

2010/09/30 00:31

By Hazel的高我/上帝自我/一名默基瑟德

By Hazel's Higher Self/God Self/She is a Melchizedek
Sep 18, 2010 - 8:57:14 AM





Higher self teaching



Courage is a characteristic of wisdom for the wise knows that courage is the ammunition which combats the insidious fear generated by a needy mortal ego.


Courage is therefore born from wisdom conceived from "knowing", which is divine. The soul holds knowledge and wisdom and so courage is a characteristic of the soul. All too often it is easy to succumb to fear as you live in alignment with your lower self whereas effort is required to connect with your true being from which you can access the storehouse of divine attributes.


Courage is a creative force within one's soul for its personification can create change in one's life. Lack of courage amongst the people in your world has relegated them to a state of resigned living whereby they accept that which they consider is their fate and fall within the status quo of believing without knowing.


Courage is synonymous with bravery, fearlessness and strength of character yet its existence and endurance is only possible in one's life when one can appreciate the context and sub context of its reality.


Humans are sovereign beings by virtue of their indwelling adjusters. They are carriers of divine essence. In many cases they are unknowing receptacles of Light. Through that sovereignty, man has been conferred with qualities of God and Light, being one and the same.


God and Light are the overarching context of man's existence. God's qualities, virtues and attributes are the sub context within which the value and virtue of courage rests. This is a simplistic way of explaining to man that he may comprehend. In fact there is only ONE and therefore ONE context which is Light.


Although there is a scientific explanation for Light, the context to which I refer is inexplicable, for God is Light and Light Just IS. Light cannot be explained. When you know God you will come to know the Light, your Light, and you will emanate and be the Light. There will be no need for definitions and explanations for "Knowing" cannot be explained or justified.


All that is not of God or for God is against God. God empowers and enlightens. He never dis empowers. However, fear, timidity and low self esteem which generates insecurities are against man's sovereign nature for they dis empower and steal his control. To find and know courage and be courageous to face your experiences and interactions with others, you need to construct the family tree of your soul. When you can see that God is at the helm of that family tree and that you are a direct descendant through creation, taking an ascending journey back to Him, you will realise the sovereignty and power you hold within. Instinctively through a knowing of your Oneness you begin to assume His qualities.


Words such as courage do not exist in God's language for His language is only that of Light and Love. Yet it is necessary in your dimension to identify with "courage" as you are governed by perceptions surrounding your existence and very basic emotions. Love is really the only emotion which should exist. However the ego of man has created a conundrum meant to wrap his mind in a veritable twist that he experiences all manner of emotions which he considers validated through his earthly experiences. Fear, insecurity and doubt become conditioned responses to many of his experiences. He must then be taught that only courage can counter the effects of these feelings and states of being.


The illusion of creation has also warped the thinking of man's mind as he cannot see that which is illusion from reality and truth from untruth. So for now, until man grows into himself, he needs courage which is a weapon within the spiritual armoury, to fight the illusions of negativity which the collective ego spawn.


Looking panoramically at the world today, courage is sorely lacking, as fear of change and truth clutches the minds of man and imprisons him. Man cannot in mass find the determination to break through the barriers of fear. As a result he contents himself with the excuse of "What can I do, I am only one being. How can I affect or effect change. It is safer for me to fit in and be one of them. I have one life to live let me enjoy it to the fullest. I will do my best for myself and my family and that is what matters". Man surrenders his beliefs and knowing of what is spiritually correct to the machinations of his senses and to what is socially and politically correct.


Another panacea man seeks to replace courage with is Hope. Man is always hoping for the best without realising that hope without action is futile. Man leaves it to God not knowing that God will not work for him but with him. God will do his part but if man fails to take positive action there will be no change in his circumstances.


When will man realise that he is born to be co creator with God. The insouciance which has captured man's thinking and falsely leads him to believe that God will deliver him from all his problems without action on his part is sorely misplaced. Man must understand that the trite saying "What will be will be" will never BE. For only man can co create with God that which he wishes to BE.


It often takes courage, resolve, determination, knowing and trust in one's sovereignty to create what man deems impossible. Courage knows no bounds for God is boundless. Man's insulated thinking has destroyed his creative aptitude and he cannot see himself for who he is and cannot know himself as God. As long as man labours under misapprehensions he shall always need to "find the courage". Courage comes from self belief and self belief is God belief. Only then will man's resolve and strength endure.


If man cannot find God, he will not know courage. Man's "will" unconnected with God, will not get him very far. In your world, as possessions of money, power and status confer sovereignty, courage seems expendable and unnecessary. These outer trappings do not serve God; the God within each ensouled being; neither can they help find man's true, enduring and immortal power.


Courage cannot be taught or bought. It must be discovered and accessed from within the recesses of man's soul as man comes into the knowing of God. When man can move into that glorious Oneness, there will be no need for words such as courage, for you shall be as He is.


Courage beats resonantly as a sound vibration of the Light. Find the Light, your Light and you shall find your courage.






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