
Beloved Ones,

We find as this month
progresses that many of you are experiencing the release of many patterns of
thinking that have been holding you back from moving forward into new
perspectives and new beginnings. Call upon us to assist you in releasing these
from your consciousness and from the cells of your body. Make this request a
daily habit until your goal of freedom from these is accomplished and know that
we are ever at your side helping to bring balance and equilibrium and the
ceasing of these discordant energies, for in truth, these are simply old
energies that need to be dissolved. We want you to ask us to help you with
these challenges, for the sooner you are freed from them the sooner you can
accept and fully integrate the higher energies and your greater light.


By these actions, much discord is freed and transmuted from
the greater collective field which then enables more of humanity to awaken and
free themselves from old illusions and perceptions that do not serve the evolving
soul. As more light becomes anchored here on Earth it creates a greater force
of Light that can then be used to create new solutions and new beginnings. The
process of ascension into higher consciousness as we move through the fourth
dimension is moving into its final phase and as it does so, it also increases
the intensity of the thought patterns and emotions that well up within all
individuals and it is vital for all lightworkers to understand the importance
of holding the light steady during these chaotic energy fluxes. Stay centered in
your heart center as much as possible.


Become aware of and acknowledge the moon phases and the
celestial movements in the heavens. There is much that can be learned here as
you use these forces to help you move forward at the appropriate moments. This
practice will become more important as the experience of linear time is
undergoing radical changes. It is by observing these cycles that the ancients
were able to stay attuned with the forces of the Universe to reach beyond the
world that they inhabited. It is of utmost importance to develop this practice
as a way of measuring the energy cycles that occur in order to align in harmony
with them. This is another reason why spending much time outdoors in nature is of
great benefit. It aligns each person
s inner
cycles with these greater cycles.


As you learn to navigate in the new reality, you will find
yourselves more at peace within your own core essence and you will inherently
know the right step for you to follow as it is needed.  It will also unlock
spiritual abilities and gifts within each person, for these have lain dormant
for many cycles and as the dross from the old paradigms is transmuted, these
treasures within are waiting to be discovered. It but requires the motivation,
intent and persistence to become aligned with these greater soul qualities that
come forth to be recognized and utilized in ways that empower each individual
and the greater collective of humanity. When these gifts and abilities are used
constructively for enhancing the experience of the beauty of life within all
souls, great strides will be made in individual and collective evolvement.


It behooves each individual to truly know themselves and to be
true to themselves, for what may be good and right for one individual may not
be good for another. Each soul is on their own individual journey and as they
align with their Oversoul and soul group, many wonders of creation will
manifest upon your world. Each soul has unique and beautiful gifts to add to
the collective experience so it is important to realize that your loving
presence here during these times is much needed in order to enhance the
positive experience for all.


Until next week.

I AM Hilarion

譯者 U2覺醒



    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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