Beloved Ones,
The way before you has burgeoning potential and possibility. Those of you who have persistently done the work of the initiate on the path of light will now begin to reap the rewards. These rewards come as the blossoming of new gifts of the spirit. These gifts lay waiting within you to be discovered, explored and developed. Many of you are beginning to have lucid dreams in which you take control and then direct as you desire. This is a sign of one who is awake and aware of their true presence, one who is a Master of Self. No longer are you floundering in confusion about whom or what you are. You KNOW that you are a being of light and that you CHOSE to be here on Earth expressly for these times that are now upon you. You will be finding it much easier to implement your plans, goals and projects, those which have been put on hold until now. You will be amazed at the rapidity with which these now manifest into the world.
You are now finding yourselves able to focus and stay the course as you begin and complete the projects that have been on hold. Each of you has at least one gift to share with the world in whatever form it takes. You must believe in yourselves no matter how strange or outlandish the creative ideas that come into your mind seem. Open yourselves to the new ideas that come into your consciousness. Write these ideas down immediately with the date you received them. Make a point of reviewing your journal at least once each week in order to refresh your memory. Sometimes, more information will come into your mind as you read and review your notes. Record this information also. Then begin to watch for the synchronicities as they appear in your everyday life, as your guides and angels come in to assist you to bring the ideas into manifestation. You must ask for this assistance each day and be willing to follow through on the information that comes to you.
The collective field of human consciousness has been upgraded with the higher energy that has been coming into the Earth’s atmosphere. This is causing much turmoil within those who have no idea what is taking place in the cosmos. Their lives feel as though they are being turned inside out and upside down and they are striving to understand why this is so. These people are turning to the internet to search for the answers and they are finding the places of light, love and inspiration that have been created by those of you who are aligned with your divine mission and purpose and who have prepared these online beacons in order to assist the seekers to find their way. Your centers of light will henceforth be seen and sought by an increasing amount of awakening people. Your greater role upon the planet is now unfolding. As an ambassador and emissary of the Creator, your task is to shine your light as an example to the rest of the world. Your inner light must be more visible in your outer manifestation in all areas of life.
These times call for greater responsibility from each of you as you strive to uphold the higher vision of the world you desire to create and sustain. You it is who is creating it! There is no one else, only those such as you who are willing to stand in your light and in your truth and daily BE it! So we ask you to continue to be the path cutters and the trail blazers; now is not the time to rest on your laurels. You have graduated, you have passed the tests of initiation and now your work begins in earnest. We promise that it will be work that is filled with ever expanding joy, peace and happiness than you have ever experienced before. When each person is operating from the higher dimensions, life just seems so much easier, more fulfilling, more expansive and more enriching in all facets of daily living. Do whatever is necessary in order to implement and sustain this higher state of being.
By daily grounding your light and the cosmic light into the center of the Earth, you are assisting everyone to reconnect with their higher version of themselves. As this reconnection becomes more frequent and prominent, a greater degree of awakening will result and the entire collective field of humanity is empowered to carry greater light and knowing within it. As the very waves of the Earth’s atmosphere carry this empowering energy, all the inhabitants upon the Earth become upgraded to a higher frequency through the process of osmosis. What happens to one person truly does happen for all. The more of the world’s people than can live in a state of joy and maintain and sustain this state of being, the more enabled and empowered everyone on the planet becomes. The entire potential in the world’s population is uplifted to a higher level of functioning and the old ways of doing things and perceiving things will no longer work. This is when inspired creativity will flourish within each human heart and humanity will begin to live as originally intended upon this planet.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
譯者 U2覺醒