
情緒自由的阿卡莎紀錄 (下)


2010/11/22 16:38


情緒自由的阿卡莎紀錄 (下)

The Akashic Records On Emotional Freedom

Jen Eramith MA11/18, 2010傳訊

訊息出處Akashic Records


翻譯 歡迎轉載




它從來不會完美 也從不會與其他人的舞蹈重複


有一天 你會在感到憤怒時決定自己必須站在情緒之外


而另一天 也許你又在憤怒了 但你發現自己能讓憤怒與當下的反應區隔開

你注意到了憤怒 把它放在你的覺知之下


而是以「更廣泛的、在你有所制約與需求的情境中 有甚麼更大的自決感是最適合的」來做較細緻的反應

當你這麼做的時候 有必要在往後的時間或適合的地方讓憤怒釋放


它以一種持續舞蹈的方式來獲取你的注意 獲取你與他人的溫柔對待




當情緒升起時 總是願意擁抱它

並決定什麼是與至善最接近的選擇 甚麼是在尊重與愛中



當情緒升起時 你的情緒自由之舞處與快速「反應」狀態



悲傷則可以引出沒有力量的感覺 並責怪他人要為你的情況負責

情緒升起得越快 「反應」則越是不得不發的

Emotional freedom only occurs through the process of a dance. It is never perfect and it is never the same from one repetition to another. This is true for your emotions. One day you may feel anger and determine that you must step away from the situation in order to stay in integrity with your highest good. Another day you may be in a similar situation and feel anger again, but find that you are able to hold the anger separate from your response to the situation. You notice the anger, hold it in your consciousness, and make choices about your behavior based not on the reaction of anger, but on a more refined response based on what your larger sense of self determines is most appropriate given the restrictions and requirements of your situation. When you do this, it is necessary to discharge the anger at a later time and in a more appropriate space. Emotional freedom will never be a static, permanent state.

It occurs as an ongoing dance requiring your attention, requiring tenderness for yourself and for others, requiring that you remain awake and alive and open to making choices based on your genuine experience of your emotions. This is flexibility and responsiveness. It is your natural state to be flexible in this way – always willing to embrace your emotions as they arise and to decide what will be in closest alignment with your highest good and in respect and love for the situation surrounding you. One way you might think about navigating this dance is to consider the difference between a reaction and a response. As you are navigating your own personal dance of emotional freedom, consider how when an emotion arises it is quickly followed by a reaction. Anger can lead to a harsh word, either in your mind or spoken aloud; sorrow can lead to a sense of powerlessness and an urge to blame others for your situation. The instant that an emotion arises, a reaction becomes available.



持續地被事件翻來覆去 致使情緒驟變而「反應」





情緒自由發生在雖處於情緒中 但你選擇發展出有意圖的回應

Some people live in perpetual cycle of reaction, continually being tossed and turned by the events that lead your emotions to tumble into reactions. The reason that some people define emotional freedom as freedom from emotions is that it can be difficult to differentiate between your emotions and the reactions that arise from them. Emotional freedom occurs when you freely feel your emotions, but refuse to tumble into reactionary thoughts and behavior. Emotional freedom occurs when you choose to develop an intentional response based on your emotions.


而「回應」則是當感受到情緒時 當那個驅策的反應要升起時

不去放縱自己反應 而回到中心在自己的高我之中

在此處能夠看到更大的圖像 並能維持在自己的完善中



並在周遭尋找線索 聆聽其他人的洞見


透過這些資訊的蒐集 這可能要花幾分鐘的時間 甚至幾天 你才發展出「回應」

你決定了使用甚麼言語或行為來回應 以深深榮耀自己情緒


並以盡可能多的完善成為你的資源 朝向生命目的而行進

A response is what occurs when you feel your emotion, the urge to react arises, and rather than indulging that urge to react you center yourself in that higher part of you that is able to see the bigger picture and maintain a sense of integrity with yourself. That higher part of you – that centered mind – will decide your response. You will collect further information by noticing and embracing the emotion and reaction that arises within you, looking for clues in your surroundings, listening to the perspective of others and considering the position of others using empathy. Through this collecting of information, which can take a few seconds or even a few days, you develop a response. You decide what actions and words you will use to best honor your emotions while staying on course for who you want to be and moving through your life purpose with as much integrity as possible given your resources.





當你允許自己自由地去經驗情緒時 你會發掘在你之內的智慧與力量

There is much more guidance you will receive about how to achieve emotional freedom. The information most important to gain from the Akashic Records regarding emotional freedom at this time is that emotional freedom only occurs when you embrace your emotions – when you allow yourself the freedom to experience your emotions in order to discover the wisdom and power that lies within you! (November 2010)



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