

2010/12/17 19:09


A Christmas message- LADY NADA




娜達女士(Lady Nada)據說是耶穌的靈魂雙生火焰。她已接管第六道光束,是寶瓶世紀的主導光束。在這道光束下,娜達女士激發古老治療智慧技術的記億,並喚醒神聖的知識。她幫助擁有高度正直的人,去發展直覺與更高的超心靈能量。



The joys of the season behold thee and you on earth who subscribe to Christianity prepare to celebrate the birth of your beloved Christ. Such celebration though promulgated through genuine intent is indeed a fictitious conjure of man based on false information fed to him for many aeons.
節日的喜悅正圍繞著你們,你們地球上的那些皈依於基督教的人準備慶祝你們深愛的基督的誕生日。這樣懷著誠意被宣揚的的慶祝實際上是人們一種虛幻的祈求,它建立在許多世紀來人被錯誤資訊所灌輸的基礎上(真正的基督誕生日不是在西元11225日,而是在西元前8822日,後來1225日 是被羅馬教皇與皇帝法定為耶穌誕生日)。


Regardless of this beloveds, the season has lost its focus as most view it as a celebration of matter rather than spirit. They have cultivated the celebration rather than allow the true meaning to influence their minds and hearts and direct their actions. There is the joy which will abound the hearts of many who have a genuine love for the Father notwithstanding that they have been misled and mist aught the true reason for Christ’s bestowal on earth. Yet their journey has been based predominantly on mistruths and half truths. . Man’s mind remains at this time clouded in the dense fog of misinformation.


The celestial news however, is that this season of earthly celebration should in fact be treated as a celebration of change. This is the Season of change which is upon you now. The change I speak of is a turn over from darkness to light and correction of lies to truth. This is the season when truth shall be awakened in the souls of men that they may turn to their light in a knowing way. Truth will bloom in the light of day as the dark forces diminish in strength and existence.


There is great cause for rejoicing in these times dear ones as the Father has this time bestowed the rank of freedom not only for the earth but also for his children. The very hand of freedom sweetly sweeps upon the sombre plains of your plane of existence. The sweeping up is well under way and when all is cleared to the Father’s satisfaction then you little ones will see clearly again your way.


Let this Christmas season be filled with the echo of freedom for this will be His gift to you. I ask that you free yourselves during this time of all and anything which has inhibited your growth; for to taste the freedom that is at hand requires you to be free within.


The experience will be grander and more meaningful when you are able even in the now to say I AM FREE. Freedom comes from within. It is a state of mind cultured by the measure of your God connected self. It cannot be attained from the realms of matter. Even if bestowed upon you, your ability to enjoy it will depend on the level you have been able to emancipate yourself of the dark elements within, whatever their nature


It is for you beloveds to free yourselves of the inner clutter which causes disharmony and imbalance so that you could enjoy the Father’s bestowal upon you. The light of heaven is very much shining this day on the earth as she is being prepared now for her long awaited freedom. What a happy day this is in our realms dear ones, for what I see for you is magnificent – the accomplishment of the Father’s will for you His little ones. Dawning is so close . You are in the midst of it and cannot truly comprehend the measure of what has already taken place and is taking place currently. The fruits you shall witness with your very eyes. You shall not be left in doubt. Prepare to be elated for this freedom will be like none you have ever known in this incarnation.


Hold on beloveds for the ride is going to get very interesting in the days to come as you witness the hand of God clean and renew and the voice of God speak.


This is my message to you that you may understand that the garment of Freedom is already being placed upon thee.


Forgive me little ones for not wishing you a Happy or Merry Christmas for I desire to keep these times real. The happiness you shall experience will be the wave of relief you experience as Freedom finally hits the shores and not from the festive creations of man during the end of what is an epoch rather that 1 year in your counting.


May your hearts be filled with merriment as this knowledge seeds through to your very being.


I AM NADA and I say that the jewel of Freedom, your greatest blessing has been released.


I bid you tidings of joy at this declaration.






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