

2010/11/29 22:04




Greetings friends and compatriots,

Are you all feeling empowered? The Earth is currently building with the unstoppable flow of possibility. Creating the new earth is the purpose of all beings on the planet through being open to this great abundant universal flow. As we have repeated in so many messages the new earth is already here. She rests in the fifth dimension and higher. Earth is now beginning to dissolve the third dimension and much of the rest of the planet rests in varying degrees of the fourth dimension. It is through intent that all bridges to your new land are being constructed. The more hearts that focus on this intent the quicker new earth is becoming alive on your blessed planet.



Now as regards first contact with the space brethern. Promises are not made by the galactic presence and then reneged on. There are so many factors that affect contact with the greater universal and multiversal neighbourhood. First contact does transpire however we can say that it is destined to occur once the planet rests in a more comfortable vibration of the new earth. As has been stated by other earth channels the purpose of contact is for one and all to learn about universal law in it's entirety and eternity. It is as stated to reacquaint all hearts on planet earth with the gifts and the reality of the great universal flow.


Many hearts become bogged down in waiting for the fateful day instead of being focused in the reality of the present moment. Focus is extremely powerful and energy is much better spent on using your gifts to bridge with the new earth and to assist this planet and it's population in growing beyond it's current challenges. The creator rests in the heart of each being on this blessed world. This is the essential and unchanging truth of creation. The imagination is a real land of unbounded truth and when intent to create through the imagination is made the natural flow of the universe fully moves into gear with the benevolent intent of the heart to raise the universal vibration for the good of one and all.

許多的“心靈”變得“陷入迷局”,只是單純的去等待這“決定命運”的日子,而忘記了去“聚焦”在“當下”時刻的重要實相中。(譯者注:確實是這樣,許多的朋友都把意識焦點放在“第一次接觸”,而一再的推遲就讓他們“萎靡不振”從而忘記根本的問題其實是聚焦每個人“當下”的狀態。) “集中的焦點”是十分的強大的,能量能夠以你運用自己的“天賦”而更好的與“新地球”共鳴,並且“支持”這顆星球,要知道地球的人口已經超出她所能承受的範圍。“造物主”存在于每個生存在這個被祝福的世界的人的心中。這是必要且不可改變的“創造真理”。“想像力”是一個真實不虛的不受真理約束的工具,當“意圖”去通過“想像”創造就自然的形成了宇宙的流動,全然的帶著“仁慈”進入設置中,意圖去以“心靈”提升宇宙的整體振動,為了個人也是為了全體的“好”。

This earth is already at peace however your world drama still dominates the consciousness of the primary population of planet earth. It is present in it's intensity at this time because you are working and growing beyond the old flow of the world and all that came with that. Your earth is transforming at lightning speed. Your news shifts in focus from drama to drama and it shows that nothing is static on this earth. All is flow. We all your friends invite you to place your intent on bridging this planet and all beings here with that of the abundant land of the new earth. You have already seen the powerful success of the 11:11 activation and once more if enough hearts are doing this bridging work and creating the new earth then this injects a fresh new flow through a growing planet.


You are all forever growing into more of your potential. There is nothing that you cannot achieve. How many of you witness this reality and create from this abundant place? You will find the entire multiversal and universal blackboard being repainted in the divine colour scheme of the new earth energy with more hearts who engage in creation work. Attention and intention are the focus and power behind your generous universe. The invitation to serve is forever present. Your world is expanding now. It is reaching out into creation now and is making contact with many in the multiverse who are assisting this planet in moving beyond it's current state.


As I have said the greatest way you can be of service to your passion and purpose is to look within and focus on giving. Then you have the flow of the universe hand in hand with your infinite nature in order to make unbounded change in your experience. As I have stated the invitation is already present and it is forever this way. I invite you all to reach into your infinity and your imagination right away and begin. Call in the green ray through your crown to settle your ego. Centre in your heart, access your imagination through intent and away you go. It is this simple. I will leave it at this for now. Go forth beloved powerful hearts and create!



My love to you all,





    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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