

2011/01/18 00:11

(星際聯邦SaLuSa 1月16日訊息


The New Year is underway and there will be plenty to keep you occupied, as the climax to the present changes is coming to a head. Within all of the happenings it will become apparent, that you are experiencing the last of the dark Ones attempts to hang onto their power. They will not change your future or your destiny to ascend which is assured. What will happen is that the events orchestrated by them will show their disregard for human life and their rights. It will result in bringing more people together into the Light, and greater demands for action against them. Thus the continual increase in your levels of consciousness will ensure that there is a response, and you will understand what is taking place. You are advised to keep concentrating on a positive outcome and you will be doing your bit along with ours, to bring an end to all attempts to confuse you and stop your progress.




It is now the time for the Light to become more active around you, and many, many groups of people are banding together to take action. It will commence with small beginnings and gradually escalate into a major force for good. It will have a tendency to draw people together according to whether they have experienced an awakening. Until duality has been overcome, there will always be a degree of difference between groups holding opposing views and opinions, but that is a healthy situation. Without the challenges you would not necessarily evolve, albeit very slowly. With the end times it is therefore possible to go forward in leaps and bounds. Karma can also be cleared more quickly, and unresolved matters will have to confronted before you ascend.




Time is ever speeding up, and it will seem no time at all before this year also passes by. You can be sure it will hold many surprises, and will have proceeded to lay down the path to Ascension. It will ensure that your journey is completed with ease and in an atmosphere of joyful acceptance. At present there is much apprehension around you, but it will not be long before our allies prove their ability to overcome the plans of the dark Ones. You will be the last piece that completes the picture, and then the whole Universe will be ready to ascend to a higher level. That will be the commencement of the Golden Age, which will bring to fruition all you have been promised that accompanies Ascension. A taste of what is to come will start to be manifested before the year is out, but you must make allowance for the amount of work involved to reach people on a worldwide scale.


時間一直在加速,並且在今年之前也是這樣因此看起來似乎是一晃而過。你能夠確信的是它會帶來許多的驚喜,也將已經制定了提升的路途。 它將確保你們的旅程以舒適完成,並且在空氣中全然彌漫著喜悅的氣氛。現在,在你們的周圍有著許多的憂慮擔心,但是,在我們的盟友證明他們的能力並且終結黑暗勢力的計畫之前它不都會維持太久了。你們將是完成整個拼圖之前的最後一個碎片,隨後整個宇宙將會準備好提升到一個更高的水準。那將是“黃金世紀”的開端,它會帶來所有伴隨著揚升而對你們承諾過的成就。那些即將到來的初次體驗將會在今年結束之前顯現,但是你們必須做出認可,為了這些大量的工作,而包含之內的是在一個全球的範圍內觸及所有人的心靈。


Your needs will be totally catered for and we can provide for your whole population. We do not have your difficulties in producing mass quantities, and our source is unlimited. After all Dear Ones, we have had more than ample time to prepare for this stage in your Ascension. You will find that once they start, the changes will come very quickly. We want to deal with poverty and needs that will restore some dignity in your lives, and make you self-sufficient. We have many specialist groups experienced in various skills and expertise, that can handle the most complicated requirements. General pollution will for example be cleared in weeks rather than months, and it is an area that we see as a priority. Health and prosperity will gradually return, and the lack now experienced will be eradicated never to return again.




Whatever progress we make regrettably there will always be some who have become fearsome, because of the gloom and doom predictions. For them it has become a part of their firm belief in a catastrophic ending to time, and events on Earth will seem to support it. However, they will not get worse as the months go by, and by no means reach apocalyptic proportions. Mother Earth must have her say in what takes place and also raise her vibrations, but her purpose is not to cause wanton destruction. The negative energies that have been grounded in the Earth over many centuries must be cleared, and completed before Ascension. Our presence means that we can help to alleviate the extent of any damage, and can offer protection to those who may be affected.




Your weather patterns continue to change and regardless of whether they are natural or man made, they will eventually settle down and become more balanced. The extremes you now experience will become less frequent, and temperatures will be comfortable in all respects. The Earth will be resettled where animals and other life forms are concerned, and beauty will return to areas destroyed by Man. Again these tasks are easily dealt with by us, and the Galactic Federation will place all of its technologies and know how before you. By then the dark Ones will no longer be able to interfere, and will have been taken to places where they have no authority or position of power. They are the architects of their own fate, and cannot escape the consequences.


你們的氣候格局繼續在改變,並且無關于是否是自然產生還是人為的,它們將最終 穩定下來並且變得更平和。你們現在所體驗的極端氣候會很少發生,並且氣溫會在所有的方面變得更加舒適。地球將被重新穩定,這是動物和其他的生命形式所關心的,美麗會回歸到那些被人類破壞的地方。再次這些任務對我們來說都很簡單,銀河聯邦會放置所有的科技,並且知道如何在你們面前呈現。隨後黑暗勢力將不可能再去干擾,將會被帶到那些讓他們沒有權力或是權勢位置的地方去。他們是他們自身命運的設計師,不能逃脫後果。


We admire those of you who have diligently searched for the purpose of life and found your answers. As long as you recognize the hand of God in all that is around you, the truth will soon emerge you are All One. You may not yet fully understand the truth, but in time you will learn much from us and the Masters who will speak with you. You will find that it is you who have created the divisions that exist amongst you. Soon all obstacles that stand between you will be overcome, and you will recognize all souls as your brothers and sisters. The barriers will fall away and you will take each other to your hearts. It is of course necessary to create a climate of full cooperation, and race and color will not be an issue anymore.




I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and looking down at Earth from high above you see the Earth becoming a Planet of Light. The dazzling points of Light coalesce and the radiance is a beautiful sight. Sure there are many dark spots, but they are slowly being transmuted having little power to resist the Light. So it shall continue until the lower vibrations hardly exist, and then you will be near to the end time and Ascension. Every soul will move on according to their level of consciousness, yet all shall find themselves exactly at the level that will take them onto the next stage of their journey. You will have made your choices as to what your next undertaking shall be, and your spiritual advancement will continue. Know that all will be well and God will as ever accompany you wherever you are, and always be your mentor and companion. You are loved beyond your knowing at all times, and will be forever more.



Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.



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