
(2010-09-30 12:58:50)
Well well here we are again. I will be brief for there is much transpiring. We wish you to know that our incredible gratitude is with our earth personnel who are doing much in disclosing our immeasurable presence around your globe. This is merely the beginning. You will experience much more in the coming days. It is time to allow and be open to the flow of all that happens from this point on. There will be no dramatic measures from us and we are hoping that what has already begun with your media will blossom so as to fully transmute any and all xenophobia.
We are at the ready to make contact with your world and we are deciding to take it in baby steps. The earth and it’s population has been through much and we fully honour this. This is why we are letting you know that any introduction to us your star family will be a fully guided affair with all earth personnel firmly at the helm. I have been taking some time out of late in order to prepare for the coming time. Mark was uncertain of channelling his aspect of my energy. We have cleared up this and you will be hearing more from me as developments push on.
There is a snowball effect that has just been put in place by your news conference that has just transpired and this is gathering much momentum already. The mass consciousness still believe in a third dimensional existence although most light workers now operate in a fourth and fifth dimensional experience. The merging of worlds and the lifting of veils is now fully in swing. You will see much in the coming days. We have advised all our lightworkers in the best steps they can take in order to be of assistance but do know that heaven is on your side.
Lightworkers have held the light for much time when it seemed that this day would never come. We have always been true to our mission and we wish you to fully know this. You are very special and we work with you all. I will certainly keep you abreast of all developments. We can tell you that any disclosure of our presence from this point on will be a gentle one. We have no wish to alarm. Goodness knows you have been through enough. Make the most of the equinox energies and of course the 10/10/10 .
Powerful doorways of new love and light are opening the world over and will continue to do so. This is heaven’s contingency plan. You no longer have to do this alone and we wish you to know this the most. You have all done sterling work. Be gentle with yourself and others in all future developments and we will certainly keep you abreast and updated of any further developments. My thanks for your attention and dear friends. I am your friend and brother.