Message: It has been a wonderful journey with you all, students, givers, staff, volunteers and friends these last 4.5 years that the Oneness Center Taipei has been operating in the vision of oneness and global awakening. Our Center is undergoing a big change which is both sad and yet beautiful and inspiring. Amira who has begun this Center in February 2004, will be returning to Canada now end of November 2008. She is so happy and grateful and humbled to have had this warm welcome to Taiwan from the people here, and been blessed to do the work of Oneness here. There are so many Givers here now and the vision of Oneness is sown within each deeksha giver and in the hearts of so many touched by Oneness now. It is with immense gratitude, honor and amazement at this new crossroads, the next segment of Oneness Begins.
Oneness University will still be offering their international Oneness Programs in India, Fiji and Europe now. They are currently undergoing the proliferation of 9 new official Oneness Branches in 9 specific geograpic locations around the globe, these will be announced and their opening celebrated one by one. In this next stage, Oneness travels to you as much as possible. And with great honor we announce that the beautiful presence of the dasas, guides of the university will be travelling to their respective countries much more now. And the most beautiful surprise, is that the founders of the university, whom culminate the power of the Oneness Blessing or Deeksha and for many decades now have been holding the focused divine intent to spread oneness, and spiritual awakening, which is the liberation of suffering and movement into joy, to all living beings on earth, Amma and Bhagavan will begin to also travel in early 2009 around the globe to personally begin to conduct Level 3.
合一大學將會繼續在印度,斐濟和歐洲提供國際課程。目前大學正在全球各地籌備建立9個區域型的合一中心,這些中心將會在未來的2年內逐一的成立。在這個嶄新的階段中,合一運動將會全新的方式更為貼近大家。我們很榮幸的在此告知大家接下來大學裏的大師兄(Ananda Giriji)及各位指導老師將會旅行到各自負責的國家,直接貼近人們。更令各位期待的是,合一大學及合一祝福的創始人阿瑪與巴關將會帶著強烈傳播合一祝福及靈性覺醒的意圖,開始周遊世界各地,我們相信這將會幫助全人類由痛苦中解脫並轉為喜悅。阿瑪與巴關將會於2009年初起親身旅行世界各地並傳授第三階的課程。
The Earth is entering very different times now and everything is changing with such great speed. While there is lots of good, we also see so many areas on earth, and people everywhere in need of help. We hope that the movement of Oneness has the chance to touch you and help you and perhaps empower you with the power of the Oneness Blessing, so you that you may go forth to spread the message and energy of love, unity and harmony among all living beings.
Our Center will not be operating programs for sometime, as it is undergoing a change of management and new planning. What will be operating is a bi-weekly Gongxiu welcome to all the givers of Taiwan and friends of Oneness, once a month with our Taiwan Dasaj operating the program, and every other week, will be an internal program only open for Givers, so they may come together for the ascension of their consciousness and communion for greater goals.
Please check our list of times. Please stay in touch with us by Email for the time being, thank you.
Finally, me, Amira, I am really in tears, with so much gratitude, an infinate amount of gratitude for this time here and the chance to play a leading role in the proliferation of Oneness. Thanks to all of you, for our beautiful time together, I hope with all my heart, you have grown and learnt and will continue experiencing your life, and yourself totally. Its all about loving oneself, accepting oneself as the starting place for giving what you know back to others. Relationship, relationships, relationships - they are a core reflection in the outer world of what is really going on inside us. All inner conflict will be channeled through life happenings to bring us closer to awakening. May you all live with great awareness and the knowledge that the two most beautiful things that you have and no one can ever take from you, is the right to learn and the right to serve and help others. No matter where you are at in your life path, God is always with you and love you more than you can ever know. God is in your heart, he is in heaven and in the heart of every living being. Receive his help. Let life be a harmonious cooperative effort between heaven and earth, god and man in the movement towards ascension and Oneness for all.
I really love you all so much, from the bottom of my heart, with all my soul. May their be infinate love and light in Taiwan, China and the rest of the world.
Amira xoxoxo
愛你的 Amira