銀河聯邦•天狼星人SaLuSa】 30-August-2010

2010/08/31 19:41

銀河聯邦•天狼星人SaLuSa】 30-August-2010 SaLuSa 30-August-2010 翻譯:mariacai26 For some time we have been helping you ease your way into thinking along the lines of the new paradigm. Not only will that lift it onto a new level, but you will also be helping to manifest it. The success of it can already be seen around you, as people are following a new way of looking at life. The realisation that it can be much better than you are used to is creating demands for changes, which will bring you what you desire. It is course embodied in the heart of what you know as NESARA, and many of those benefits are ready to be passed on to you. You have been thrown into serious difficulties because of the financial meltdown, and although attempts have been made to overcome it the old system cannot be restored. In spite of the enormous bail out it has failed, and a new system is waiting in the wings to replace it. You will by now have heard of plans to go back to one that is based upon precious metals, and that will produce stability and enable debts to be at least reduced if not completely cancelled. You will also most likely have heard that your tax system has also operated in an unlawful and unfair manner, and that too will be addressed. 我們幫助你們沿著新範式的線索來思考,而使你們的道路變得更容易已經有一段時間了。這不僅會提升它到達一個新的水準,而且你們也在促進它的顯現。它的成功已經能夠在你們周圍被看見,因為人們正在跟隨一種新的看待生活的方式。關於它會比你們所習慣的要好的多的認識正在生成改變的需求,它將給你們帶來你們所渴望的東西。在你們所知的NESARA(美國國家經濟安全和改進法令)的核心是過程的體現,那當中的許多利益正準備交給你們。你們已經陷入了嚴重的困難中,儘管已經嘗試克服它,因為金融危機,舊的系統仍然無法恢復。雖然大量的挽救措施已經失敗了,一種新的體系正時刻準備著取代它。到目前為止你們會聽到回歸一個基於貴重金屬的計畫,這會產生穩定,並且即使沒有完全取消的話,也至少會使債務減少。你們也很可能會聽說你們的稅收體系也在以一種非法的和不公平的方式操作,這也將被處理。 You are looking at major changes all around you once the necessary conditions have been set up. We cannot do that directly ourselves but have our many allies who are well aware of what is required of them. Once we have dealt with the problems that beset you on a day-to-day basis, a great feeling of hope will spread amongst you. It will be seen that our promises are truly intended to lift you all up, and return to you that which you have been wrongly denied. All of our actions are set to return you to a point in your evolution that you should have already reached. Those responsible for holding you back will have been removed, and faith in your leaders will have been restored. The dark Ones have reached the end of their reign, and no amount of subterfuge, covert actions or attempts to blackmail or threaten people will restore them to power. The power has always rested with you, and soon you will see your visions of a new world fulfilled. Everything has been carefully planned, and when we move into action it will be swift and very thorough. 一旦必要的條件建立,你們就會看著重要的改變在你們四周發生。我們自己不能直接地做它,但是有許多我們的盟友都很清楚什麼是必需的。一旦我們處理了在日常生活中困擾你們的問題,一個偉大的希望會在你們中間會傳播開來。人們將看到,我們的承諾是真正想要把你們所有人舉起,並恢復你們那已經被錯誤地否定掉的一切。我們所有的行動都將讓你們返回到在你們進化中的一個你們應該已經到達的點。那些阻擋你們的原因會被移除,相信你們的領導人將會被重新確立。黑暗者已經走到了它們的統治的盡頭,即使再多的詭計,秘密行動或者試圖勒索或威脅人民也不會使它們的力量恢復。力量一直取決於你們,並且很快你們就會看到一個新世界的願景的實現。一切都已經被精心地設計好了,當我們採取行動的時候,它將是迅速的和十分徹底的。 The changes to ensure your promised future will be the fulfilment of all that has been planned, and are overseen by St. Germain and a host of heavenly Beings. It has been brought into place over millennia of time, in anticipation of the end times. It was foreseen that the low vibrations on Earth would attract the dark Ones, and what would result from it. Therefore plans were made to remove them as soon as the Light became the dominant energy, and when their power was diminishing. That time has arrived and with the levels of human consciousness increasing so quickly, there is now a higher vibration that is awakening people to the truth. St. Germain is the Founder of a world trust fund that was set up a long time ago. It will be able to support a new financial system and enable a fair distribution of wealth. St. Germain’s message is that you should let Love and Light be your guide as you take your path to freedom, and know that the heavenly hosts are with you all of the time. 為了確保你們被許諾的未來的改變將會實現所有已經被計畫好的,並且由聖哲曼和眾多神聖的存在所監督。它已被納入了幾千年的時間,預期著最終的時刻。已經被預見到在地球上的低振動會吸引黑暗者,以及它會導致什麼結果。因此計畫被制訂,當光一成為佔優勢的能量和它們的力量削弱的時候,就要移除它們。那個時間已經來到,隨著人類意識水準如此快速地提高,現在有一個更高的振動,它正喚醒人們認識真相。聖哲曼是在很久以前被建立起來的一個世界信託基金的奠基人。它將能夠支持一種新的金融體系,並允許財富的公平分配。聖哲曼的訊息是當你們走在通往自由的道路上時,你們應該讓愛和光成為你們的嚮導,並且知道天堂的眾天使一直都與你們在一起。 