫時間。舉例來說就是把感覺放到雙腳、脊椎,帶著【覺知】和【意識】進入你的身體,同樣流通你的注意力到四肢和背部肌肉,幫助身體清理黑暗能量。把整副身體帶回生命裏頭,可以說藉由把你帶進【神即我在】(God I AM)的臨在狀態,讓光自覺進駐你的身體。


We are also aware of the long hours of work most of you are required todo in order to make a living. You are surrounded by many people who are notawake yet, and their lower vibrations are also contributing in bringing yourdown. This is why you would find it beneficial to meditate at least morning andevening in order to regenerate yourself. You will find dear ones that havingyour light cleansing your body will increase your energy levels and contributeto slow down cell degeneration as a consequence. You will not age as fast asmany around you, and you will be under the constant protection from your light.





You will find dear friends, that working with a group of people willalso increase this inner cleansing, and also spread the light frequencies tothose around you and to Mother Earth of course. She will also benefit from yourlight presence being strengthened. So you could think of this as taking backpossession of your own body, while you are taking back possession of yourbeautiful planet at the same time.





Most of you spent the vast majority of your day caught up in doing whatis required of you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, however if youwere able to increase your I AM presence, you will find yourself alsore-energised even while you are at work or going to work. In order to bringmore balance into your life and remain more centred, it would help you to beable to step back from time to time and come back to your back and spine. Sensethe connection between your head, neck and spine, right through your legs, allthe way to Mother Earth. Bring your pure golden light straight into her soul.Imagine how much your pouring love into Mother Earth would help her. While youare doing this, something is also given from above to each and everyone of you.No conscious unselfish action, motivated by pure love ever goes unseen dearsouls.



你們多數人整天主要時間用在追趕日常所需。這事本身沒有錯,但如果增加【我是】(I AM)的臨在狀態,你會發現無論工作或正要上班都能用這個方法重新激勵自己。為了使更多平衡進入你的生活成為中心,下面的方式時常能讓你退後一步回到背部、脊椎。感覺從你的頭部、頸部、脊椎,通過右腿一路相連地球母親。帶著你純淨金黃色的光芒進入她的核心。想像你如泉水大量的愛灌注地球母親能夠幫助到她。當你這麼做,這些也會賦予在你們每個人。親愛的靈魂,非出自意識的無私行為,動機建立在看不到的【純淨的愛】。


Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. Would you like to give us an update as welltoday please?




SaLuSa: Yes of course. You are continuing to shine above your planet andwe are very please to see your progress. You are contributing in bringing asense of fairness back on Earth and this in turn restores hope and joy intoeverybody’s life. It is important dear friends to share all valuableinformation with those around you. They will also benefit from positive newsshowing that the world is becoming a better place for all little by little. Wehave often spoken of the effects that misinformation and disinformation have onthe minds. This can be counteracted with appropriate information from reliablesources.





We are allowing time for the entire network of the cabal to bedismantled piece by piece. In order to do that, we must adapt to all changes insituation and adjust our plan accordingly. You are powerful beings and all youneed is to remember who you really are. We are hoping that your variousgovernments will agree to disclose to you the fact that many of them have beenin contact and working with off world technology for decades and that they arein contact with extraterrestrials for a long time. This will initially causemuch confusion in the general public, and will be a further opportunity for thedark hats to install fear in you when this takes place.





In time however the true nature of your link to your space brothers willalso be revealed to you all dear ones. This is the best way for you to acceptour presence and to realize that we are not here to represent any threat to youand your planet. We have established that this would be the preferred path to apeaceful and joyful reunion. We are also working on counteracting any effortsthe dark hats are making in order to present us as a major threat to all ofyou. It is a fact that the majority of people are conditioned to trust theirgovernment, therefore we prefer this scenario to unfold for you towardsdisclosure, followed by decloaking, leading to First Contact.





Mother Earth has renewed her call for help to the Higher Hierarchy, asshe is in need for help from the now constant attacks on her from the dark hatsand she needs to accelerate her work in clearing negative energies. The changein her magnetism is also putting pressure on her to shift. She can not wait forever, especially as the dark hats use all the opportunities to amplify all hermoves and try to create disasters.





We do not wish to show ourselves in the middle of crisis and confusion;however it appears that this is the dark hats’ plan. We are waiting for ourEarth Ally to continue their progress and it is clear that they have been doingwell so far. The cabal perceives their loss in power as a major threat, and inresponse impose even stronger attacks on Mother Earth and on you with theirweather modification technology or by personal attacks against lightworkers. Astheir influence on you clearly diminishes, they are panicking and wish tocreate more chaos.

Dear friends, you have discovered your power whenyou unite for the better good. You know the power of love has no limit and youare beginning to see the results for the past few months as secret deals areexposed and as you are awakening, taking control of your life and of yourplanet.





I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I encourage you in remaining centred in loveand light. Please do not allow fear or anger to evade your emotions and tospread. Mother Earth needs all the help available at this time.


Thank you
Laura Tyco
Copyright Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. (Permission to distributethis message in its integrity is granted so long as you do not alter it in anyway, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice andlink. :





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