The Galactic Federation is well acquainted with the work of the Master’s. We have followed their paths on Earth and supported them where necessary. Our work has been largely carried out without announcing who we are, but your ancient records speak of some of our visits and presence in some detail. The dark Ones may have enslaved you, but that has not prevented us from supporting the Lightworkers. We are after all your future, and permitted to help those that are awakening. The dark Ones certainly do not have it all their own way, and they never have. The testing grounds of Earth have been saturated by the blood and life force of millions of inhabitants, and negative vibrations have entered the Earth where they have remained. These energies are slowly being transmuted, and eventually will have been completely removed. Mother Earth will otherwise control her own cleansing, and we will assist. Our objective is to keep the outcome of the changes in check, so that there is a minimum amount of damage and loss of life. We cannot however prevent or interfere with changes that have to be carried out to restore the Earth. 銀河聯盟十分瞭解大師們的工作。我們遵循他們在地球上的道路,並在必要的地方支持他們。我們的大部分工作並沒有宣佈我們是誰而執行,但你們上古時代的記錄提到過一些關於我們的來訪和存在的一些細節。黑暗者可能奴役你們,但這並沒有阻止我們支持光的工作者。畢竟我們是你們的未來,並且被允許去幫助那些正在覺醒的人。黑暗者以它們自己的方式當然不可能擁有它,它們從來都沒擁有過。這個地球試驗場已經因無數的居民的血液和生命力而飽和,負面的振動已經進入地球並留下來。這些能量正在慢慢地被轉,最終將被徹底清除。否則,地球母親將操控她自己的淨化,我們會協助。我們的目標是要保持改變的結果在控制的範圍之內,而有一個最少數量的破壞和生命損失。然而,我們不能阻止或者干擾那些為了恢復地球而不得不進行的改變。 Once we can speak directly with you as the Human Race, there will be naturally an emphasis upon the end times and what is about to happen. It is desired that as many people as possible understand the message, as there is still time for an awakening amongst those who are largely unaware of their destiny. Whatever way you look at it, a decision will be desirable as to whether you intend to take the path to Ascension. Without one, you will automatically find yourself moving into an appropriate vibration to your own. Clearly if the incoming energies have not been able to awaken a soul to their true selves, then they are not ready to make the changes required to ascend. No one can simply come for the ride, as Ascension is a process that requires you to have lifted your vibrations to a matching level. Neither is all lost if you cannot achieve it as life continues to move in cycles, and new opportunities to ascend will always be presented to you. 一旦我們能夠與你們人類直接對話,自然地會在時間的終結和什麼將要發生上有一個強調。期望有盡可能多的人理解這資訊,因為仍然有時間在那些大量的沒有意識到他們命運的人中間有一個覺醒。無論你們是否打算走揚升之路,不管你們怎麼看它,決定都將是令人滿意的。無一例外地,你們會自動地發現自己移入一個適合你們自己的振動。顯然如果進入(地球)的能量尚未能夠喚醒靈魂認識他們的真實自我的話,那麼他們沒有準備好做出必要的改變來揚升。沒有人能夠只是來玩玩,因為揚升是一個過程,它要求你們提升你們的振動到一個相稱的水準。如果你們無法達到它,也不會失去一切,當生命移入迴圈裏繼續的時候,新的揚升機遇將會一直呈現給你們。 Acquiring wealth is perhaps the goal of many, because life is considered to be about the survival of the fittest. However, whilst it may overcome poverty or hunger, it will not necessarily feed the soul. In fact although wealth often leads to success, it can also lead to disaster when it cannot be sensibly handled. Happiness cannot be bought, and the simple pleasures of life are not necessarily fulfilling. The happiest people are those that achieve satisfaction by working for their results, and establish the framework for a balanced life. Extremely poor people do have a hard time, and it would be no consolation for them to know that as with all life plans, they would have been agreed beforehand. There is something to learn regardless of what level you live at, and in these important times they can be quite dramatic. Know that you are experiencing your last life upon Earth, as you know it now. However, it is true that it will change every quickly immediately prior to Ascension, and you will taste the promise of a wonderful life that awaits you in the future. 獲取財富或許是很多人的目標,因為生命被認為是關於適者生存的。然而,儘管它可以克服貧窮或饑餓,它未必會餵養靈魂。事實上,儘管財富常常導致成功,當它不能夠被理智地使用的時候,它也會導致災難。幸福無法被買到,生活的簡單的愉悅並不一定是令人滿意的。最幸福的人是那些為他們的目標努力工作而實現滿足,並建立一個平衡生活的框架的人。極端貧窮的人的確過的艱難,對於他們來說知道這一切都是人生計畫也不會是安慰,他們事先會同意。不管你們在什麼水準生活,都有一些東西需要學習,在這些重要的時期它們可能是十分戲劇性的。正如你們現在所知道的,知道你們正在經驗你們在地球上的最後一生。然而,正好在揚升之前它會非常迅速地改變這是真實的,你們將品嘗到一個在未來等待你們的美妙人生的承諾。 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see both you and Mother Earth beginning to make great headway. The end is in sight, and we will be so pleased to join you and help ensure that you ready for the great upliftment. 我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa,看見你們和地球母親開始偉大的進步。結局就在眼前了,我們將會如此地高興加入你們並幫助確保你們準備好偉大的提升。 Thank you SaLuSa.謝謝你們 Mike Quinsey.

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